Satire Week Beginning 24/01/05 - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Political and non-political satire; all those terribly biased analogies live here.
By Dark Canuck
Even if that stupid toon had proper spelling it's still rather erranous. A violence filled yank puppet state doesn't qualify as a democracy to me or anyone else with an ounce of perceptive ability.
By Saf
Ignore the war based on lies - the ends justify the means. Obey the giant elephant or die.
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Am I the only leftist who really likes filibuster cartoons?
By repr0bate
I'd like them so much more if there wasn't a spelling mistake in practically every one of them.
By Saf
Suddenly, the months of death, violence and hatred are mystically erased! All hail King George, god of Democracy!
By bradley
Lady Liberty dare not show her face in modern america
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By Boondock Saint
Lady Liberty dare not show her face in modern america

Why do you think she is in Iraq? ;) :lol:





By bradley
that condi one is great :D
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By The American Lion
A description for us Non-Canucks.
A bill to legalize gay marriage was introduced into the Canadian parliament yesterday. It will take a while before it actually goes to a vote.

Prime Minister Martin really wants to see it passed, but a lot of Liberals (not to mention almost all the Conservatives) oppose the legislation. So, in order to ensure it goes through, Martin is going to use his special Prime Minister powers and force all members of cabinet to vote for the legislation or be fired. You see, the PM controls whether or not members of parliament are "allowed" to vote freely or not. And yes, this does make every vote in parliament a largely meaningless charade, and no I don't know why we consider this to be a true democracy.
By Saf
TAL, they may vote against if they want. Oh, they'll be swiftly booted from the party, but it's their choice. Then again, IF this decision is as unpopular as your source claims, then the party will simply can the PM. There ARE checks and balances to the UK / Canadian system; you're simply ignorant of them.
By Un Owen
The American Dolt wrote:
You see, the PM controls whether or not members of parliament are "allowed" to vote freely or not

No, he controls whether the 133 members of his own caucus can vote freely.

He has no control over the other 175 seats in our 308 seat House of Commons. We do not have pre-set election dates as other nations; instead we must have an election once every 5 years. During this 5 year period, our government could fall from a "vote of non-confidence" or the voting against a budgetary bill; if this happened the Governor-General would be required to dissolve the House of Commons our ask another Party, or individual from the ruling Party, to form the government.

Historically, it is not a good thing for a PM's caucus to "revolt" on legislation; if it were to happen, it could signal a series of attacks that could destabilise the government and throw the House of Commons into disarray. Without internal control over his caucus, the PM and his Cabinet would not be able to get the majority of what its need accomplished during any given day.

Since he is the leader of the Liberal Party, the PM has organisational control over their work in the House of Commons. Just as Stephen Harper, the leader of the Conservative Party, has control over his Party, Jack Layton and Gilles Duceppe have organisational control over their respective parties.

It is a Democracy; just not your version...
By Dark Canuck
TAL is getting all of his knowledge of Canadian politics from the worst political cartoon to come from here. No wonder he is so profoundly ignorant.
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TAL is a simple minded 13-year old, don't take it out on him.
Here's a piece I wrote after the elections that I didn't really try to get published. It's either satire or just stupid. I was sort of baked so I have no idea:

BRAZIL -- My world was rocked today at the discovery of the existence of
South America.

“I’m actually in Brazil,” I said in a telephone interview. “There are
people walking around, bumping into each other, you know, existing.”

The malady I suffer from appears to be quite prominent in Americans in the 21st century -- a world perspective that begins and ends with the United States.

“I had always been told there was a South America, but people tell me
Europe exists,” I said. “I’m an American! What purpose would there be in
having actual countries, let alone continents existing? We have everything

I later admitted I believed Brazil was supposedly in Europe “if there
were such a place.”

Scientists have long embraced the existence of six non-North American
continents such as Europe, pointing to Europeans as a key factor.

“Take a guy like Sean Connery,” Chairman of Minimal Scientific Research
Chairperson Dr. Susan Jimenez-White said. “He’s very very famous, and I’m certain he’s European. This proves the hypothesis that Europe does, in
fact, exist.”

Many in the world of sociology have begun to term lack of world
perspective “F.U.” which stands for “Forever American.”

The American Medical Association, which is rumored to be completely sick
of what they call “idiot sociologists,” prefer to call the malady
“B.U.S.H”, which stands for nothing, but people seem to dig on how it
looks while standing there.

Recently, the AMA released a press release, outlining some of the main
symptoms of B.U.S.H. They included:

· A belief that everyone everywhere is American.
· Massive headaches from attempting to understand the difference between New England and England, New Mexico and Mexico, etc.
· A penchant for wearing American flag garb, like vests or pants.
· A deeply held belief that any deaths outside of the continental United
States are a result of God personally protecting Americans with his “Holy
Smackdown of Death (Though rare, the AMA added that they are seeing a lot more of this belief following the November elections.)

While the AMA has begun work on a complicated cure involving mind-altering substances and kicks to the forehead, many in the private sector have shown disgust at B.U.S.H.

“People are people everywhere, we need to see different cultures to find
that we’re all family,” Los Angeles-based travel agent Monica Biden said.
“Doesn’t anyone have a passport anymore?”

Unfortunately, it appears even first-hand knowledge is not enough in some

“I’m still not buying that this is Brazil,” I said from a payphone in Sao
Paulo. “I really think this is Los Angeles. But, OK, say it is Brazil,
there’s nothing you could do to show me that there’s a France.”
By a4erabashka
how nice you have democracy, but war, occupation, not enough food and water, no education, no real sanitation, non working hospitals, the Oil being stolen, tortures, massacres etc etc LONG LIVE DEMOCRACY!! YUHUHU...... :roll:
By Lord_Tito

This whone looks like something SWAS wold post :roll: [/quote]

And it was also debunked.

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