Texas Six Week Abortion Law - Page 18 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
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Drlee wrote:Frankly neither do I. At the end of the day I will be fine. And FWIW I would have to check with my accountant but I may not fall into the category covered by this break.

As you know I have been a HUGE advocate for increased wages for workers. I actually favor a fairly draconian tax system similar to what we had in the 60s because I believe high tax brackets favor workers. Not the opposite. If we had 90% tax brackets with comparable deductions similar to the 1960's we would not be looking for money for infrastructure right now.

As you also know I am for universal, single payer, government sponsored health care. You may remember that I recently posted about how 50% of Americans can't afford a one bedroom apartment on the salary they are paid for full time work.

I am a fiscal conservative and social libertarian. I see the need for higher pay for workers as a solidly conservative position to take. I see it as the best way to keep our markets relatively free. The current situation is unsupportable and it is just a matter of time until we get what most conservatives fear. (Rightly or wrongly.) A much more socialist system. (And no I do not see anything anti-free market about a single payer health care system. Not any more than I see the need to avoid privatizing the military.)

You see SO I see strong gun control laws regarding who and where they may be carried as essential to preserving our second amendment rights. I have said this for years. And look at the polls. Most Americans are for stronger gun control laws. If we don't change our ways, we will be like Australia in a few years.

But thoughtful conservatism has been hijacked by this fascist/ nationalist group that is running my party now. Fascism is the best way for powerless bullies to get power.

I hate to break it to you, but the only one that thinks you are a conservative is you :lol: . And this is not an insult btw.
I hate to break it to you, but the only one that thinks you are a conservative is you :lol: . And this is not an insult btw.

No offense taken.

I am an old time Republican. As I said, a social libertarian and fiscal conservative. Remember that MLK was a Republican also. Nixon was a conservative who proposed a guaranteed annual wage, universal health care and stood up the EPA.

It is not that I am not a conservative it is that the people claiming to be them these days, aren't.

Of course I know that I am what would pass today as a moderate at best. I get that. What I refuse to do is let the opposition call themselves "conservative" unopposed.

Here are a couple quotes from undisputed conservatives considered far right in their day. (Until the 1990s)

“The amount of money and of legal energy being given to prosecute hundreds of thousands of Americans who are caught with a few ounces of marijuana in their jeans simply makes no sense - the kindest way to put it. A sterner way to put it is that it is an outrage, an imposition on basic civil liberties and on the reasonable expenditure of social energy.”
― William F. Buckley

“A Conservative is a fellow who is standing athwart history yelling 'Stop!”
― William F. Buckley Jr.

“Conservatives should be adamant about the need for the reappearance of Judeo-Christianity in the public square.”
― William F Buckley Jr.

“A good debater is not necessarily an effective vote-getter: you can find a hole in your opponent's argument through which you could drive a coach and four ringing jingle bells all the way, and thrill at the crystallization of a truth wrung out from a bloody dialogue - which, however, may warm only you and your muse, while the smiling paralogist has in the meantime made votes by the tens of thousands.”
― William Buckley

“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”
― Barry Goldwater

“as the public grows more and more cynical, the politician feels less and less compelled to take his promises seriously.”
― Barry M. Goldwater, Conscience of a Conservative

“But the framers were not visionaries. They knew that rules of government, however brilliantly calculated to cope with the imperfect nature of man, however carefully designed to avoid the pitfalls of power, would be no match for men who were determined to disregard them.”
― Barry M. Goldwater, Conscience of a Conservative

“Surely the first obligation of a political thinker is to understand the nature of man. The Conservative does not claim special powers of perception on this point, but he does claim a familiarity with the accumulated wisdom and experience of history, and he is not too proud to learn from the great minds of the past. The first thing he has learned about man is that each member of the species is a unique creature. Man’s most sacred possession is his individual soul—which has an immortal side, but also a mortal one. The mortal side establishes his absolute differentness from every other human being. Only a philosophy that takes into account the essential differences between men, and, accordingly, makes provision for developing the different potentialities of each man can claim to be in accord with Nature. We have heard much in our time about “the common man.” It is a concept that pays little attention to the history of a nation that grew great through the initiative and ambition of uncommon men. The Conservative knows that to regard man as part of an undifferentiated mass is to consign him to ultimate slavery.
― Barry M. Goldwater, Conscience of a Conservative

"You do not have to be straight to be in the Army. You have to shoot straight."
Drlee wrote:No offense taken.

I am an old time Republican. As I said, a social libertarian and fiscal conservative. Remember that MLK was a Republican also. Nixon was a conservative who proposed a guaranteed annual wage, universal health care and stood up the EPA.

It is not that I am not a conservative it is that the people claiming to be them these days, aren't.

Of course I know that I am what would pass today as a moderate at best. I get that. What I refuse to do is let the opposition call themselves "conservative" unopposed.

Here are a couple quotes from undisputed conservatives considered far right in their day. (Until the 1990s)

"You do not have to be straight to be in the Army. You have to shoot straight."

It does not matter. Terms evolve. 200 years ago if you said you were gay, that meant you were an easy-going care free person, today it means you like people of your own gender. You are not a republican anymore. Republicans don't consider your points to be aligned with them, and the rest of us don't consider you a republican anyways. It's time to come out of the closet :lol: (pun intended =))
Drlee wrote:

The quotations are almost entirely all *non-political* in content:

“The amount of money

Okay, this *one* is political, since it's pro-civil-liberties reformist.

“A Conservative

In-house characterization.


In-house political marketing.

“A good debater

In-house anxiety-mongering / political marketing, to effect electoralist participation.

“Mark my word,

Rhetoric for factionalism / in-group out-group dynamics.

“as the public grows


“But the framers

Historical characterization / in-group out-group jockeying.

“Surely the first

Philosophizing, with anti-monarchical populism touchstone.
At the end of the day people are getting rich off of the desperation of workers who don't have much of a choice about wages.

Here we go.

Common America! You can do it!

Sometimes unpopular laws need to be passed! Roe V Wade was unconstitutional, it needs to be gone.

Personally I believe they will put the power back in the states hands and make it a state decision.

I believe the court will decide that Republican states have the right to deny and criminalise abortion, since the state voted for the Republican Party in a democratic vote and that's what the majority of voters, by association, want.

I believe they will probably also rule that Abortion is still technically legal, since you're free to travel interstate to get one. Pro-choicers should put their money where their mouth is and donate for them to travel. It will still be legal to get safely...... So don't worry about "backstreet abortions", that won't be a problem. Just start a charity for them to go interstate.
@colliric's attitude and view is typical of Incels and misogynists. They want this:

The only poll that matters is Republican VS Democrat. If you voted Republican, you voted against abortion, since the party's position has been Pro-life for decades.

@Godstud it's called Democracy. You might want to go and read about it. Texas is Republican. They have every right to enact Republican Party policies. That's democracy. Abortion will remain legal in other states... So the whole "unsafe abortions" argument is complete crap. They'll just have to go interstate. And you can pay for it for them Godstud. Start a non-profit and put your money where your mouth is.
@colliric Yes, you woman-hating twat, women can pay for transport to see a doctor in a neighboring state, unless someone finds out in which case the taxi won't take her there and the bus won't either, as they can be considered complicit in a crime.

Have you travelled a few hundred miles to a different state? Do you think everyone has tons of money lying around for medical procedures in different states?

Fuck off, you Incel misogynist!

Texas is a democracy? Most people wouldn't support this law, you cretin.

Planned Parenthood already exists, you piece of shit. I don't have to start a non-profit organization, as one's already there.
Last edited by Godstud on 23 Sep 2021 11:25, edited 1 time in total.
colliric wrote:Abortion will remain legal in other states... So the whole "unsafe abortions" argument is complete crap. They'll just have to go interstate. And you can pay for it for them Godstud. Start a non-profit and put your money where your mouth is.

Wow it's almost like the bill is lazer focused on punishing poor women.

Like how are you so fucking dense and moronically partisan that you instinctually understand the hypocrisy inherent within the bill and still hold it up as good and right and just? Like what the fuck is wrong with you?
Last edited by SpecialOlympian on 23 Sep 2021 11:26, edited 1 time in total.
@SpecialOlympian Incels always want to punish women because they're such big losers. We have a couple of the stupid fucks in this forum.
The bill doesn't matter because you can still pay to get an abortion. All it does is make it more expensive. So, overall, a good bill that accomplishes its stated goal: abolishing abortion.

How the fuck do you say that with a straight face unless you just hate women really, really hard? Man, I can't believe the guy who brought up spermjacking as a real issue that must be addressed is fine with abortions so long as they're really expensive and require interstate travel.

colliric wrote:I believe they will probably also rule that Abortion is still technically legal, since you're free to travel interstate to get one.

This makes zero sense considering the SCOTUS would be ruling on one state's laws and, for some reason, taking into consideration the laws of other states in that case to prove abortion is still legal in the state that outlawed it. Do you ever think about what you type out on this forum?
Godstud wrote:@colliric Yes, you woman-hating twat, women can pay for transport to see a doctor in a neighboring state, unless someone finds out in which case the taxi won't take her there and the bus won't either, as they can be considered complicit in a crime.

The trick is not to tell anyone about your travel. It's not a crime if they don't know the purpose of your transportation.

Have you travelled a few hundred miles to a different state? Do you think everyone has tons of money lying around for medical procedures in different states?

As it so happens, I have had to travel interstate, literally for 2 medical 1hour APPOINTMENTS with someone that was interstate back in WA. I'm not telling you for what. See how you can just plain hide things! I had to go interstate 3000km for a bloody medical appointment, so they can go interstate for their surgery. Especially with your help, donating for their trip.

Had to turn it into a short holiday, which I needed anyway at the time.

I went 3000km, they only have to go a few hundred.

Fuck off, you Incel misogynist!

Texas is a democracy? Most people wouldn't support this law, you cretin.

Most people support the Republican Party in Texas and they know they voted for the Pro-life party. Would have to be idiots if they didn't expect this.

Planned Parenthood already exists, you piece of shit. I don't have to start a non-profit organization, as one's already there.

Planned Parenthood is going bankrupt.

@SpecialOlympian it's called being realistic. I am hoping they get rid of of Roe V Wade, but I know they probably won't. They'll absolutely gut it and then say it's still technically legal.

GLASS HALF FULL is better than nothing!
Fortunately, there is at least one Texas doctor who is still performing abortions right now.

Yes, he is being sued. By two people.

No, it is not stopping him, since he is rich and can afford good lawyers.

It is worth noting that neither of the people suing him even live in Texas, States rights is also being ignored.

He is probably going to take this to SCOTUS if he has to.

https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/9/2 ... an-is-sued
I wonder if they are going to publish it when the first people die trying to do their own abortions or by doing chemical abortions without medical assistance.

@ckaihatsu They are trying to make abortion pills illegal, too.

Fuck Texas and the patriarchal/misogynistic assholes who made up this horrid law, and those who support this criminal law in any way.
Godstud wrote:
I wonder if they are going to publish it when the first people die trying to do their own abortions or by doing chemical abortions without medical assistance.

@ckaihatsu They are trying to make abortion pills illegal, too.

Fuck Texas and the patriarchal/misogynistic assholes who made up this horrid law, and those who support this criminal law in any way.

Yeah, I saw that, somewhere.
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