MICRONATION an open invitation and more - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Any other minor ideologies.
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A new Micronation, the Southern Cross Kingdom of ΩMEGALAND, founded back in 2013, declared officially its existence in 2015. More info can be found at:
The new nation is boldly paving the way to a new system of government and a new era in economics without any ties to today's New World Order. Its purpose is to introduce a new model-nation, where citizens will be in the center of its interests and not vice-versa.
New modern time policies, away from anything known so far and away from the "conventional" tactics of our days collapsing model of governments, are being brought into effect almost on daily basis. It is a nation where laws are NOT the oppressors as it happens in todays so called "modern and civilized" nations; laws exist to help citizens achieve their goals and promote a healthy society. The "new dawn" has come and ΩMEGALAND, just today, opened its arms, welcoming all new citizens, willing not just to participate in the birth of a new nation, but become part of a new model of society, that humanity so much longed for and experience the feeling of building a nation according to the likes of its citizens.
If you want to be a member of an effort way away from the plastic and the ordinary, e-mail us at: omegaland@mail.com . New members are encouraged to visit our web page: http://kingdomofomegaland.blogspot.com and leave their comments or get in touch with us.
Don't give in, to the night; a new day has dawn. Be the sun, be the one, be a proud citizen of ΩMEGALAND!
I'm a tropics sort of guy, so I'll have to pass. Antarctica is a bit cool.

Instead of posting the blog, why not trying getting people to Personal Message you, if they are interested in it? Then you'd be getting what you want, while working well within Pofo rules? Then it's win win.
My dear friend
In all my posts I tried to keep myself within a kind and polite attitude. If I failed allow me to apologize.
Besides Antarctica, we have colonies in the South Pacific, the Aegean Sea in Greece and the Atlantic Seabed as well, should it feels kinda warmer to you.
I honestly have no idea, how I can attract people to hear my idea and have a say to my proposal though messaging but whenever you have some free time, I 'd be glad to be guided if you can show me a bit how.
I am sorry if I sound too green, yet this is the truth; I am green and I don't feel bad admitting it, for it is the truth.
Just post your message but leave the blog link and e-mail address for PMing. Simple yet easy, and you won't be violating any silly rules.

It's good to be green if you're a frog, but if it persists, see a doctor.

More people are being eco-conscious these days, so it's not a bad thing to be.
Not a bad thing to be green and if you have never been in your life and you came in this life knowing everything, I think that there is a place right next to the throne of the Almighty for you and you should claim it ASAP for there are billions that would want to grab it.
I am sorry but I forgive irony once; the second time and on I reply to it same way, I was addressed and I am sure you know what I mean.
Thanks for the messaging advise I ll keep it in mind yet I did manage to stay within the guidelines regardless of the efforts made by the rest here to convince me for the contrary.
You can't copy the same thing all over the place.

And you can't plug your own products.

Thirdly, what opinions etc are you talking about expressing?

Also: Where's the 'and more'? I thought I was going to get a free muffin if I clicked here.

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