The Best Policy Reform Documents To Date - Politics | PoFo

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Author Interview:
Turning the Tide on Crony Capitalism

In the book Better to Best: Novel Ideas To Improve Governments, Economies, and Societies, Duke Johnson and Ting Tsu Yu offer fair and fresh terms for society in general, and money users in particular.

The short book takes an hour or less to read, yet several more to digest. Note that this presentation's plethora of new visions are intentionally contagious. Group discussion is advised.

"Better than capitalism, communism, consumerism, and whatever type of current-cronyism the people have been dealt, compassionism is the best proposed solution to income inequality, and can't be claimed as unfair. Specifically, X-Cents is a simple currency insurance plan that could be instituted overnight, yet may even be better-than-present for most currency systems. Creator Currency Octaves however is the best monetary system for every money user in general. Challenge offered, propose a better way, rather, the new best way!" -Ting Tsu Yu

Along with updating the political system, which may over-shadow the currency ideas, Better To Best aims to deliver a Compassionate Meritocracy, and leaves readers wondering "why not?" about the social restructuring plans that "just make sense" from the perspective of a freedom-claiming nation.

Duke Johnson notes, "Prison and harsh street life should be obsolete by now, and could be with these ideas, but more so, the proposed society re-zoning plan based upon age and choice could deliver peace and prosperity to most, in perpetuity, where under-adult-age areas are the most secure, then offering adult-only zones with more freedom than current which self-organize with a transparent feedback loop."

"Ideas can be planted like seeds, and lit like candles that spread like wildfire. Generations may pass before significant change takes form, yet rapid transformations are usually due to stressed, ruptured systems that force people to adapt."

"Eliminating poverty is a stated goal, and you'll be hard pressed to find any economy that couldn't improve with either X-Cents or Creative Currency Octaves implemented properly. Given responsible policy making, CCO could be introduced relatively simply due to Universal Basic Income provided as a complementary currency, that is, in addition to any present fiat-based system such as Dollars,Euros, Pesos, etc. This balances basic minimums and creative rewards through fractalized collectives, not central banks, to where the primary currency remains untouched, aside from the invisible hand of the market."

Of the many powerful quotes in the book, three in particular stand out. First, who is Chort Cellars?
"Its a pun-reference to those who owe more on their home loan than they can sell their house for, those people are said to be upside-down on their home's mortgage, or short sellers who attempt to negotiate fresh terms. Also worth note, (mort) translates to death, and (gage) to grip, so the banks literally claim debt on pieces of paper called death-grips. It's obvious I'm economically anti-current-establishment, but anarchy is too far gone a viable solution concerning responsible civilizations, so X-Cents provides an insurance policy for improving order, if chaos ensues."

Next, Walter Sobchak, "If you will it, it is no dream." is this the character from the Coen Brothers film The Big Lebowski played by John Goodman, quoting Theodor Hertzl?
"Yes indeed, the character invokes a powerful image and pitches perfect delivery for spot on notation, and given the presented material, the quote just fits. It also adds a soft humorous edge, keeping things light and memorable given the, at times, dry subject matter. For those familiar with the film, would you rather abide or achieve? The most correct answer is probably both, depending on the way."

Finally, the book's dedication to the First Amendment of the US Constitution powerfully introduces readers to what they're about to consider. Is this a slight to the current press industry toted as fake news, or integrity-challenged, given these potential solutions being largely ignored by the main stream media conglomerates for years, and more so, revolutionary ideas being sup-press-ed by the shadow control apparatus?

"Those who present better ways of doing things are usually opposed by those operating the current systems, sure. Look what happened to Bernie Sanders, who should be president. He was cheated in 2016 by a corrupt political party who hoodwinked what most patriotic Americans hold sacred- a fair democratic process. Some even seemed more upset that The Russians were somehow able to tip the scales for some semblance of a karmic balance rather than par-for-the-course corruption at the highest levels of U.S. Politics."

"All the while the press seems to have achieved their goal in diminishing Sanders' vision for healthy revolution because somehow if they continue to repeat "Bernie can't win," and ignore mass-rally-support, then The Will of The People either obeys or becomes forced by the machine-driven hive-mentality no matter how despicable the inverted crown, because who's gonna stop them? It's apparent higher TV ratings from locker-room-talk and gossip-journalism translates into more money for Conglomerated Peoples, and less equality for The People, so why rely on the media's polling and bias when an open democracy is so easily imaginable given new technology and a Tree of Democracy? Four Branches of government, roots and all, that's what's proposed."

Duke adds "That said, upon finishing the book, hopefully readers will be reminded that most significant change comes from fresh ideas and people declaring a dedication to a better way, such as the U.S. Founding Fathers and the English authors of the Magna Carta who went to war for revolution. Given my genuine assertion that "every money user can benefit from these ideas, yet no one will lose," is surely a difficult prospect to oppose. Absurdly, what many corrupt Wall St. financiers fear most, is fairness-for all."

"Fair offers for change aren't easily erased. Once a critical mass acknowledges a prime idea seed has been planted, it grows into being apart of society's collective consciousness through discussion, share-ability, and ideally- implementation via trial-and-improvement. Systematically ignoring powerful solutions may manifest an elephant-in-the-room the size of Ganesha (Hindu God of New Beginnings,) even if the Grand Ole Party's room mascot is a red elephant."

The Blue Print article that begins the book proclaims to the new generation, and every subsequent generation: "You have the tools! (Assuming the internet at current or better capacity) Add ambition, organization, and dedication to reap the liberating rewards of a better way!"

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Here's to improving Our System until The Way becomes the best, but better.
-Royal Griffin Publishing

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