Trump Indicted for Jan 6 - Page 24 - Politics | PoFo

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By Rich
ingliz wrote:No, the Clown - Sorry, the Communist - Party of Great Britain CPGB-ML asked its members to vote for Nigel Farage.

I had a friend at the beginning of the nineties who was a member of the CPBML, Communist Party Britain Marxist Leninist. Not sure what happened to them. I think there was another organisation at the time called the CPGBML.
SpecialOlympian wrote:RFK running as an independent is funny because the only people supporting him are loud, conservative voices and assorted cranks. He will peel off more GOP voters than democrats.

What is your assessment of people that still support Trump?

It is now reported that he gave away secrets on nuclear submarines to foreign nationals.
skinster wrote:...Dems always blame a third party whilst simultaneously pretending they're into democracy and never ever looking at why many have little to no interest in supporting their corrupt warmongering party. Latter can describe the other wing of the so bird too, before "Democratic" dorks start calling communists lovers of Republicans. :D

Once again, I don't want to look like I favor either of the mainstream parties in the USA.

It seems to me that right now, BOTH PARTIES can easily laugh at how corrupt and decadent each others leaders are. It's almost as if they find the increasing decadence and lack of democratic character "funny and heart-warming."

Both major parties:

"Look at how stupid we have made the American people who, each election cycle, get to argue about which crook that corporate America tosses them ... is the best for their identity politics. The only question they ask themselves before marking their virtual ballots is, 'Which criminal gang has marketed to my identity-politics niche the most effectively.' "

American politics needs to be indicted by... the largest jury in the country.

The difference is akin to Meyer Lansky and Frank Nitti. Both criminals, but with Meyer, you knew what you were getting. Nitti could go off on one at any time.

Who would you rather have as your boss?
ingliz wrote:@QatzelOk

The difference is akin to Meyer Lansky and Frank Nitti. Both criminals, but with Meyer, you knew what you were getting. Nitti could go off on one at any time.

Who would you rather have as your boss?

You mean the real Frank Nitti or the Hollywood version of Frank Nitti? Lol.
ingliz wrote:The difference is akin to Meyer Lansky and Frank Nitti. Both criminals, but with Meyer, you knew what you were getting. Nitti could go off on one at any time.

Who would you rather have as your boss?

ingliz, if this is the only option that a thousand years of freedom and democracy has provided, I can see why the world's "dictators" should be laughing at us and all our freedom to choose between the criminals that are offered to us by the 1%.
Potemkin wrote:You mean the real Frank Nitti or the Hollywood version of Frank Nitti?

The Hollywood version of Frank Nitti.

Major Crimes of the last few POTUSes:

the Mises Institute wrote:President George H. W. Bush launched a war on Iraq without congressional authorization. That is illegal according to Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 of the Constitution, the set of rules Bush swore an oath to uphold. President Bill Clinton did the same, overseeing illegal military operations in Somalia, Serbia, and Iraq.

President George W. Bush conducted warrantless surveillance on American citizens, which is illegal according to the Fourth Amendment, and committed torture, which is prohibited by Section 2340A of Title 18 of the United States Code. His administration also launched undeclared, and therefore illegal, wars in Afghanistan, Somalia, and Iraq.

President Barack Obama conducted more illegal wars in Libya, Syria, Pakistan, Mali, and Yemen. In many of those wars, Obama expanded George W. Bush’s policy of giving support to al-Qaeda, which is treason according to Article 3, Section 3 of the Constitution. Obama also ordered the assassination of an American citizen in Yemen who had not been tried or even convicted of a crime. The Sixth Amendment makes that illegal.

Combined, these illegal wars have killed millions of people. They are appalling crimes of which Trump is also guilty. His administration continued the wars in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, and Yemen despite his running on a more isolationist foreign policy. Yet he’s not being charged for any of that. The crimes he’s facing charges for are far less serious, but they are more unique to Trump.

The author contrasts there very serious crimes... with the crimes that Trump is being indicted for.

In New York, Trump is charged with mislabeling some business expenses during the 2016 election. In Georgia, he’s charged with conspiring to overturn an election prosecutors claim he knew he’d lost. Federally, he’s charged with claiming to have won an election he allegedly knew he’d lost, which prosecutors say incited the riot at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. He’s also charged with keeping classified documents after leaving office and conducting a “scheme to conceal” them from the federal government.

By refusing to bring charges against Trump that could also be brought against the presidents they like, the political class has shown that its aims are political. If they were committed to the rules that they swore an oath to uphold, they’d have to indict many of their own. And if they genuinely believed that nobody exists above the law, they’d have to give up a whole lot more.
QatzelOk wrote:I can see why the world's "dictators" should be laughing at us and all our freedom to choose between the criminals that are offered to us by the 1%.

Dictatorships are more efficient.
Tainari88 wrote:The USA did Manifest Destiny. They went on a stealing rampage that lasted at least one hundred years. Lol.

They stole it from Native American tribes, and they stole the labor of Africans for another couple of centuries. They stole labor for building the railroads in the USA linking the Atlantic with the Pacific and the Panama Canal Zone.

They went to war with Mexico to take half of the Mexican territories. Invaded Mexico City and occupied it and nearly decided to rule Mexico. They found it too onerous a task because ruling a bunch of Roman Catholics being Protestant and Anglo, and the Mexicans Indians, and Roman Catholics with a dense population density and enormous resistance in general--plus the man in charge of making the decision of keeping all of Mexico was a Roman Catholic Irishman who respected the religious affiliations of the Mexican state and just said, no thank you. They gave up on that endeavor. But they did steal literally California, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico and a big chunk of Texas completely. Half of the national territory of Mexico. They stole and expanded all over the place. The invasions of the big three Caribbean islands of Cuba, Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico were all invaded and wrested from a weak Spanish crown. So were the colonies of Spain in the Pacific such as the Philippines, Guam and other little islands. ..

Trump is a fraudster, conman, and he is the epitome of every American Manifest Destiny battle cry bullshit in the world. The Biden side are a bunch of neoliberal pro business freaks with no real national loyalties either. So the USA unless it gets its working people to wake up and take control? Will wind up burning its money, resources and power on protecting some elites that have no real national loyalties.

The truth is that nationalists do draw the line protecting their nation. But the neoliberals and the Trump types are a bunch of fakes.

And they are what a nation full of violent takeovers are going to get. Fakers.

What you have described had been the objective of a secret society , the Knights of the Golden Circle , who had been part of a conspiracy to expand the United States into Latin America , and thereby create a slavery based empire. This activity even lead up to the Civil War . I fear that there could likewise be yet another civil war sometime in the near future , in events continue the way that they have been going. , , , ,
Rancid wrote:@Rich what's going on with the impeachment of Biden?

Is Biden going for another four years or is he going to say I am tired. I think I will let the other power hungry types to have a shot at the big chair eh?
Rancid wrote:What is your assessment of people that still support Trump?

It is now reported that he gave away secrets on nuclear submarines to foreign nationals.

Nobody cares about the state secret shit. It affects literally nobody aside from nerds at the Pentagon.

But if you still think Trump stands for the people you're a fucking moron of the highest caliber.

Just imagine Trump visiting a Midwest kitchen, or bathroom, or any home that's not coated in gold. He'd roast you like Joan Rivers mocking people's choice of dress on the red carpet. Because that's what he is, a definitively New York phenonemon: a straight New York Queen. Catty, bitchy, petty, and everything about being the most femme gay man to ever live but he's never had sex with a man.

Imagine that photo where Hillary saw a Midwet kitchenette rental unit and she was all like, "Wtf, is this how Americans live?" but times a thousand.
QatzelOk wrote:You are writing as if the two major parties are legitimate, and the third party is just a spoiler.

In fact, the two major parties are both owned by the same corporations now, and if the American people want to stop Fascism, they will have to look elsewhere.

Of course, the American people would have to be able to identify fascism before they can hope to stop it.

Shut up, nobody cares you Quebecois turd.

Imagine I put the video here where John Candy explains, "If you're going to tell people why Canada sucks, you have to do it in French too. So the retards can read why our country sucks."
SpecialOlympian wrote:Shut up, nobody cares you Quebecois turd.

Imagine I put the video here where John Candy explains, "If you're going to tell people why Canada sucks, you have to do it in French too. So the retards can read why our country sucks."

I hope the writers' strike ends soon so this kind of high quality social commentary can find a broader audience.
skinster wrote:

He is back.

You know they shot that movie in Estes Park, Colorado. I went to the hotel it was shot in. It was very interesting.
QatzelOk wrote:I hope the writers' strike ends soon so this kind of high quality social commentary can find a broader audience.

It's been over for like a month now so thank you for your timely commentary, Quebecois turd.

Please, man who speaks 18th Century Peasant French, share more of your opinions on American politics. Especially the ones on why RFK Jr. isn't a joke candidate that nobody takes seriously.

Didn't your entire congress just give a standing salute to an actual nazi and praise him for his service? This seems like weak footing for taking a stance on a union strike when your entire government bent over backwards to praise a geriatric nazi.

Maybe the Israelis should establish a working partnership with Canada, since Canada seems to have no trouble summoning nazis to their congress. Or parliament, whatever you losers call it.

Literally one of the last nazis that could actually be living at this point, lmao, and your government found them and gave them a standing ovation. Canada did what the Israelis can't anymore because they retired their Nazi Hunter unit: track down a nazi and give them a wet, sloppy, blowjob.
SpecialOlympian wrote:...Literally one of the last nazis that could actually be living at this point, lmao, and your government found them and gave them a standing ovation...

And yet not one of our political classes was indicted for this.

It was generally understood (and explained by mass media) that it wasn't their fault if they don't know any history or politics.

Likewise, it's not Trump's fault that he's a grifter who has all his "politics" handed to him by organized crime. Just like Biden.
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