Finfinder wrote:I don't usually address Canadians on our issues but you are always respectful to me and I like posting with you.
Thanks for your lovely words. You know, I can imagine us arguing over coffee, and having a laugh.
That's how hubby and I usually argue, by trying to make each other laugh whilst arguing.
Obamacare isn't the model I would have liked, but it's better than nothing, and it affords peace of mind. Kids up to 27 drive, and have accidents. Imagine having uninsured kids driving or skiing or... peace mind, peace of mind. Or people ridiculously high pre-condition payments. Eash!
I'll look up the criticism on cost increases.
I'm not sure the Obama care plan was universally loathed. A lot of women protested for years for maintaing/improving health care.
Obama & Biden demonstrably improved your economy after Bush drove it off the cliff. I wish they'd done more to help home owners, rather than bail out banks.
As to the stock market: Just the usual "the rich get richer, the poor can't even play the game' routine, but it adds to the fact that they need more income and health care.
That said was hurricane Sally a hassle for you?
“There are a terrible lot of lies going about the world, and the worst of it is that half of them are true" - Winston Churchill