1917-2017 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Nineteen hundred and seventeenth...

incidentally the anniversary of the Soviet Revolution! A hundred years ago, an event occurred which changed the history of the world. that 1917 year.

Communism, Lenin and the Sickle. All that was and what happened because of this. Free education, the submarine and the crossing humans with chimpanzees. A century has passed.

I propose to discuss here the events that occurred over a century period of history. perhaps I'll start with catalogue of the most important soviet events 1917-2017.

[Zag Note: Please contain arguments to PoFo, not external sites]
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By MB.
It is interesting to see the "short" 20th century model popularized by Eric Hobsbawm and others evolve into a "sustained" century model. It seems we're not nearly as far away from the nationalist military nightmare of 1914-1918 than "100 years of progress" has suggested. The collapse of the Czarist government, followed by the Soviet revolution, should remain a lesson about the fragility of states under times of crisis and military exhaustion.

The Soviet revolution, so far as I can tell, seems to have been one long disaster for history. By pulling out of the First World War the Bolsheviks enabled the 1918 Michael offensive in which more than a million people were killed. The following Allied-backed civil war in Russia resulted in decades of political chaos in the East, ultimately resulting in the rise of Stalin, followed by the anti-commintern and all of the catastrophes that entailed. During the post-war period, the Soviet empire gradually bankrupted itself while its hypocrisy in denouncing capitalist imperialism but promoting Soviet imperialism in Eastern Europe, East Asia, Cuba and South America could not have been plainer. The collapse of the ideology of marxist-leninism in 1990-1 created the conditions by which the new Russian leadership have been able to consolidate their power, behind a nationalist anti-NATO alignment, that has acted with military force on at least three occasions since 2008 to invade or prop-up its neighbours and global partners.

I can't think of really anything positive to say about the situation over the last 100 years in Russia, except that it was a mess. The cold war, to be sure, required two to tango, but the damage done to national legitimacy, not to mention the environment, has been so profound that it is completely transforming the nature of governance. The Machiavellian political technology that is used today to rule Russia was created by the analysts in the KGB.

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