communism was a tragedy, unfortunately - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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By jaakko
Skullers wrote:you should read more Communist literature... a lot of people like to "criticize" Communism without really understanding it...

You're wasting your time and energy. These are people who are certain of their opinion concerning something they don't know about. For example: "I wouldn't like to live in a communist state". You know where it leads if you start explaining why 'communist state' is an impossibility, even as a concept. They are not willing to learn. They are not asking to learn. You explain something or correct some of their misconceptions, and all you get is "Oh yeah? Well how about this ->insert random schoolbook slander<-?". No chance of consistent debate or dealing one issue at a time.
By Din
there is one problem
if it were implemented in smaller countries
(such as ones in the former eastern bloc)
it MAY work
most westerners say that communism was a flash in the pan........
history proves it
80 years IS a flash in the pan compared to most other types of democracy
the marxist countries can now (unfortunately) can be counted of on one hand
communism has failed there is no 2 arguments about it
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By jaakko
Din wrote:there is one problem
if it were implemented in smaller countries
(such as ones in the former eastern bloc)
it MAY work

BS. The first implementation of socialism was done in the great country of USSR, and that was highly succesfull. The succes in the People's Democracies of Europe wasn't possible without USSR and without the co-operation between the countries of the socialist camp (you know their successes, they weren't because of exploitation of other nations).

communism has failed there is no 2 arguments about it

I'm following Marxism-Leninism, not CHRIMEA!

If socialism ever suffered a temporary defeat, that was not in the 1980's but in the latter half of the 1950's. The only country in Europe developing along socialist lines since then was Albania. That was a small country. The outside support they received was minimal. Of course, as compared to the unfavourable conditions, they were relatively succesfull. But had socialism been continued to be implemented in USSR, then by now it would be a bye-bye for capitalism on world scale.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
But had socialism been continued to be implemented in USSR, then by now it would be a bye-bye for capitalism on world scale.

Thats a rather bold statement isnt it? WHere would the world be today if you subtracted all of the tech improvements, medicinal improvements, culture, and knowleged generated by capitalist societies? What did the 'great USSR' offer the world except nuclear missiles and the most oppresive puppet states the world has ever seen.
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By Boondock Saint
I have to second Fox here ...

The fact that you left out the most successful and prolific assault rifle ever made forces me to reconsider your education.

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By jaakko
JT123 wrote:
But had socialism been continued to be implemented in USSR, then by now it would be a bye-bye for capitalism on world scale.

Thats a rather bold statement isnt it?

Yes, but nevertheless arguable.

WHere would the world be today if you subtracted all of the tech improvements, medicinal improvements, culture, and knowleged generated by capitalist societies?

The same could be said of any previous social system, including primitive society, slavery and feudalism. Never have the communists proposed the abandonment of the productive forces of previous societies, or the abandonment of positive aspects of cultures. We are not luddites.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Would you like to do a comparison of the contributions of socialist/communist states, compared to that of capitalistic states? Would it be very even?
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By Comrade Ogilvy
The same could be said of any previous social system, including primitive society, slavery and feudalism. Never have the communists proposed the abandonment of the productive forces of previous societies, or the abandonment of positive aspects of cultures. We are not luddites.

But how do the modern socialist/communist states of the last 100 years compare the modern capitalist states of the same?
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By Comrade Ogilvy
The fact that you left out the most successful and prolific assault rifle ever made forces me to reconsider your education.

Its only used by those who cant afford the 16 :p
By Skullers
Would you like to do a comparison of the number/age/available resources of socialist/communist states, compared to that of capitalistic states? Would it be very even? Socialism was very successful, and QUIT TAKING THINGS OUT OF CONTEXT.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Ok, im guilty. But you must see my point. Capitalism does lead to more advancement.
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By Boondock Saint
But how do the modern socialist/communist states of the last 100 years compare the modern capitalist states of the same?

New flash brother man ... the greatest achievments of the US are on the battlefield. You keep talking about great modern capitalist states ... one can only imagine you mean the US ... cause if I am not mistaken most of the world is socialist in some form or another.

Even Japan is not as capitalist as the US ...

The Soviet Union had a great deal of succuess in the space race ... or perhaps you did not know that?

The Soviet Union had a great deal of success with military technology ... or did you not know that?

Many socialist nations across teh globe provide better standards for all their populace ... as opposed to here in the US where if there is no money to be made no one gives a shit.

Lets look at the blackouts here in the US recently ... they happened because there isnt enough money to be made by improving the system. So why improve teh system? Does anyone give a shit about the people? No, money comes first.

So what is the solution? Provide incentives to private contractors to improve the infrastructure ... what?

Give money to the very companies that refuse to do anything?

I am gonna stop there, my train went around and around ...

I just find your so pro capitalist stance to be funny ... captialism is about money, thats it. I refuse to believe the best thing for mankind is money ... since its not an actual thing, its only a concept. If we could get past this silly concept of money then we would see things ... but we can't so oh well ... but damned if I will sit here and listen to blab on about bullshit acheivements of capitalism ...
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By Comrade Ogilvy
If we could get past this silly concept of money then we would see things ... but we can't so oh well

You just hit the fucking nail on the head!!! Money is the greatest of all motivators. I think we'd all endorse communism if it worked.
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By Boondock Saint
Yes money is the greatest of all motivators for the greedy ...

Can't you see it? Can't you smell it in the air?

It's death ... and its our death I smell ...

We are the fourth reich now. But we are crippled by greed ...

Look at our military ... looks great right?

Well its being replaced on the vehicle level with poor quality vehicles ... trucks that flip over when turning, light vehicles that logistically suck ass, new weapons systems that make no sense ...

All it will take is an agressive competitor like a unified EU or China and all of a sudden our military won't be so impressive.

We have won two recent wars because of amazing tech advances ... bu those tech advances have weaknesses ... and they will be exploited ...

I kind of think of the US as a professional boxer that everyone talks to highly about because he has whooped his opponents so well recently but he hasnt really ever faced a real tough guy in a long time ... and no one really knows how tough his chin is ...
By bach
I kind of think of the US as a professional boxer that everyone talks to highly about because he has whooped his opponents so well recently but he hasnt really ever faced a real tough guy in a long time ... and no one really knows how tough his chin is ...

I have that real tough guy!! well, thats what many in the US intelligence are really worry about, which is China, forget the middle East an the nuclear terrorist, the intelligence community, which really is intelligent, not like people, knows that the middle East is only what economists clalled fiscal policy, and what worries them is China.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Several countries, including China, have collected extensive nuclear and other sensitive information from the U.S. government that has "undercut U.S. policy, security and competitiveness,'' according to a previously secret American intelligence community report.
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By Arkady
Din wrote:a single death is a tregedy million deaths is a statistic~ Iosepf Stalin

Stalin??? you are quite confused mate.
By Din
unfortunately your vocabulary is a little limited..........
chrimea- a fictisious animal that people followed for years to find, it doesn't exist
communnism doesn't exist
socialism does (but it is a ghost compared to what it was in the 60's to the 80's

Communism doesn't work because at the end of the day it is capitalism

communism has only ever worked sucessfully were the PEOPLE democraticaly vote it back into power
North Vietnam
By Din
neway the trucks that flip over only happen in america
god they make crap trucks :p

and a unified EU would only make another USSR but a capitalist version that would crumble in 20 years or less as none of the european countries dare speak out as they would be nuked off the planet by the good ol' US of A

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