The only REAL anarchists are the Anarcho-Capitalists - Politics | PoFo

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Any other minor ideologies.
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Meh, whatever makes you feel good about your ideology, nonetheless anarchism is just petty idealism, nothing else, where anarcho capitalists are just mouth piece of our bourgeoisie corporate masters (either consciously or unconsciously) but the good thing is that this dirt is limited to certain countries(USA mainly) and have no influence whatsoever in most parts of the world.
Lightman wrote:Considering the left-anarchists coined the term, I think claiming that left-anarchists aren't really anarchists is pretty silly.

We also coined the term "libertarian" and had that stolen from us as well(but it's cool...we don't believe in property anyway). I'd additionally point out that the term "anarchy" means "without rulers," and anarcho-capitalists are fooling themselves if they think this only applies to government. The wage system is based on internal dictatorship within each company. To suggest that leaving such a system in place amounts to creating a society without rulers is disingenuous at best. I won't even go into the historical facts about markets and private property emerging from the state, because the mind of an ancap simply cannot register such facts. In closing, I'd like to point out that Adam Kokesh is a complete joke and does not deserve to be taken seriously.
Lightman wrote:Considering the left-anarchists coined the term, I think claiming that left-anarchists aren't really anarchists is pretty silly.

They may have invented the word but the word has a specific meaning in the english which their political ideology doesnt fit with, the left-anarchists do not want a anarchist society without rulers, you are not free to do what you want in your own house in their ''anarchistic society'', if you disobey their crazy rules by for example shock horror giving your brother or sister a job producing lets say gummy bears in your barn (that they themselves preferred over their previous self-employment), then they will invade your house and arrest you. That is force and effectively a government IE not anarchism.
mikema63 wrote:end the sectarian violence!


How does one end sectarian violence when societal evolution does nothing else but promote sibling rivalries among society's children as defined by humanity's rule of law educating ancestors of ancestry, gender doesn't matter, but protecting an adopted faith, spiritual or scientific, and becoming a hero defending every other belief is just social justification to create staged events as history has shown what humans denying gender matters does to a species only existing as male and female lifetimes every generation added to the moment that most people comprhending universal constants learned energy cannot be created or destroyed and expanding energy is contained by triangulating contracting forces of compressing the elements of the periodic table that makes up the universe's specific gravity of individual results never staying the same details?

What is common ground between theoreticals and theological maybes? Vocabulary. What is the common ground of ancestry? ancestors living currently now exactly as conceived in the order of conceptions so far the species human adapts to this ever adding total sum moment of universal balancing of details functioning as usual.

Think maybe this understanding of sole results to compounding details of contracting self contained elements of the periodic table universally balancing what self maintaining details arrive on this planet remain self evident as functions are functioning the same way every generation other than technology invented to prevent characters of humanity from understanding their ancestry inside out better than societal evolution defined them institutionally outside in.
They may have invented the word but the word has a specific meaning in the english which their political ideology doesnt fit with
Anarchy, in colloquial English, simply means chaos or nihilism. In everyday use it does not refer to any political ideology.
Lightman wrote:Anarchy, in colloquial English, simply means chaos or nihilism. In everyday use it does not refer to any political ideology.

I dont give a damn about colloquial English, people are ignorant these days and ignorant people should not be redefining words that have been used in a specific context for a very very long time.

From Wikipedia:

The usage of the words "anarchia" and "anarchos", both meaning "without ruler", can be traced back to Homer's Iliad[21] and Herodotus's Histories.[22] The first known political usage of the word anarchy appears in the play Seven Against Thebes by Aeschylus, dated at 467 BC. There, Antigone openly refuses to abide by the rulers' decree to leave her brother Polyneices' body unburied, as punishment for his participation in the attack on Thebes, saying that "even if no one else is willing to share in burying him I will bury him alone and risk the peril of burying my own brother. Nor am I ashamed to act in defiant opposition to the rulers of the city (ekhous apiston tênd anarkhian polei)".

English has borrowed many greek words among them being the word anarchy and as you can see the word anarchy has a specific historical meaning, I frankly dont give a damn about what some uneducated people think it means today.
I dont give a damn about colloquial English, people are ignorant these days and ignorant people should not be redefining words that have been used in a specific context for a very very long time.


This from you?

The man that redefines socialism daily to fit in with libertarian delusions about reality?
I dont give a damn about colloquial English, people are ignorant these days and ignorant people should not be redefining words that have been used in a specific context for a very very long time.
You mean like you are doing right now?
What do you mean ?
Because the term in a modern political context was originated from the left.

Note: "without rulers" not "without government." The position of the left-anarchist is that there should be no rulers, either in terms of hierarchical state rulers or hierarchical capitalist rulers. You are the one with the newspeak.
Lightman wrote:Because the term in a modern political context was originated from the left.

Note: "without rulers" not "without government." The position of the left-anarchist is that there should be no rulers, either in terms of hierarchical state rulers or hierarchical capitalist rulers. You are the one with the newspeak.

If I am not allowed to own my own little shack and do what I want in my own little shack or plot of land then I am not without rulers, it is an idiotic notion to say so.

Oh yeah and capitalists dont rule you, you just enter their property and use their equipment because the reward for doing so is higher than producing on your own, it is trade, you give your labor, the ''capitalist'' gives you access to his equipment and thereby allow you to earn a vastly higher salary than you could earn on your own. It is no more a ruling relationship than a husband and wife being together because they both gain something from the relationship and cooperation.
While there are certainly many questions that the left-anarchists need to answer on how on earth they expect to have a system with no rulers (obviously I think it's impossible), it's incredibly ironic that the people who are carrying such a thread are none other than anarcho-capitalists asking - or demanding - to know how anyone could conceive of a system without any rulers; rulers who would carry out the task of laying down rules about how property ought to be handled.

And then declaring themselves to be the only 'real' anarchists.
They may have invented the word but the word has a specific meaning in the english which their political ideology doesnt fit with,

Anarchists coined the term libertarianism, and defined it. It has a specific meaning. It is simply a fact that American so-called 'libertarians' are re-defining the term. There is no debate. Whether you think one definition fits better than another is irrelevant because the fact is that the term was originally coined by left anarchists. Furthermore these anarchists were not hidden statists; this is your imagination. Many however were opposed to the exploitative capitalist system, which is inherently authoritarian.

The reason anarcho-capitalists are not anarchists is because they (wittingly or unwittingly) support the natural hierarchy and authority imposed by capitalism.
mikema63 wrote:ive heard that leveled a couple of times now, do tell what the original definition is and what you think we should call ourselves.

Originally, it basically meant "non-state socialist." In the First International, you basically had Marx and Engels, and then you had the libertarians. Originally used in place of the word "anarchist" in order to avoid conjuring up images of bomb-throwing and vandalism. As for what to call yourselves, Hayek and Friedman both called themselves "liberals." Which is great for you, because the ones we generally tend to refer to as "liberals" now go by the term "progressive."
Paradigm wrote:Hayek and Friedman both called themselves "liberals."

Do you mean Milton Friedman, because him and Ronald Reagan are considered out and out socialist by our modern day private property Libertarians.

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