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By Mercenary
The Russian Federation is an oligarchy, just like every other state. It is a bit more obvious about it, given that it does not try and cover its association with corporate tycoons.
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By Albert
The core principles of liberalism as far as I can see is preservation of the Republic and the form of democratic system it entails. Everything else is idealism, the very thing that got EU project into trouble that it finds itself in today.

Hence I'm troubled by what you say. Why would you need "moderation" if Republic and democracy is preserved?

And Russia is not a dictatorship, a dysfunctional Republic at best. Yes it is hostile to EU and EU is hostile to Russia over conflicting interest. Why in this state of affairs would it not attempt to undermine EU's order that works actively against it?
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By Dr Cosmo
As a matter of fact the US has realized that after 1990 the Russian proposal of a Eurasian Vision (read: an EU-Russia pact) is a threat to American dominance. Thats why the US is keen to push the EU-Europeans in a direct confrontation with Russia. The instrument being NATO. It worked so far. The Europeans are acting against their vital interests to trade with Russia and to live peacefully with its neighbor.

Anyway, I support an alliance of moderates who seek prosperity for all EU members. Like it was done the last 50 years. The biggest challenge for Europeans would be to strengthen the awareness of a mutual cultural heritage. Right now, EU citizens perceive all European matters through a political, somewhat distant lens. Hence, an alienation of the people and their leaders has happened.

We need a vision for the future of EUrope. And we have to communicate it. Positively. And with Enthusiasm. If the Europeans are not able to articulate themselves through media, television and cinema, the Trumps, the Putins and the Farages of the world will dismantle the European civilization.
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By quetzalcoatl
You're-a-peein' in the Pan, guys. So stop Russian - you got plenty of time to Finnish. Also, pan-Europeans and their opponents are typically psychopaths and the whole movement has a shady history.

Pan-European Mainfesto


So you had Count Coudenhove-Kalergi's "Practical Idealism," which describes how the next step was to be a Socialist State run by a new breed of largely Jewish aristocrats (democracy being a transitional process). Then you had Mein Kampf with its rants about Jews and Internationalism. "Cosmopolitanism" is to this day a ritual trigger word on the right.

Best to avoid the whole toxic scene.
We need a vision for the future of EUrope. And we have to communicate it. Positively. And with Enthusiasm. If the Europeans are not able to articulate themselves through media, television and cinema, the Trumps, the Putins and the Farages of the world will dismantle the European civilization.

Indeed, and we are trying to give the right example, hoping that others, and eventually the EU itself will follow in promoting Europe in a proud and unapologetic manner!

We have stated our objection a century ago:

Lenin wrote:A United States of Europe under capitalism is tantamount to an agreement on the partition of colonies. Under capitalism, however, no other basis and no other principle of division are possible except force. A multi-millionaire cannot share the “national income” of a capitalist country with anyone otherwise than “in proportion to the capital invested” (with a bonus thrown in, so that the biggest capital may receive more than its share). Capitalism is private ownership of the means of production, and anarchy in production. To advocate a “just” division of income on such a basis is sheer Proudhonism, stupid philistinism. No division can be effected otherwise than in “proportion to strength”, and strength changes with the course of economic development. Following 1871, the rate of Germany’s accession of strength was three or four times as rapid as that of Britain and France, and of Japan about ten times as rapid as Russia’s. There is and there can be no other way of testing the real might of a capitalist state than by war. War does not contradict the fundamentals of private property—on the contrary, it is a direct and inevitable outcome of those fundamentals. Under capitalism the smooth economic growth of individual enterprises or individual states is impossible. Under capitalism, there are no other means of restoring the periodically disturbed equilibrium than crises in industry and wars in politics.

Of course, temporary agreements are possible between capitalists and between states. In this sense a United States of Europe is possible as an agreement between the European capitalists ... but to what end? Only for the purpose of jointly suppressing socialism in Europe, of jointly protecting colonial booty against Japan and America...

Liberals always have the same solution:

1. Believe that people will think correctly
2. ??
3. Profit (world is made into a utopia by keeping profit motive, of course)

We socialists look at how systems in which people physically interact with each other and their society are constructed. We have a plan and, to quote James Connolly, our demands are moderate: we only want the Earth.
By fokker
Is PEM an account of a member of the Paneuropean Union?

The problem with the term "Pan-Europeanism" is that for an unknowing person it suggests belief in the future of current EU which includes lot of regulations, bureaucracy, uncontrolled immigration, questionable decision making. With it's current problems it's going to be very hard to find supporters. The EU looks like a project that very few support with but lives on as nobody has found a better alternative. There is no practical alternative as without unity Europe is an economically insignificant continent (due to small size of its countries) controlled by US and Russia. With unity it can control its own destiny.

Other than that, I agree with what's written in the opening post.
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