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Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
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There is a difference between a human rights violation like this one and a crime.

This is a civil offense, since it was a workplace incident. So it governed by common law (or the civil code if it had happened in Quebec) and not the criminal code. This is why the restaurant in your example was punished and not the people who actually did the misgendering.

This is the second time I have had to explain this case on this forum in a thread in which you are participating.
Pants-of-dog wrote:There is a difference between a human rights violation like this one and a crime.
You routinely conflate the two. You call any situation where a trans person is a victim of violence as a hate crime, when you haven't a fucking clue about what the crime involved.

@Rancid Misgendering is where, if you wore a dress and wore makeup, and I still think you looked like a man, and mentioned to someone that "He wants a pizza.", when you are identifying/pretending, to be a woman. I have made a capital hate crime against you and now have assaulted you. it's a hate crime and I must go before a human rights tribunal to pay for the fact that I observed a verifiable fact.

Any time people live in the real world, it makes them RIGHT-WING.
It's true. Police, by virtue of being servants of the government, are too invested in the ideology of identity politics to be able to be unbiased, so even if the crime is not related to hate... it is. That courts are enforcing gender ideology demonstrates that your claims are lies.
Godstud wrote:White privilege is BS. Your belief is not supported by reality. Privilege exists but it has no colour or race. Real privilege is linked to CLASS and wealth.

Just because people are given opportunities does not mean they take them. Lucky people are usually just people who took advantage of opportunities that presented themselves to them. Many risk-aversed people don't do the same.

So you must have been given your Masters degree. Doesn't that make you feel ashamed of your privilege?

Honestly mate, what are you on about?

I am a white privileged hetero male in a patriarchal society and that is bleeding obvious. As are my children, despite the fact of being mixed and slightly more brown than others.

There is simply no comparison and I am grateful for this.

Being handsome, white and male, opens doors everywhere you go. Even in the grey offices of an asshole bureaucrat, one is treated differently openly and shamelessly than the female next to you and no comparison with a brown or black person who is treated like a nuisance.
noemon wrote:I am a white privileged hetero male in a patriarchal society and that is bleeding obvious.
I am not buying into the victim trope.

White privilege doesn't exist. The "patriarchy" is as real as the mythical wage gap between men and women(debunked a thousand times over).

noemon wrote:Being handsome, white and male, opens doors everywhere you go. Even in the grey offices of an asshole bureaucrat, one is treated differently openly and shamelessly than the female next to you and no comparison with a brown or black person who is treated like a nuisance.
Being handsome and well dressed is what opens the door, and not your sex or skin colour. "Pretty privilege" actually exists, as does class privilege.

There are people who are racist and sexist, but the systems aren't.
Godstud wrote:I am not buying into the victim trope.

White privilege doesn't exist. The "patriarchy" is as real as the mythical wage gap between men and women(debunked a thousand times over).

Being handsome and well dressed is what opens the door, and not your sex or skin colour. "Pretty privilege" actually exists, as does class privilege.

There are people who are racist and sexist, but the systems aren't.

I don't know mate, a lot of people still do not see "black" or "brown" as pretty(even if they objectively are beautiful) and most people and mostly women do not see other women as deserving their attention as men, not even pretty women.

And that is what people call systemic racism and privilege. Some of us noemon people(.ie people who think about things in their heads) have overcome this but 99% of the global population are not such people but idiots who can't even be bothered to think. In their minds, ideas of beauty and good manners are reserved only for those privileged few, who mostly happen to be handsome white men.
noemon wrote:I don't know mate, a lot of people still do not see "black" or "brown" as pretty(even if they objectively are beautiful) and most people and mostly women do not see other women as deserving their attention as men, not even pretty women.
Who are these people? Some of the most famous supermodels are black and brown. Preferences are not racist. If a person prefers not to date Asian or Black women, then that's a preference. Not everyone thinks SE Asian women are pretty.

noemon wrote:And that is what people call systemic racism and privilege.
That is why I disagree with you and dismiss this claim. People's preferences for redheads, black women, or slender women, etc., are preferences.

noemon wrote:Some of us noemon people(.ie people who think about things in their heads) have overcome this but 99% of the global population are not such people but idiots who can't even be bothered to think.
:D Some of us Godstud people think about things in our heads, as well. Yes, some racism exists in this world, and people say and do racist crap or sexist, all the time. People of all races and both sexes, do it.

noemon wrote:In their minds, ideas of beauty and good manners are reserved only for those privileged few, who mostly happen to be handsome white men.
:lol: Well, I'm not, and I haven't met any people like that in my entire life. Therefore, I dismiss your opinion, as being simply anecdotal evidence.
Just for the record, a "noemon person(anthropos)" is a very popular & widely used phrase in everyday life in Greece. "Are you noemon or not(.ie an idiot)?" is the most PC way of calling someone else stupid without getting punched in the face. Hence why I chose it for a nickname here.

The British Black lady and guy who racially profiled, mistreated and manhandled my totally brown wife(who is a supermodel) instead of me in Gatwick airport last year, are not evidence that racism is universal, it is evidence that white privilege and racism has infested their own Black minds too.
noemon wrote:Just for the record, a "noemon person(anthropos)" is a very popular & widely used phrase in everyday life in Greece. "Are you noemon or not(.ie an idiot)?" is the most PC way of calling someone else stupid without getting punched in the face. Hence why I chose it for a nickname here.
You learn something new every day.

noemon wrote:The British Black lady and guy who racially profiled, mistreated and manhandled my totally brown wife(who is a supermodel) instead of me in Gatwick airport last year, are not evidence that racism is universal, it is evidence that white privilege and racism has infested their own Black minds too.
Or just maybe they were dicks. I've encountered asshole TSA officials and airport officials. This isn't an example of white privilege or racism, however.

People say racist things, every day, but that does not make them truly racist unless they always act in that way that is racist. Your anecdote only shows that some airport officials are assholes. I'm sorry that your wife had to deal with that.

You are aware that the random checks are actually random, right? A light comes up that they have to do a security check someone, and it's not based on anything other than that.

On one of my first trips to Thailand I was pulled aside and searched, and the dog sniffed my carry-on luggage, looking for drugs. Where was my white privilege? :?:
Godstud wrote: Or just maybe they were dicks. I've encountered asshole TSA officials and airport officials. This isn't an example of white privilege or racism, however.

It is when their dickness is applied to 'people of color' particularly.

You are aware that the random checks are actually random, right? A light comes up that they have to do a security check someone, and it's not based on anything other than that.

On one of my first trips to Thailand I was pulled aside and searched, and the dog sniffed my carry-on luggage, looking for drugs. Where was my white privilege? :?:

You can call it an anecdote to dismiss it but I think you know me well enough to know that I wouldn't be saying an anecdote if that experience was not particularly egregious, nor would I be saying these things about white privilege if I did not have a lifetime of privileged experience.

It is indeed the popular idea of beauty that complicates things. How a person treats another is defined in a split second of contact. If what they saw in this split second was something they like, they treat you well, if not they treat you indifferently or just bad.

Decades of white male heroes in movies, white tycoons, footballers, white formula drivers and so on and forth has imbued the entire global population with white male ideas of beauty, to the point that even Black and Brown populations treat White people better than they treat their own. This is so widespread, it's not even funny mate.

It is changing rapidly indeed as mixed people and people of colour have turned some of the tables, but these ideas of beauty remain imbued in the brain. It will take a lot of race-mixing, coloured heroes, and time for that to be overcome.
Godstud wrote:@Rancid Misgendering is where, if you wore a dress and wore makeup, and I still think you looked like a man, and mentioned to someone that "He wants a pizza.", when you are identifying/pretending, to be a woman. I have made a capital hate crime against you and now have assaulted you. it's a hate crime and I must go before a human rights tribunal to pay for the fact that I observed a verifiable fact.

I see. What if you call a group of people "guys" in a gender neutral way. Is that a hate crime? I do that occasionally at work... fuck... am I going to get fired? :eek:

I'm going to agree with @noemon and say white privilege does exist. The fact that some white people don't even realize it, is a privilege in itself. Also, Noemon, another category would be business leaders.

noemon wrote:to the point that even Black and Brown populations treat White people better than they treat their own.

Agree with this as well. You see this back in the DR as well.

noemon wrote:It is changing rapidly indeed as mixed people and people of colour have turned some of the tables, but these ideas of beauty remain imbued in the brain. It will take a lot of race-mixing, coloured heroes, and time for that to be overcome.

Indeed indeed.

Personally, I think everyone should fuck everyone until we're all brown. :)
Rancid wrote:

Personally, I think everyone should fuck everyone until we're all brown. :)

Long time ago, a particularly stupid Southern politician tried to start a racial monitoring scheme.

Everyone would get tested, and "one drop" of Black blood was enough.

Then someone who wasn't an idiot whispered in his ear that most of the South had more than a drop of Black blood...

@Godstud, @noemon

Here's an example I've experienced on more than one occasion in the workplace.

I'm the boss, I'm the most experienced in the room, and I'm the knowledge expert on the subject the meeting is about. I have a white colleague with me. Relatively new to the field and subject of the meeting, less experienced, not the boss. However, the people in the room that want to understand the subject area by asking an expert questions, will continuously look at and direct questions at the white person that knows little/nothing, instead of the non-white actual expert in the room. Very awkward for everyone. The white dude is constantly looking towards me to step in and answer the questions which he can't (understandably). The other people in the room keep asking this dude the questions even though it's clear they should be talking to me. It's like this weird social buffer being created. Like I'm a dragon that cannot be talked to directly or something.... Now, who knows if this is some racism or something, but it's weird that I've experienced this kind of shit in different ways many times over the years.

BTW, I've seen this happen with women too. They are not taken seriously in a context like this, even though they should be. This kind of shit happens for sure, it's just hard to document and quantify, because it's so easy to brush it away as so many other things.
noemon wrote:You can call it an anecdote to dismiss it but I think you know me well enough to know that I wouldn't be saying an anecdote if that experience was not particularly egregious, nor would I be saying these things about white privilege if I did not have a lifetime of privileged experience.
That's not an argument. You saying you have it, doesn't make it so. I suppose maybe living in a place where most people were white and living in poverty for almost 20 years might make me ask, "Where is the white privilege?".

noemon wrote:Decades of white male heroes in movies, white tycoons, footballers, white formula drivers and so on and forth has imbued the entire global population with white male ideas of beauty, to the point that even Black and Brown populations treat White people better than they treat their own. This is so widespread, it's not even funny mate.
You do know that that's changed, right? There are black male heroes in movies. There are black tycoons. There are black footballers(NFL and FIFA). The best F1 driver in the last decade has been black. Some of the most beautiful women in the world are black/brown, and this isn't a recent thing. Hollywood is dominated by brown women who are called the most beautiful people in the world. This has been the case for the last 2 decades, at least. I'd say it goes back to the 80s.

noemon wrote:It is changing rapidly indeed as mixed people and people of colour have turned some of the tables, but these ideas of beauty remain imbued in the brain. It will take a lot of race-mixing, coloured heroes, and time for that to be overcome.
Only for a very few. Preferences exist, as well, and those usually individually based.

I have seen too many mixed marriages, in the last 20 years, to think otherwise. I'm in one. Most of my friends are in them, even in the whitest damned city in Canada(redneck Edmonton). Aside from some isolated locations, this is a norm, now.

I will agree with you that racism isn't GONE. It exists. It's still everywhere, but it's isolated. (I see it when someone notices I am married to an Asian woman, and then start the whole mail-order bride comments.) Sexism exists, too. This comes from men AND women. It's not ingrained, however, in society(i.e. Patriarchy/Matriarchy).

It is not, a systemic problem. There are few laws or policies left in the Western world that actually discriminate against people on the basis of sex or skin colour. It's more of an individual problem. Some people are bad, and judge others on their experiences, no matter how limited those experiences might be. As you well know, it doesn't take but one of those people to ruin your day, however.

@Rancid You can very much FEEL that white privilege exists, but that does not mean that it actually does. I don't doubt that in some rare circumstances, it might be present, but I don't think this is a societal thing, as you'd like to imply.

In the DR it's probably due more to a CLASS and wealth situation, than based on race. It's present in Thailand, as well. Movie stars and models are VERY white. It's a beauty standard. White skin being a sign of wealth and prosperity(i.e. They don't work in the sun). That said, black people are seen as VERY attractive, by most Thai people. I could not tell you why. :?:

Rancid wrote:Personally, I think everyone should fuck everyone until we're all brown.
I'm cool with that, too.
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