“I will be able to destroy leftism and leave woke ideology in the dustbin of history." - Page 82 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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skinster wrote:anti-Marxist

As to what is Marxist, I follow Marx...

"It’s possible that I shall make an ass of myself. But in that case, one can always get out of it with a little dialectic."

@albionfagan The Left is progressive. It never went away. It just hides Communism behind a veil of progressivism. The people are self-destructive, since they are trying to mix these things together, under the delusion that it will work. They want Communism with perfect self-indulgence.
Godstud wrote:@albionfagan The Left is progressive. It never went away. It just hides Communism behind a veil of progressivism. The people are self-destructive, since they are trying to mix these things together, under the delusion that it will work. They want Communism with perfect self-indulgence.

@Godstud :

These people are, in the absence of a real Left anymore, the Left by default.

Someone called them " Bioleninists", in that the vanguard of the revolution that ushers in utopia is now those defined as " disadvantaged" by the ideology of Identity Politics. Professional victims, freaks and perverts and morally sick. The degenerate and the confused. The weaponized mentally ill. Really though anyone that isn't a heterosexual or white or male is who they'll try to turn into an incidiary to set fire to the world with.
annatar1914 wrote:the vanguard of the revolution

Pseudo-Scientific Socialism: The Social Epistasis Amplification Model* and Emil Kirkegaard**.



* Dutton E (2017) ‘The mutant says in his heart “There is no God”’: atheism as evidence of high mutational load under conditions of weakened selection. Oral presentation given at the 4th Annual London Conference on Intelligence, London, UK.

** A homophobic Alt-Right crypto-fascist not to be confused with Søren Kierkegaard, an existentialist philosopher and theologian.
ingliz wrote:Pseudo-Scientific Socialism: The Social Epistasis Amplification Model* and Emil Kirkegaard**.



* Dutton E (2017) ‘The mutant says in his heart “There is no God”’: atheism as evidence of high mutational load under conditions of weakened selection. Oral presentation given at the 4th Annual London Conference on Intelligence, London, UK.

** A homophobic Alt-Right crypto-fascist not to be confused with Søren Kierkegaard, an existentialist philosopher and theologian.

@ingliz :

Never heard of them, I'll have to read up on them. I think that the critique remains that the old Left has been replaced with a faux Left that is diseased and ineffectual as far as the original purposes and concerns of the Left go, even working against those original purposes and concerns.
annatar1914 wrote:Someone called them "Bioleninists"

The far-right.

I believe a group calling themselves neo-reactionaries (NRx) coined it first.

Both Dutton and Kirkegaard publish pseudoscientific papers in support of this crank theory as to what motivates revolutionary-leftist thought in Unz-sponsored fake journals online.


* That's the Unz who published The Daily Stormer
ingliz wrote:The far-right.

I believe a group calling themselves neo-reactionaries (NRx) coined it first.

Both Dutton and Kirkegaard publish pseudoscientific papers in support of this crank theory as to what motivates revolutionary-leftist thought in Unz-sponsored fake journals online.


* That's the Unz who published The Daily Stormer

@ingliz :


Yes I don't know of any of those people that you mentioned. I can't speak of their beliefs but I stick to what I said earlier. There is no Left anymore, just grifter frauds and deranged head cases mired in identitarian politics, nobody advancing the interests of normal common working people and their families.

albionfagan wrote:As for the rest, I just don't see it. This 'cancel culture' thing,

Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. People have lost their jobs for being gender critical, there has been some famous cases of that in the U.K.

ingliz wrote:As to what is Marxist, I follow Marx...

No you don't. He wasn't an idealist. Marx was a materialist and wasn't confused about what women are - something you'd have to be if you believe in gender ideology - as he wrote about women and viewed them as a class within a class of our sex class, which only had two sexes, something that has never changed. Marx wrote "being determines consciousness', not the opposite of that, as gender ideology believes. Marx's ideology is scientific and there is nothing scientific about gender ideology, which basically amounts to a cult of wishful thinking based on feelings, and nothing more.

Gender ideology is idealism rooted in the denial of class and so is very useful to the ruling class who promote gender politics, as you have shown already. You "follow Marx" with a promotion of ruling class politics, uh-huh. :lol:
noemon wrote:Kid talks about bi-curiosity and you got the one & only solution for their predicament ready like the Ayatollahs of Iran.

"We will put you in life-long hormone treatment, mutilate your genitals and you will be happier, trust us, 90% of respondents said they were happier during the first year of transition than the last year before that." Sounds like Colgate.

You want to chop these kids up instead of advise them to explore their sexuality and to be happy with their sexual dubiousness.

When they grow up and are certain, they can still opt for the chopping board. But nay, you say. "We will chop them now and chop them good."

You have an insane conception of the medical profession and sexuality in general where people who are cismen and ciswomen who happen to be bisexual or gay can somehow be convinced by arrogant doctors, a profession notorious for having underpaid workers who are only paid in commission, into getting gender affirming medicine and surgery for $$$ from Big Gender, the newest industry.

I don't know what to say to you man. You clearly have an issue with society as it exists. You don't trust teens to tell you, "I feel this way." You don't trust doctors or therapists to say, "Based on how you present yourself and your symptoms, I believe this may be an option for you." You rob the people involved in these decisions of any agency: the children and adults who identify outside of their given gender are fooled by media; doctors are arrogant or driven by profit to rob people of their genitals; and somehow there is a ~larger conspiracy~ involved by the people at Big Gender, who are gunning to make an industry to rival tobacco or alcohol.

It just seems you don't trust anyone or anything that doesn't align with your gut reaction. And I'm sorry, but your gut reaction to individual solutions that may not align with your beliefs seems like a shitty way to run the world. We can talk about medical studies, or the testimonies of people who have experienced life as a trans person, or any number of things and you will dismiss them out of hand because they don't align with your ~gut feelings~

The fuck you want me to say to you when you don't trust anyone or anything? There is no discussion to be had. Your thinking is paranoiac on the level of Alex Jones, and ultimately dismisses the agency of everyone involved in any decision; from the individual, to their healthcare provider, and finally to the CEO of Big Gender who only acts as the emerging gender market demands they do to maximize profit.

What exactly do you want me to say when you dismiss all evidence out of hand and shout about mutilating children? Because you sound like a Q-pilled person going on about adrenochrome, and no argument or any amount of evidence will reach you.
skinster wrote:[your] gender ideology

What is this ideology - Different strokes for different folks?

If this is what all the Boo-hurrah kerfuffle is about, it's a bit short on ideological content.

There's not much there to unpack.

Of course, petit bourgeois ideologues such as yourself, who delight in talking out of their arses, may be tempted to explore their fetishes and fantasies and dump them here, but that is not me.

"being determines consciousness"

You left out the operative word.

It's their social being that determines consciousness.

The mode of production of material life determines the social, political, and intellectual life process in general. It is not the consciousness of men that determines their being, but, on the contrary, their social being that determines their consciousness.

— Marx, Preface, A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy.

Vulgar materialism turns Hegel right side up. Hegel turned 'right side up' yields Feuerbach, not Marx.

the denial of class

You'll be wanting everyone in Mao suits next.

You "follow Marx" with a promotion of ruling class politics

How so? It's you who pits worker against worker.

ingliz wrote:...

or maybe

It's because I care more about a principle - autonomy - than I do about some random idiot who may or may not regret what s/he freely chose to do.

The autonomy of the individual is very important for a natural quality of life. But so is the input and advice of the community around the individual.

In the absence of a healthy, functionning community, the narcissists take over with lies and violence.

Chopping off dicks on the basis of "gender-affirming care" might be an example of violence (dick-chopping) and lies ("we just want to affirm your gender for a few thousand dollars.")
You wear a fez, I don't think you get to talk to people about how they present themselves to society.

You're not even a Shriner in the Masons, you fucking poser.

But please, I'm sure young queers want to hear what an aging gay man in his early 70's has to say about their sexuality. Especially one who speaks colonial pidgin French from when people were passing beaver pelts back and forth. That's absolutely the person who should be lecturing younger queers about how to live their life.

All the young queers, gather round. A man who never got his driver's license wants to lecture you about your penises. No, there's nothing creepy about this, an old man is just very concerned about your penises.

If they are already chopped off don't worry, he will scoop them up and hold them.
Me: So kids, do you know about sex?

Kids: Yeah, uncle fucking faggot.

Me: Ok, good. You kids seem cool. Can I have a cigarette?

Kid: No, I'm not sharing.

Me: That is very cool. I respect you so much.

Kid: Shut up, faggot.

*Qatz is quietly sweeping up chopped off dicks in the back of the room, like a fucking bitch, quietly muttering 17th century Franch swear words*

7 Year Old Boy Smoking a Cigarette: I want to be a girl, like Taylor Swift, you weak little cunt.

Me: And I support you.

*The 7 year old flicks his burning cigarette at my eye and scorches my cornea*

Me: Haha, nice shot. Very good aim.
ingliz wrote:Of course, petit bourgeois ideologues such as yourself


This is the second time you've referred to me as PB, which was hilarious the first time and why I ignored it, and it's hilarious again this time. On what basis am I, someone who lives paycheck to paycheck in a rented room petit-bourgeois? :lol:

You left out the operative word.

It's their social being that determines consciousness.


That word doesn't change anything. It is not what's in our head that makes reality but what is outside of it, which can influence our internal realities. Marx was a materialist, not an idealist and he would've laughed at the nonsense of postmodernism if he had the misfortune to live through it.

You'll be wanting everyone in Mao suits next.

You gender ideologues do ignore class in favour of identity.

How so?

Because the ruling class loves identity politics and so do you. I guess you forgot that part in this thread where you embarassed yourself royally trying to claim I was into the ruling class's identity politics when in fact that is you. You have a short memory, but I don't, not on that one, since it was such a banger. :lol:
skinster wrote:PB

My apologies if that offended you, but I can only go by your posts in this thread, and you came across as the archetypal small shop owner who yearns for the good old days, a Mary Whitehouse watching Sissy Hypno porn 'Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells.'


Ideology is a tool to be used, not an idol to be worshipped.

From your posts, it appears you have forgotten this.

internal realities

All ideologies (even yours) present a deformed representation of reality.

... in all ideology men and their circumstances appear upside down, as in a camera obscura.

— Marx & Engels, The German Ideology

into the ruling class's identity politics

You were and still are.

You do the ruling class's work sowing division and hate, a cultural idealist who cares more about maintaining a suitably 'communist' moral order than supporting fellow workers.


* Why these LARPers believe 'real communists' are celibate warrior priests is beyond me. Stalin at the seminary, perhaps? :lol:
ingliz wrote:...All ideologies (even yours) present a deformed representation of reality.

... in all ideology men and their circumstances appear upside down, as in a camera obscura.

— Marx & Engels, The German Ideology

I "liked" your post for this quote alone, but I remind you that it applies to ALL ideologies, and not just to the ones you don't agree with.

So you have marked exactly zero points against skinster by reminding us of the limitations of ALL ideologies.
ingliz wrote:My apologies if that offended you, but I can only go by your posts in this thread, and you came across as the archetypal small shop owner who yearns for the good old days, a Mary Whitehouse watching Sissy Hypno porn 'Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells.'


It didn't offend me, it's just very funny given...reality. Something I know you struggle with when it comes to your incessant defence for men in wigs and dresses.

Ideology is a tool to be used, not an idol to be worshipped.

From your posts, it appears you have forgotten this.

Also funny. :lol:

You do the ruling class's work sowing division and hate, a cultural idealist who cares more about maintaining a suitably 'communist' moral order than supporting fellow workers.


The shit that comes out of you is hilarious, if nothing else.

Anyway, it's not "hate" if some the majority don't believe in the lie that men can be women and vice-versa, it's just called being honest.
CBC wrote:U.S. conservatives are using Canadian research to justify anti-trans laws

Toronto psychologist James Cantor has testified in 25 cases in the U.S. related to trans issues since 2021

As some U.S. states work to ban gender-affirming care for trans youth, a Toronto psychologist has become one of the most in-demand witnesses called on to question mainstream medical opinion under oath.

On a Friday afternoon in Nashville last October, several hundred people gathered in a plaza near the state capitol for an event billed as the "Rally to End Child Mutilation."...

The unlikely ally

Cantor, who holds a PhD in psychology from McGill University, is in some ways an unlikely ally for the Christian right.

He is gay and describes himself as a liberal atheist and, above all, a scientist.

He compares his alliance with social conservatives to the U.S. and the Soviet Union working together to defeat Nazi Germany in the Second World War: two ideological opposites finding common cause on a narrow issue.

"I don't pretend for a second that religious conservatives are using anything like my kind of thinking to come to their decision [about gender-affirming care]," Cantor said.

"The science just happens this time, on this issue, to be agreeing with the basic idea that transition is generally not the best idea for these kids."



So CBC has decided to label Dr. Cantor "an unlikely ally" because he's gay.

Like much of mainstream propaganda, this articles suggests that the various groups that are bunched up by MSM as 2SLBGT+... are one group that should act together. A band.

I am also gay, and I also think that gender-affirming-care is a way of selling really bad products to a youth market that will regret their decisions... after their monthly payments to Big Pharma are finished.

Interesting concept, this 2SLBGT+. It defines a normal group of heterosexuals... and then throws "everyone else" into a totally fabricated category.

Sort of like the words "goyim," "Wog" and "Infidel."

In all of these words (2SLBGT+, goyim, wog, infidel) there is an attempt to create a basket of deplorables who might be respected and fondled now... but at some future date, the powers-that-be will use these categories to discriminate against a broad category of people.

Israel is currently using Arab-Palestinian-Hamas-Islam as an invented category to teint an entire group of unrelated people with some criminal flavor. How much longer until 2SLBGT+ meet the same fabricated fate?
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