Feminism And Women sex Objects - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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So there is one irrefutable fact about feminism. It is a disease that looks through a distorted rosy lense. It is all about emasculating men in any way possible.

To that end, feminists are the only one who are calling sexy women a sex object, nobody else is. Only feminsits.

That is because they seek to take away the power and the elegance of the sexu woman and take them away from men.

That is irrefutable.

Feminism is not about eqwual rights or fair treatment in any capacity.
I imagine by that object thing the 'feminsits' are taking issue with the use of women as symbols of status, means to manage property and a patrilineal family line, a display piece to help sell something, the exaggerated depictions in art, etc. and whether this contributes to a culture of rape, slut shaming, and conservative family attitudes.

So basically, nothing that entails feminsits disempowering women. Why do reactionaries always think they're being emasculated, btw?
What an interesting musing, Iron Ant. Let me see if I got this straight. Feminists, under the influence of a rosy lens, have issues with sexy women and masculine men and it is an irrefutable fact that they don't want the sexy women and the masculine men to get together. This is a result of disease.

Meanwhile, the fair treatment and equality talk is just a ruse to distract the sexy women and the masculine men from noticing the feminists' efforts to decouple them.

I'd like to hear some more of your irrefutable facts!
It is all about emasculating men in any way possible.

Feminism has literally nothing to do with emasculating men. If you feel that your masculine quality is being snatched from you by unimpressive Western modern feminists, it is likely that you were never much of a man in the first place. Liberal-egalitarian feminism is, on the other hand, more about redefining femininity in masculine terms: as a pointed example of this, we can look to when people say (and some have even said so on this forum) that being a mother is something not worth pursuing, since it is 'obviously inferior' and is 'at the bottom of the social ladder'. Inferior to what: being a father? Note that what is being discussed is not stay-at-home mothers. This form of liberal individuo-egalitarian feminism seeks to collapse any distinction in gender roles - as though to suggest that the sexes cannot be equal without them becoming androgynous. But again, feminism scarcely even touches masculinity.
I would respond to this post, but there literally is no argument: just the repeated assertion that Iron Ant's views are irrefutable.
That is because they seek to take away the power and the elegance of the sexu woman and take them away from men.

That is irrefutable.

Well, I'm convinced.
Someone's having problems with people of the feminine persuasion... (Hint: His name starts with Iron.)
I think for me the cognitive dissonance is in, for example, the commodification of sex vs the opposition to its purchase a commodity? Isn't that what objectification is?

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