Satire for October 2010 - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Political and non-political satire; all those terribly biased analogies live here.
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By Demosthenes
Ok gentlemen have at it.
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By Nets

I really like this one TAL. Studying how firms and workers form these expectations and beliefs is a big chunk of modern macro.
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By QatzelOk
"There are two types of people in this world: consumers and businessmen."

:lol: @ extinction
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By killim
the picture needs a third swing, that is empty or occupied by a trash bin with an M16 and a helmet etc. in it,which is pushed by the government.
By Quantum
By Zyx
Let's insult the nation we boycott for having poverty!


(Not really satire--but if you see how silly "Physicists" are in "Economics" then there is a sort of satire.)
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By amjdmg
Yeah sure, North Korea is screwed because of boycots. Their aggressive international behaviour and idiotic economic system has nothing to do with it :lol:

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By QatzelOk
^^^ That should say, "Modern Philosophers are no longer allowed."

Problem is: that's the kind of philosophy that is most prevalent in Moderns, and most Modern don't even realize that there is any other kind of philosophy.

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By Suska
Q wrote:"There are two types of people in this world: consumers and businessmen." :lol: @ extinction

In Capitalism there's no such thing as a soft sell
there's only cocksuckers and baseball bats

:*( @ no point in living

Problem is: that's the kind of philosophy that is most prevalent in Moderns, and most Modern don't even realize that there is any other kind of philosophy.

yeah... no kidding
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By Oxymoron
Really TAL your buying into this crap? You really think the Democrates are any more interested about the people? Are you seriously saying that?
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By The American Lion
Oxymoron wrote:Really TAL your buying into this crap? You really think the Democrates are any more interested about the people? Are you seriously saying that?

Remember I was an Republican. Democrats are not the best, but I don't want a repeat of the same damn policies that got us into this mess.
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By Oxymoron
So your playing into the hands of the real power? You do know that both parties are pawns, so that they get you mad at one and you vote in another one without a real effort for change. Voting for either party is unpatriotic at this point, they are two hands of the same person, and that person is not the voter.
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By Rodion
But wait! There's a voice to your concerns! Tea Party! Boo government!
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By Oxymoron
Tea Party are a bunch of selfish white trash xenophobic pricks, they are not part of the solution only more of the same.
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By QatzelOk
MB, that was excellent.

:lol: ; 8)
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