Satire for March 2009 - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Political and non-political satire; all those terribly biased analogies live here.
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By amjdmg
To start with:

[Yeddi edit: Moved, and enjoy.]
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By Yobbo
Last edited by Yobbo on 08 Mar 2009 07:47, edited 1 time in total.
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By peter_co
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By Rodion
Brilliant, absolutely brilliant! :lol:

Would be even better if the stars were identified with country flags.
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By Abood
Yeh, that's good.

And so is this:


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By Oxymoron
EU is a burning wreck :lol: Who is going down like the Roman empire now you Ununified bitches.
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By Erebus
The American Idol one made me laugh. :lol:
By SpiderMonkey

Apparently this oh-so-funny cartoonist missed the part where Europeans spent less per capita on healthcare and live longer...
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By The American Lion
Apparently this oh-so-funny cartoonist missed the part where Europeans spent less per capita on healthcare and live longer...

Well the difference is that Europeans live in smaller sized nations with populations much smaller than the US and don't have 10 million illegal aliens milking the system, so it's easier to spend money on health care and those nations don't really have an army to speak of.
By Xorraas-L-Carz
old but still :p


By Aekos
Well the difference is that Europeans live in smaller sized nations with populations much smaller than the US and don't have 10 million illegal aliens milking the system, so it's easier to spend money on health care and those nations don't really have an army to speak of.

No, the difference is that Americans generally have unhealthier lifestyles.
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By Lucky Strike

Someone please explain to me how this is not racist. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would have unleashed the fury had this been a mockery of Obama. Might as well put Steele in blackface and have him do a little softshoe.
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By Abood

Hey, at least they finally admitted it, right?

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