Pan-Europeanism - Politics | PoFo

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The main idea behind the Pan-European Movement is to promote positive identification with Europe among Europeans, thus countering divisive anti-EU populism. We see the nations of Europe as belonging to a diverse, pluricentric civilization that has existed in varying forms since Classical Antiquity. We consider the European Union to be the main political heir and bearer of this civilization. We do not adhere to a certain ideology, but orientate towards the following broad principles:

Enlightenment Values – We believe in a secular, democratic, pluralistic society that upholds individual freedoms and rights, gender equality, freedom of religion and the rule of law.

Centrism – We believe in moderate politics; a reasonable balance between liberalism, socialism and conservatism. We reject both the far-right, the far-left and all other parties that want to destroy Europe’s peaceful unity.

Pan-Europeanism – We identify with Europe, her peoples, culture and history and we take pride in our civilization’s accomplishments for humanity. We acknowledge that our European identity goes hand-in-hand with national, ethnic and regional identities.
Despite our outspoken pro-European stance, we do criticize the EU for the current gap between the ‘elites’ in Brussels and ordinary European citizens. We acknowledge that the EU has an ineffective, dull, politically correct, bureaucratic image. With a history so crucially important and a culture so rich, we are astonished that the EU seems unable to promote itself in a more effective way. That is why we decided to help out and present a strong and positive image of the European Union and European civilization at large

Moreover, unlike many EU leaders, we intend to address frankly the controversial but important issues of our times. We point at the dangers of Radical Islamism, not only in the form of terrorism but also as an ideology that is diametrically opposed to the values of the Enlightenment. We call out the Russian regime for what it is, namely a far-right dictatorship and reject its backers inside the EU that are found both on the right and the left fringe of the political spectrum. We acknowledge that mass immigration from outside of Europe has led to tensions, segregation and the rise of anti-EU parties. We believe European societies cannot take in unlimited numbers of migrants and therefore advocate for a stricter immigration policy for the entire EU.

In the eyes of many, the word ‘Europe’ today seems to stand only for bureaucracy, economics and endless tolerance. We think that more and more citizens will feel disenfranchised if Europe continues to be seen this way. We are convinced that Europeans need an emotional connection with their political community in order for it to function properly. Where anti-EU parties have been using emotion in their attempts to divide us for years, we will now start using emotion trying to unite us. In more provocative terms: we intend to fight populism with populism, but ours will be the populism of the reasonable centre. We believe this is the only way forward.
By Decky
Britain is free and the rest of Europe will follow. The EU is far more of a dictatorship than Russia is. Putin has approval ratings that any western European leader would kill for and you call him a dictator? Who voted to be ruled by the European commission?
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By Dr Cosmo
Excellent thread.
Now, that Britain entered a dark age of racism and the US turning to a neo fascist president,
EUrope is probably the last hope for human dignity, freedom and peaceful prosperity.
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By Potemkin
Now, that Britain entered a dark age of racism and the US turning to a neo fascist, Europe can be the last hope for human dignity, freedom and peaceful prosperity….

Best of luck with that Fourth Rei-, er, European Union thingie, chaps! :up:

Even though we've decided to sit this one out for now, I'd just like you to know that I'm still rooting for you. If and when your glorious Rei-, er, the EU conquers the world, could you see your way to appointing me Gaulei-, er, Governor of Great Britain? I would be absolutely loyal, I promise. Toodle-pip! ;)
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By Dr Cosmo
If the EU conquers the world, the first thing happening is to make Britain a democratic state like the rest of the members.
Means: Monarchy and House of Lords probably has to wave good bye. ;)

BTW, Europe (the EU) has never conquered.
It was so appealing and promising that every new participant joined freely. Simply irresistible ….
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By Potemkin
BTW, Europe (the EU) has never conquered.
It was so appealing and promising that every new participant joined freely. Simply irresistible ….

Indeed. Amazing how they all fell for it, isn't it? Your plan worked perfectly! Ze foolz! :up:
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By Frollein
Italexit in two weeks' time!!! :excited:
By foxdemon
My initial reaction to the OP was one of inspiration. Such noble words and uplifting ideals. Then I thought a little more about it. Would such a system, based on notions of the nobility of the human spirit ( well, at least the European examples of it, anyway), really produce the outcome their advocates proclaim?

The two political systems Europe has produced that can point to a demonstrated history of success are the Venetian Republic and the British Westminster system. Both were designed more on the idea of creating an accountable system within which two groups of dirty rotten scoundrels could work with each other in good faith. Pessimism toward the human spirit seems to produce a more realistic and thus function political system than uplifting and noble appeals to our better nature.
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By Albert
I'm a Pan-European. But what OP wrote is disgusting.

EU, in the way it is conducted, is no way a good project to unify Europe. It promotes a lot of liberal progressive values that deteriorate fabric of society, actively seeks to destroy different cultural identies, also floods EU with non-European migrants promoting that as an example of its progress.

PEM, all I want to say, if you are a Pan-European, what on earth is wrong with you.
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By fuser
We do not adhere to a certain ideology, but

Centrism – We believe in moderate politics; a reasonable balance between liberalism, socialism and conservatism. We reject both the far-right, the far-left and all other parties that want to destroy Europe’s peaceful unity.

lol it didn't take much for a plural non ideological society to crumble, it happened in mere span of two sentences. :lol:
Read the quote again: a reasonable balance between liberalism, socialism and conservatism. In other words: we appeal to people from all ideological directions as long as they are somewhat moderate.

And to those who claim to be pan-Europeanists, but want to destroy the EU: don't be foolish! If you disagree with the policies of your government, it this not mean that you want to dismember your entire country. Why would this be the case on a European scale? We clearly state that we are against mass immigration from Asia and Africa. We disagree in many ways with the current leadership of the EU, but this does not mean that we want to destroy the peaceful unity we have built since WW2.

Europe is under pressure from many directions: radical islamism, mass immigration, and anti-European parties from the far-left and far-right that are supported by the Russian dictatorship. Plus we have really incompetent, politically correct people running the EU who seem unable to counter these threats and promote Europe in a strong way.

We want to say: there are still people who believe in a free and united Europe, who believe in Enlightenment values, but who, at the same time, reject political correctness, who do not want to see their country and their continent being flooded by non-European immigrants, and who are sick of cultural relativism and self-hatred. These people are proud of their city/town/village, their region, their country and, indeed, the greater civilization to which it belongs.
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By Frollein
We want to say: there are still people who believe in a free and united Europe, who believe in Enlightenment values, but who, at the same time, reject political correctness, who do not want to see their country and their continent being flooded by non-European immigrants, and who are sick of cultural relativism and self-hatred. These people are proud of their city/town/village, their region, their country and, indeed, the greater civilization to which it belongs.

Yep. Right-wing extremists, the lot of you. How can you oppose the flooding of Europe with non-European immigrants when social democrats, Greens, the churches and empress Merkel herself have decided that we need to be given "new people" in order to become more "colorful"?

You don't have the liberty of self-labeling. Labeling is done by the state via the MSM. Have you been living under a rock?
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By fuser
Read the quote again: a reasonable balance between liberalism, socialism and conservatism. In other words: we appeal to people from all ideological directions as long as they are somewhat moderate.

I am reading this newspeak perfectly well, everyone is welcome only if they agree with your set of views. Just speak it out loud, everyone does it rather than pretending that your views truly respect and welcomes everyone, its utter nonsense.

Europe is under pressure from many directions: radical islamism, mass immigration, and anti-European parties from the far-left and far-right that are supported by the Russian dictatorship.

So basically its everyone's fault except for the people who actually are in power. :eh:
The PC order has been rapidly crumbling, especially since Trump got elected. Less and less people care about being labeled one thing or another. Germany might be one of the last bastions of political correctness in Europe and the Western world.
Everybody is welcome to support us. There is no membership involved. We just want to make clear that we reject the far-right and the far-lect because they are aligned with the Russian regime that wants to destroy Europe's unity.

About who's fault it is that Europe is under threat: the EU leaders are clearly criticized in the same paragraph, which you conveniently forgot quote.

Plus we have really incompetent, politically correct people running the EU who seem unable to counter these threats and promote Europe in a strong way.

By not quoting this sentence, you shows a tendency towards self-hatred, a tendency which we just criticized. It used to be only a tendency by people on the left during the cold war. These people were always anti-western and supportive of all kinds of dubious regimes and groups: the USSR, China, the PLO, the Khmer Rouge. Today its both the right and left which show this tendency. Both support Putin and both always want to blame the West for all world problems.
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By Albert
I see where you are coming from. You want to return to liberal roots of Europe before this modern progressive liberalism took over. Im okay with that and can support it. It is a better vision then what we have today. I'm just weary of your virtue signaling. Of things like "moderate" and with Russian boogeyman again. Russia is not a dictatorship, a guided democracy at best, but it has taken to liberal system at it core.

It just seems to me that your view is not fully developed yet. But you come from right direction, so I can meet you on common ground in this regard.
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By Mercenary
PEM wrote:Read the quote again: a reasonable balance between liberalism, socialism and conservatism. In other words: we appeal to people from all ideological directions as long as they are somewhat moderate.

How idealistic of you to suppress opposing idealism.
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By Mercenary
All your silly factions are meaningless to the success of Europe. Politics is all about protecting special interests. Your welfare is dependent on how useful of a servant you are to your masters.
Dear Albert, I'm glad we can agree on some points, but if you think Russia is not a dictatorship, i suggest you develop your own views more. We are talking about a country were journalists and politicians are murdered on the streets and which invades its neighbours. Russia is actively trying to bring down the European order by propaganda and by financing the far-right and far-left. Russia even created a so-called Eurasian Union which is meant to be a kind of non-liberal alternative to the EU. Us supporting moderation in politics is no virtue singal, its just a rejection of self-destructive extremism from both fringes of the political spectrum.

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