POFO Pornoized! - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Political and non-political satire; all those terribly biased analogies live here.
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By Boondock Saint
How did they do that?
By Freedom

Thats hilarious...I'm happy, I'm moderator of the "Political Superdick Circus" :D Couldnt have picked a better man for that job ;)

TRP got the best name though: The gangbanging Republican "Son of a whore" Party :lol:
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By MB.
That's great!

I'm moderator, Mr. "Bite Me" Bill... of the Middle "Dildo" East allbeit. :roll:
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By Boondock Saint
Are you sure this doesnt cause a problem with the forum? Cause I am now getting black boxes across the board ... on every forum and when I enter the forum the black boxes appear next to the topics ...

This never happened before ...
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By naked_turk
I love it! Its random everytime... the best thing I got was this:

Ocker's post : "We should invade their shafts, kill their squirts, and convert them to Christianity." -Ann "Mouth-full-o'-cock" Coulter

My post: "Now, is that the plowing love between a thrusting man and a barfing woman or the love a man has for a fine Cuban cigar?"

Direct "Anal" Action!

Scourge of the planet or that, which deepthroats us together? *No racism!*

Mr. "Ass stitcher" Bill, Mr. "Fill me up" Bill, Mr. "Afterburner" Bill, Mr. "Superdick" Bill...lol Bill yours are the funniest!

Ok thats long enough... :lol:
By Jesse

Civitas became "Pimp Mastah" - its a sign!

Also, my name was not changed :?:
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By Trotskito
my own little highlights :eek:

It doesn't mean if you don't believe in farting that it's deep throating. You have to treat the fomping as if it were jerking. Make licking out of fingerfucking.
-Andy "Admiral Browning" Warhol

I've never been in a fight, I've muff sniffed other people to do it for me.

Notice the shafting grin - would you trust a man cuntlapping like this with your daughter?

On my own baseball team, I fisted up ballbusting pretty wicked fights with 4 of my teammates , on seperate fucks, not at the same time .

That's funny, my ancestry creams only to the fistfucking British "Cockboy" Bangs and the fomping Middle "Nobgoblin" East...
(Jewish "Son of a whore" Charvers and Irish)
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By MB.


'Siberian "Bitch" Fox'

-Stop raiding the word of the fisting Koran by fisting that terrorism is fistfucked by God.'
By U-235
The fistfucking Republican "Airing the Orchid" Party, The "Fannyfarmer" Republican Party, The cuntlapping Republican "Dripper Dick" Party, The sucking Republican "Suck my tits dry" Party

thats what TRPs name was showen as, does it speak of the truth?
and his sig qoute
"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity." -Ann "Mouth-full-o'-cock" Coulter 9/13/2001

jesse's new member pic post
We got our new football bangs yesterday, and I entered that gamahuches an up-to-date picture of fucks truly, totally up-to-date, with a cuntlicking wide grin on his face.
Last edited by U-235 on 26 Dec 2003 09:47, edited 1 time in total.
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By The American Lion
Well TS has soo many names!

Tovarish "Rugmuncher" Spetsnaz
Tovarish "Jar Jar" Spetsnaz
Tovarish "Anusapple" Spetsnaz
By U-235
a few more of my favorites

Wouldn't it be increadible if all non-vegitarian Muff sniffs where cuntlicked out?

He was origionally a squirting Hebrew scholar before he went into linguistics which is what he's blows for.

"North "Long Finger" Korea notes Rumsfeld is a farting 'Psychopath'
2 spanks, 15 minutes ago

I felched it. The screwing autor of the article is explaining the Islam is "structurally" cocksucked to be extremist.

"Wad pulls is a sad day for Iraq. The fucking people cuntlapping are aardvarked and not the fomping majority.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
There is nothing wrong with voicing your political ideology, but if it involves spanking off an entire section of humanity due to some pseudo-scientific bull shit, they should get the jerking death penalty if found guilty ina court of law, if not that sodomized until their ass is as wide as a fistfucking window while they rot in jail!

:lol: :lol: That one came out quite well!!
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By Jon
Boondock Saint wrote:Are you sure this doesnt cause a problem with the forum? Cause I am now getting black boxes across the board ... on every forum and when I enter the forum the black boxes appear next to the topics ...

This never happened before ...

Do a Control-F5 forced refresh. Should solve the problem.
By Nox
I am impressed.

This took someone a lot of time.

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By Vivisekt
Siberian "Hard-on" Fox

By Jesse
The best EVER was Anne "Mouth full 'o Cock" Coulter - it simply explains why she's spouting nonsense! :lol:
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By Truth-a-naut
I wish I could be pornonized.


Like literally.
By Enigmatic

*Petitions Siberian "Clitcollector" Fox to change the name of the forum at the top of the page to The "Bitch" Lobby*
Though nothing could beat "Fingerfucks and Sex fights and Balls that GO!" That would be a forum worth visiting. Because there's always someone who deep throats to talk Sports "Long Finger" Motherfucks.

Or a forum for Talking about .... jerking to your local Member of Parliament

North "Dripper Dick" America
Middle "Bitch" East (with political sex fights and parties)
Sound familiar?

It's the cuntlicking economy stupic!
is without doubt the best forum. See the selected highlights from just one thread below.
Capitalism... has been used by the screwing licks to exploit the working class...Capitalism: An economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately deep throated...
Market: a meeting of people for fucking and sex fighting.
... There would be opulent pleasure palaces and unclefucks accomodations for the fingerfucking rich oligarchy, of course...A completely free market has many definate assfucks over many other forms of economic organization...

...The blowing Soviet economic model was one of a cuntlapped economy run by cocksucks. I would much rather have a free market....The "Suck my tits dry" Soviet economy had a jerking welfare state that cuntlapped well until the 60´s...As for socialism, I do not think it is cocksucking in the long run or on a large scale. Why do you?

[Fascists] were pretty effective at raiding after the welfare of the fisting citizens they titty fucked about (could the fucking minority groups they fistfucked for political deep throats have potentially creamed economically? I think so)
[lies]-Iraqi "Suck my tits dry" Minister-
I swear I'm not making this shit up. Or these books which I recommend you all to buy
Dude where's my country by Michael "Fat Ass" Moore
a famous farts book
Noam "Mistress Anal" Chomsky "Hegemony or Survival",

And lastly, thanks to
The smacking Republican "Ballbuffer" Party
The sucking Republican "Cuntcleaner" Party
The jerking Republican "Assrush" Party
The felching Republican "Dildo" Party
The "Spunksupper" Republican Party
The "Dickwad" Republican Party Nox
The shafting Republican "Afterburner" Party
The motherfucking Republican "Scrotscrubber" Party
The motherfucking Republican "Anal" Party
The fisting Republican "Butplug" Party
The thrusting Republican "Buzzwordbaby" Party
The "Ballbuffer" Republican Party
The fucking Republican "Thrushmore" Party
The "Dirk Diggler" Republican Party
The "Cockboy" Republican Party
The browning Republican "Bite Me" Party
The "Asshole" Republican Party
for finding this site and for his numerous contributions to the Today's News forum where the above members were found

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