Satire for November 2010 - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Political and non-political satire; all those terribly biased analogies live here.
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By Suska
"Grandpa Sowell," they will say, "today we were reading in history -- "

"Reading? Did you finish your labor?"

"Yes, Grandpa. I read for an hour instead of sleeping."

"Well, quit it. You'll be worthless in the morning and the Master will have me whipped when my quota is short."

"Anyway, I learned in history today that back in your times, people who refused to work were supported by people who did work. Is that true, Grandpa?"

"Jesus, if you ask me one more question I'm going to sell your organs."

"But what happened?"

"We wised up! What's the point of supporting incompetants and layabouts?"

"Despite being half convinced you're right due to my underdeveloped brain and your overdeveloped confidence I half doubt that was a good idea. Don't you have sisters and brothers?"

"Sure I do."

"Why don't I? Why doesn't anyone my age?"

"Because only the strong deserve to survive."

"But where do you draw the line? I mean, at what point do you stop nurturing and cultivating each other in a mutually beneficial and age-old manner? I mean, at what age do you stop caring about the people around you and just outright use them and abuse them according to your temper?"

"Stop? You're an imbecile if you start! You know how you came to be? Rape, pure and simple. As natural as the dawn. Your mom - bless her - she said some pretty awful things about me during childbirth. I was like, 'HUNTING KNIFE TO THE FACE!' lol. I bet you thought your birth killed her."

(crying) "But wasn't I weak and fragile when I came out?"

"Fuck no. We've evolved past that, you were tough as a coconut. I was so worked up in a blood rage about your mother I was stomping and STOMPING on your little fetus body, and yet here you are. A deformed freak with the mind of a crosseyed wallaby. Now get back to work or I can't make the air bill this month."
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By amjdmg
"Grandpa," they will say, "today we were reading in history -- "


"Thank god for my trusty gun. I couldn't bear another one of these Sowell stories"
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By amjdmg
Hitler vs. Darth Vader rap battle

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By Melodramatic
Suska, you are one sick fucker :D :up:
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By Marks
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By amjdmg
By Zyx
As lame as auto-tune is:

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By Nets
Fig, I lol'd hard.
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By QatzelOk

I wanted to laugh at this one, but couldn't.

I couldn't, because this chart confuses the applied technology shown in the left column with science, but they are very different things.

Science is the study of the essence of matter, while applied technology takes every scientific discovery and turns it into a power concentration of some kind - empowering those who seek to dominate and terrorize others. Modern medicine has prolonged lifespans, and this has lead us to rapid population increase.

In an applied technology environment like our current one, every scientific discovery becomes dangerous because they are always exploited to control other people. So any real science is likely to slow to a trickle with that kind of risk and power seeking. Perhaps real science has already stopped in our time.

Maybe the vast majority of our last few centuries (millennia?) of science was actually just us being spellbound by the toys of accelarated technological applications - with no real science to actually lead to improvement in the human condition.

Now I'll laugh.

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By Figlio di Moros
QatzelOk wrote:I wanted to laugh at this one, but couldn't. I couldn't, because this chart confuses the applied technology shown in the left column with science, but they are very different things.

Science is the study of the essence of matter, while applied technology takes every scientific discovery and turns it into a power concentration of some kind - empowering those who seek to dominate and terrorize others.

... just like in the chart!

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By Ter
QatzelOk wrote:Modern medicine has prolonged lifespans, and this has lead us to rapid population increase.

Prolonged lifespans do not cause population increase.
That people live beyond forty or so is a bonus but most people have already procreated by that time.
Vaccines and to some extent, antibiotics, are the real causes of population increase, combined with improved agricultural technology.

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By QatzelOk
Vaccines and to some extent, antibiotics, are the real causes of population increase, combined with improved agricultural technology

Then perhaps the chart would have been even more hilarious if it had featured (on the applied technology side, obviously) pix of crop-dusters and big pharma marketing people.

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By QatzelOk
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By amjdmg
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By Figlio di Moros
I really don't get it... :?:
By Zyx
In the Pokemon game, that pokemon, I forget his name, was the animation for surf, the skill where a pokemon would ride a player on its back, so regardless of which pokemon used surf, it seemed like the player was riding on that surf pokemon. The image highlights this limited animation.

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