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Tainari88 wrote:@Rich who do you think should be running for PM in the UK? And why?

I'm not going to attempt to answer that, as I don't think I've got anything useful say in those terms. In terms of the next election i will probably end up voting Liberal Democrat as they are probably the best hope of getting proportional representation although they betrayed us in 2010.

And would you marry someone without thinking about what ethnic group, or background they might possess?

Well I've never been keen on marriage, regardless of ethnic group, but as to long term intimate relationships and having children, ethnic origins has not been and would not be a consideration. I guess the two most important things for me are physical attraction, followed by spiritual connection. There are of course many things that can effect physical attraction and I know the second point sounds very airy-fairy, buts that's the best way I can put it into words.

BTW, it is an extraordinarily beautiful day in Mexico over here. Birds singing, the sun shining, the sky is blue and everything feels like perfection. It is hard to be in a bad mood with that eh?

Indeed while many in the world have good reasons to be unhappy, for many of us I don't think there's never been a better time to be alive.
Last edited by Rich on 13 Feb 2024 17:28, edited 1 time in total.
Rich wrote:I'm not going to attempt to answer that, as I don't think I've got anything useful say in those terms. In terms of the next election i will probably end up voting Liberal Democrat as they are probably the best hope of getting proportional representation although they betrayed us in 2010.

Well I've never been keen on marriage, regardless of ethnic group, but as to long term intimate relationships and having children, ethnic origins has not been and would not be a consideration. I guess the two most important things for me are physical attraction, followed by spiritual connection. There are of course many things that can effect physical attraction and I know the second point sounds very airy-fairy, buts that's the best way I can put it into words.

Indeed while many in the world have good reasons to be unhappy, for many of us I don't think there's been a better time to be alive.

Wow, liberal democrat? They betrayed their voters back in 2010 eh? None of these politicians are very consistent are they in the UK? A bunch of flighty types I would say. Nothing solid.

Physical attraction and then spiritual connection eh? A typical heterosexual male. That is you. Men tend to fall for what they see in their eyes first. They should be focusing on the ugly girls with tremendous warmth, loyalty, a sense of humor, a really good head on their shoulders, and the ability to have excellent ethics, etc. But no....they go for the women who look good and then they find out the package is rotten when it is too late to undo the damage. Though there are men who are lucky and get everything from the very beginning eh? I can predict one thing Rich, the likelihood of you meeting some Puerto Rican, Cuban, Mexican, Venezuelan, Salvadoran, etc woman in that part of England you live in is probably ZERO. Most people have to make do with the local women. Unless they are crazy and get some mail-order bride of unknown motivation for marrying some Englishman. You are smart to avoid marriage in general. You do not need it to be happy.

I still wonder about @Potemkin and why none of those Scottish women locally ever snapped him up. I think that entire UK scene for socializing is very dead. They should have more people socializing there in general. Too many people stuck in their homes and no one meets anyone of interest to them on a personal basis.

You know your last answer? Is the one that resonates a lot with me now. Nothing has ever been better for me than NOW. I have a beautiful home, a healthy son that eats a lot of food and asks me to cook all the time to feed that belly of his. Beautiful things and art. Economic stability. Time to be free to do what I want to do. Time for building friendships that are worth one's time. And time to help others who need help and service from you.

I can't be unhappy. Sure, there are things I need to work on here. But? That is life eh Rich. ¿No todo es perfecto. Es mejor tener algunos retitos eh? ¿No crees Señor Rich?
I recall @Rich getting excited about this Biden impeachment inquiry in the house. They just indicted the person that supposedly had "evidence" for falsifying statements.

Anyway, when are the Maga-tards on pofo going to realize how much thy are being played?

When are MAGA-tards going to realize what an existential threat TRump, MAGA, and the entire spineless Republican party are. The Republicans party gave its balls to Trump/MAGA. What a bunch of fucking pieces of shit.

Then round and round we go with retard-MAGA conspiracy theories, because they can't understand the world, and their pussy little emotions and insecurities take over.

The pieces of shit that claim patriotism and the flag the most, are the biggest treasonous pieces of shit.
Rancid wrote:How bad has gerrymandering been between 2020 and 2024? This is the one thing that could give Trump an edge. He will certainly use the popular vote, but he could still win given how well Republicans have manipulated the system in their favor.

That party also has no problem installing dictatorship if they could.

Gerrymandering applies to congressional districts though , not the Electoral College . The only way that this might possibly be relevant could be in the few states that aren't winner takes all. But even Ohio , where I reside , which has been heavily Gerrymandered , is not like that .
Rancid wrote:I recall @Rich getting excited about this Biden impeachment inquiry in the house. They just indicted the person that supposedly had "evidence" for falsifying statements.

Anyway, when are the Maga-tards on pofo going to realize how much thy are being played?

When are MAGA-tards going to realize what an existential threat TRump, MAGA, and the entire spineless Republican party are. The Republicans party gave its balls to Trump/MAGA. What a bunch of fucking pieces of shit.

Then round and round we go with retard-MAGA conspiracy theories, because they can't understand the world, and their pussy little emotions and insecurities take over.

The pieces of shit that claim patriotism and the flag the most, are the biggest treasonous pieces of shit.

Welcome to fascism in the USA 101. Lol. For me that is what fascists and neo fascists are.

Lies, conspiracies, guns, and hatred towards almost everyone that is not white, Protestant, male and Anglo, and so on....spineless fearmongering little cowards.

But? the US is about these people MAGA types in power.

Sometimes it is very tiring dealing with them and or that mentality all day Rancid.

It is best to not think much about them. Just work on organizing and contributing to make changes happen. It is the best anyone can do.
Deutschmania wrote:
Gerrymandering applies to congressional districts though , not the Electoral College . The only way that this might possibly be relevant could be in the few states that aren't winner takes all. But even Ohio , where I reside , which has been heavily Gerrymandered , is not like that .

Fair enough. It does give Republicans a better chance at taking the house though.
Rancid wrote:Fair enough. It does give Republicans a better chance at taking the house though.

So are Republicans still willing to continue the arms blockade for internal reasons even after Navalny is dead? Don't forget, a lot of Republicans did personally meet Navalny during conferences and so on. Must feel horrible inside for them considering they knew the guy and supported him and now MAGA making them stand down when they know they need to respond. :lol:

They probably feel like scumbags inside after this.
Rancid wrote:Doubtful. These politicians care more about their power.

It doesn't work that way, they are also humans in 95% of them. Even Trump gets hurt by commentary and he is an extreme case that is more thick skinned than most.
JohnRawls wrote:It doesn't work that way, they are also humans in 95% of them. Even Trump gets hurt by commentary and he is an extreme case that is more thick skinned than most.

Maybe, but I don't think these people give a shit. They are pretty used to lying and pretending to care about so many things. What's one more thing to forget about, or sweep under the rug, or pretend never happened?
JohnRawls wrote:It doesn't work that way, they are also humans in 95% of them. Even Trump gets hurt by commentary and he is an extreme case that is more thick skinned than most.

@JohnRawls you have to realize that most of these people have no real principles they live by. They will never for example stand on a principle that requires them to live in poverty, or be unemployed for a long time, or lose something they highly value.

You find out a person's character when they have to lose something very important to stand by a principle or a value that the society is going to punish with loss of money, loss of prestige, loss of position, loss of power and loss of property.

Trump will be very upset if he loses ALL HIS MONEY. Can't get a bank loan. If he is barred from his presidential pension due to corrupt convictions or dishonorable behavior. And he has to live on social security in some middle class blah home. His kids broke, and him broke. That would BREAK him.

Meanwhile a person who is used to living on next to nothing and has always stood by their principles and those are tested by some powerful group trying to bribe your ass to give up your values...and you say no to them. They get pissed and threaten with violence, bullets, and your head getting blown off or your bank account being overdrawn and you having a hard time making barely enough to eat with PhDs and super intelligence and skills, but blacklisted for years because you refuse to lie and fake that you believe in something you know is a lie?

Those are the ones who get sunk in human history. All the time. The con artists always get to keep their loot.
Rancid wrote:Maybe, but I don't think these people give a shit. They are pretty used to lying and pretending to care about so many things. What's one more thing to forget about, or sweep under the rug, or pretend never happened?

That is the issue with them Rancid.

They get used to lying their asses off. The government background people are used to deposing democratically elected leaders in the Middle East, or in Latin America or Africa. And replacing them with puppets and they torture a lot of people behind closed doors in black sites. They do not give a shit about human rights or democracy. They solve their need to control something with those lack of principles and they get very used to behaving that way. And then they wind up doing it domestically when they should never do so. But once something is effective and it becomes a habit? You keep it within your repertoire of trying to cope with dissent.

Chickens coming home to roost.

Habits you practice eventually take over many parts of your daily life. If you get used to beating your wife up or your kids in order to let off steam from a hard job and the boss can have power over you? But your wife is powerless and so are your kids...and you are a bastard horror of a man with no principles to speak of? You go for the weakest link in the chain for relief.

Rotten value governments full of cowardly spineless politicians are not any different than that Rancid.
wat0n wrote:So Trump was found guilty in a civil fraud trial in NY. Will this damage his prospects among independents?

Who knows how long he can kick that shit back from paying for years probably. But? It might mean he is going to be hurtin'. Independents might not care one way or other. The Repukes should have had a second string candidate that can be there if Trump is not a good choice.

Tainari88 wrote:Who knows how long he can kick that shit back from paying for years probably. But? It might mean he is going to be hurtin'. Independents might not care one way or other. The Repukes should have had a second string candidate that can be there if Trump is not a good choice.

There is a go fund me to help the "billionaire" pay for this.

I think you are right, independents have probably already made up their mind on Trump either way. Unless some of them haven't been paying attention until now.
So Trump has installed his picks into the RNC. Laura Trump stated that all the money from the RNC will go into getting Trump elected. If true, or mostly true, this means that other down ballot Republicans will be starved of funds. This could hurt Republican chances of keeping the house. They already have a very slim majority. A majority that has become even smaller since 2022 due to scandals an retirements.

Santo's seat was flipped to a Democrat just last week.... A red district flipped. Republicans should be thinking hard about what is going on at eh RNC (they won't).
Last edited by Rancid on 18 Feb 2024 17:46, edited 1 time in total.
Rancid wrote:So Trump has installed his picks into the RNC. Laura Trump stated that all the money from the RNC will go into getting Trump elected. If true, or mostly true, this means that other down ballot Republicans will be starved of funds. This could hurt Republican chances of keeping the house. They already have a very slim majority. A majority that has become even smaller since 2022 due to scandals an retirements.

Let them spend all their money on saving that asshole Trump's ass. The MAGAs can go and mortgage their homes trying to get that fucking pathological liar elected.

Biden has to withdraw from Gaza ASAP and not spend a penny more on Israel. Netanyahu is going to be a pariah in the region and so will the USA if they wind up allowing tens of thousands of Palestinian children starve to death and die of treatable injuries.

Biden's policies on Latin America are generally poor and terrible. Obama believed in lifting the embargo on Cuba and Biden has the very same intelligence. He is not following Obama's policies on Cuba because he is allowing that stupid shit to continue isolating Venezuela, Nicaragua and any government in Latin America that is running from neoliberalism and bad foreign policy on the part of the USA.

Claudia Sheinbaum is going to get elected in Mexico in about four months. Xochitl Galvez from the PRI is going to LOSE.

Claudia is even tougher on neoliberal shit economics from the USA than AMLO was and Claudia Sheinbaum studied in the USA and speaks nearly perfect English. If some Kamala woman or Biden or Trump wants to strongarm Mexico with border shit and wanting to do a military invasion of Mexico to supposedly catch terrorists and Narcos and make Mexico keep 3 million migrants in Mexico and feed them and have to hear them say the Mexicans pay too low salaries when Mexicans get paid the same at the ones wanting to cross the USA? The Mexicans feed mass amount of Latin Americans Rancid. I mean MASS amounts. Hondurans, Colombians, Venezuelans, Cubans, Argentineans, Chileans, Bolivians, Peruvians, Ecuadorans, Salvadorans, Nicaraguans, mass amounts of Guatemalans here in Yucatan too, etc. Dominicans as well.

That means giving them work permits, finding them temp housing, and giving them a right to work. I see them everywhere. Mexico gets complaints. They (the immigrant Latin Americans) want HIGH WAGES and better opportunities than Mexican low wage shit can give them. They all want to go to the USA.

The USA is a paradise of wealth and cushy living. That is the belief they are running to. Is it? The Mexicans are the next door neighbors of the USA and have mass amounts of relatives living there. They pick up the cell phone and call their cousin Jose Gonzalez in some city or town in Mexico and say to them in Spanish, ´Things are looking bad over here Manuel. No one is making money. Rent is too high. It sucks. I am sending you $500 dollars. Sock it away in Banamex and I will be home in two years. I should have enough to get a pension bought for, and a house paid for and set up a corner store by then in my hometown. The American Dream sucks.¨ CLICK.

That is how it is. But the other immigrants are stubborn. They think they have a shot. The Chinese immigrants are smarter. They come with college degrees, English, computer skills and about at least six months worth of savings for lawyers and emergency funds. A good cover story of being oppressed by communism. And they also got seriously reduced approval for visas. From 2.5 million approvals to some shitty 170,000. So it is not looking up for them either.

Good luck for the asskissing Indian first generation types like Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy pendejos.

They can work the ra ra racist Southern Baptist crowd. I really find it all disgusting.
Rancid wrote:So Trump has installed his picks into the RNC. Laura Trump stated that all the money from the RNC will go into getting Trump elected. If true, or mostly true, this means that other down ballot Republicans will be starved of funds. This could hurt Republican chances of keeping the house. They already have a very slim majority. A majority that has become even smaller since 2022 due to scandals an retirements.

Santo's seat was flipped to a Democrat just last week.... A red district flipped. Republicans should be thinking hard about what is going on at eh RNC (they won't).

Rancid wrote:@Tainari88, when are you going to bring your riches back to America? You don't enjoy watching poor people suffer?

Bring my riches back to America? Lol. Please. The USA does not use the funds it does have wisely and they get tons of surplus value profits from the Latin American people that live and work there. Millions of Latinos working for peanuts for generations building the USA's wealth, to then have a pathological racist fuck liar like Trump talk about rapists and bad hombres and the stupid people clapping frenetically all that shit.

If the USA can't be frugal and intelligent with my taxes why should I invest my life savings in that society full of shit. Almost killed my older son five times with racial profiling, and other incidents that sure did let me know I was not valued AT ALL.

Latin America has serious economic problems, really nice people, and they can benefit from my presence here. Everyone likes me here. All of them are vouching to the Mexican immigration office that I should become a Mexican citizen. Lol. I ain't rejected here as a bad hombre or mujer, a dirty Marxist freak, and some other horror of neo conservative ignorant MIERDA. No, your son comes from a deprived environment because you speak Spanish at home. Poor little Third World person. That patronizing racist shit is DONE and I am DONE with it.

I am taking the money that survived bad moves from others in the USA due to greed out of control....and invested it in Mexico. The BEST decision I have ever made so far. ;)
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