If modern liberals had to face early-WWII battles - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Political and non-political satire; all those terribly biased analogies live here.
We are all familiar with the "reporting" that comes out of Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. nowadays. The strident repetition of American losses, constant Monday-morning quarterbacking of mistakes, demands for the heads of those in charge, while glossing over or completely ignoring victories and the effect of operations on the enemy. Toss in a few revelations of strategic information valuable to the enemy, and you have our typical modern-day "reporting" pattern.

If the modern liberal press had to report on what had happend on, say, the Battle of Midway, it might go something like this.


http://www.strategypage.com/humor/artic ... 510220.asp

Midway Island Demolished. Yorktown, destroyer sunk.
Many US planes lost

June 7, 1942

The United States Navy suffered another blow in its attempt to stem the Japanese juggernaut ravaging the Pacific Ocean. Midway Island, perhaps the most vital U.S. outpost, was pummeled by Japanese Naval aviators. The defending U.S. forces, consisting primarily of antique Buffalo fighters, were competely wiped out while the Japanese attackers suffered few, if any, losses.

In a nearby naval confrontation, the Japanese successfully attacked the Yorktown which was later sunk by a Japanese submarine. A destroyer lashed to the Yorktown was also sunk.

American forces claim to have sunk four Japanese carriers and the cruiser Mogami but those claims were vehemently denied by the Emporer's spokeman.

The American carriers lost an entire squadron of torpedo planes when they failed to link up with fighter escorts. The dive bombers had fighter escort even though they weren't engaged by enemy fighters. The War Dept. refused to answer when asked why the fighters were assigned to the wrong attack groups. The Hornet lost a large number of planes when they couldn't locate the enemy task force. Despite this cavalcade of errors, Admirals Fletcher and Spruance have not been removed.

Code Broken

The failure at Midway is even more disheartening because the U.S. Navy knew the Japanese were coming. Secret documents provided to the NY Times showed that "Magic" intercepts showed the Japanese planned to attack Midway, which they called "AF".

Obsolete Equipment

Some critics blamed the failure at Midway on the use of obsolete aircraft. The inappropriately named Devastator torpedo planes proved no match for the Japanese fighters. Even the Avengers, its schedule replacements, were riddled with bullets and rendered unflyable. Secretary of War Stimson dodged the question saying simply: "You go to war with the Navy you have, not the Navy you want or would like to have". Critics immediately called for his resignation.
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By Potemkin
Early for the Americans. Remember, these are people who think that WWI started in 1916 and WWII started in 1941! :lol:
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By Eauz
This proves that we need more Ol’ Sk00l propaganda in our newspapers and literature.
By Little-Acorn
I see that none of the usual subject-changers and diversion artists can refute the idea that present style of American "reporting" would be considered nothing short of disgraceful, if not outright treasonous, if it were practiced in 1942. Yet the practitioners roll merrily along, apparently unaware that the standard has not changed. Only the reporters have changed.

Funniest reponse so far, is the idea that accurate reporting of Midway as a victory, and the turning of the tide in the Pacific war, is "propaganda", while the present omission of any positive fact amid the spew of negativity we get from today's "reporters" is not.

Keep up the good work, libbies! You have many more elections to lose before you're really finished. :D

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By Boondock Saint
I see that none of the usual subject-changers and diversion artists can refute the idea that present style of American "reporting" would be considered nothing short of disgraceful, if not outright treasonous, if it were practiced in 1942.

Little A

Forgive me, I just found this thread so I hope you can overlook my absence, seeing as how I am an ardent diversion artist.

I agree that under the rather oppressive govt of that era that todays journalists (not all but some) would be greatly looked down upon. For example: Any of the reporters calling for answers beyond the ones that the spokesman gives, clearly an anti-American agenda here ... the truth is only good when it's the truth the govt wants you to know.

Yet the practitioners roll merrily along, apparently unaware that the standard has not changed. Only the reporters have changed.

The standards did change though ... govt propaganda is no longer smiled upon by the free press. The US media is no longer a tool of the US govt ... certainly not nearly as much as it was back the 40s. I admit that Fox news comes close to being a mouth piece for the Bush admin but even they arent blatant propaganda as was expected back during WWII.

Funniest reponse so far, is the idea that accurate reporting of Midway as a victory, and the turning of the tide in the Pacific war, is "propaganda", while the present omission of any positive fact amid the spew of negativity we get from today's "reporters" is not.

The problem that an American nationalist would have with the above report is that it is not pro-American propaganda, it seems to be unbiased ... I can see how a cheerleader would hate that, a cheerleaders entire point of life is to make the team out to be great and wonderful.

Keep up the good work, libbies! You have many more elections to lose before you're really finished.

This is true, no doubt. Since there is no "Liberal Party" in the USA they have latched on and greatly damaged the Democrat Party. It is sad to see the Democrats so highly hijacked by weak moral and weak willed liberals, there was a time when the Democrats were a party worth listening to.
By Falx
And if modern liberals were around when Hannibal won Cannae...

The point is they weren't and you can't compare two hugely different time periods.
By | I, CWAS |
it was the liberal press that was so militaristic, this went on throughout the forties and early fifties.
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By Potemkin
it was the liberal press that was so militaristic, this went on throughout the forties and early fifties.

Absolutely right. Back in the 40s and 50s, it was the 'Liberals' who were mad keen on using military power to advance the cause of 'Democracy' across the world, while the Conservatives were Isolationists, who wanted America to mind its own business. These groups gradually morphed into the current-day neo-conservatives and paleo-conservatives. If you examine the origins of the neo-cons, they mostly started out as Trotskyists or extreme Liberals back in the 40s and 50s. You should read some of the stuff that Pat Buchanan says about them. :lol:
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By QatzelOk
Imagine how badly modern liberals would have botched the Nazi propoganda campaign as well: "Inhumane treatment of Jewish prisoners the norm" might have been one of their demoralizing [for German troops] headlines.
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By MB.
present style of American "reporting" would be considered nothing short of disgraceful, if not outright treasonous, if it were practiced in 1942

It was practised then. It was censored by the American Press, which, during the war, was under the direct thumb of the War Office. In ETO, for example, Ike could personaly approve or dissaprove of any article being printed which related to the war.

I love it when arguements just explode back in people's faces like that:

If the US press hadn't been censored by their governement (Hmm... violation of consitutional rights, anyone?), you would have seen these kinds of articles.
By Little-Acorn
It's always a hoot to see our modern leftists squirm when they are exposed doing something truly reprehensible. Usually they try to pretend it's not so bad. When that's not possible, they then try to pretend others are doing just as badly, sometimes going far back in history in their attempts to find anything that bad. And when they can't even find anything back then that was as bas as what they are doing todfay, they simply announce that people WOULD HAVE done things justy as badly if they hadn't been demonically controlled somehow.

The series of posts following the initial article in this thread, are classic examples of this procedure.

Are there any depths of imagineering and deceit these people won't stoop to?

By Spin
Code Broken

The failure at Midway is even more disheartening because the U.S. Navy knew the Japanese were coming. Secret documents provided to the NY Times showed that "Magic" intercepts showed the Japanese planned to attack Midway, which they called "AF".

^Is why I think the media can be retarded at times. Like the time they revealed that the US was traking Osama by his satelite phone. Great move there. Wouldn't it be rionic if the journalist who revealed that dies in 9/11?
By Little-Acorn
^Is why I think the media can be retarded at times. Like the time they revealed that the US was traking Osama by his satelite phone. Great move there. Wouldn't it be rionic if the journalist who revealed that dies in 9/11?

Their constant demands for a written timetable for withdrawl of our troops is an even more telling example... and it's not just the media this time. It has been explained to them time and again, that this would hand the terrorists their strategy on a silver platter - once the terrorists knew we would have our troops out by June 2007 or whatever date, they would only have to wait that long, gathering their forces, and then erupt once we were gone.

Yet the various leftists in our society, continued to demand exactly such a timetable. Congress even voted on the demand - guess which party supported it most, of course.

I believe that the Democrats don NOT have a desire to see this country lose and Americans (and Iraqis) die. They merely have a desire to see Republicans driven from power - and concerns over the country winning or losing, are far less important to the Democrats than that.

They are not treasonous. They are merely sick. Fortunately they are out of majorities in most branches of government now, and showing no signs of reversing that trend to the point where they can continue to spread their sickness to the rest of the country.
Last edited by Little-Acorn on 02 Dec 2005 23:08, edited 1 time in total.
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By MB.
It's always a hoot to see our modern rightwingers squirm when they are exposed doing something truly reprehensible. Usually they try to pretend it's not so bad. When that's not possible, they then try to pretend others are doing just as badly, sometimes going far back in history in their attempts to find anything that bad. And when they can't even find anything back then that was as bas as what they are doing todfay, they simply announce that people WOULD HAVE done things justy as badly if they hadn't been demonically controlled somehow.

The series of posts following the initial article in this thread, are classic examples of this procedure.

Are there any depths of imagineering and deceit these people won't stoop to?

All I have to say, sir, is this:

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By Blake
Dear god, Little Acorn...it's like a terrible accident at a chemical weapons facility...I can barely stand to keep reading for the horror, but can't look away either...I get so embarrassed for you I almost blush...shudder...
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By Lokakyy
The original article posted is probably the worst attempt of historical (fake) analogy.

But maybe we see the spearhead of critique wrong - maybe it is to criticise the US government who has been too weak to declare martial law, trash the freedom of press and mobilise the entire US people for war? Remember to recycle and buy warbonds, people...
By wonder cow

As you suspect, us "lib_uh_ruls" are evil scum. All we care about is legalizing medical marijuana, toting the kids off to soccer games in our hybrid suv's, bitching about the environment, expecting a government hand out, legitimizing gay marriage, protesting all wars, and above all keeping a firm grip on American media.

I don't understand why we rolled into Iraq with the US military, however, in full support of the war. I seem to recall that, like you, we were cheerleaders for the Bush admin during the first 6 months or so of the war.

Little-Acorn, if all "lib_uh_ruls" were converted tomorrow to "servatives", you would no longer have anything to believe in. I guess you could buy some puzzles or something.
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By Matthijs
Dear god, Little Acorn...it's like a terrible accident at a chemical weapons facility...I can barely stand to keep reading for the horror, but can't look away either...I get so embarrassed for you I almost blush...shudder...

You and me both homie. What's the point of making a topic, when all you're going to do when people respond negatively to it is accuse them of whining?

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