Gang rape videos are being sold in India - Politics | PoFo

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Vice News
August 5, 2016 | 10:40 am
Natalie Alcoba wrote:Gang rape videos are being sold in a northern Indian state, according to authorities who believe rapists are using cellphone clips as a way to keep their victims quiet.

The Times of India first reported on the recordings, which are fetching 50 to 150 rupees, or 75 cents to $2, in Uttar Pradesh, which has seen a spate of recent rapes that have triggered public calls for its chief minister to resign. The clips are being sold "under the counter", according to the newspaper, to people who come with a customer's "reference", and also via social media. They range in length from 30 seconds to as long as five minutes.

"Porn is passe. These real life crimes are the rage," an unnamed shopkeeper in Agra, home of the Taj Majal, told the Times of India. It reported that police believe the videos are used as blackmail, to prevent victims from reporting the crimes, or to pressure them into further acts.

India's problem with sexual violence has generated intense scrutiny since the fatal 2012 gang rape of a woman on a Delhi bus. Mass protests erupted, forcing the government to respond with stiffer penalties. Repeat rape offenders can now be sentenced to death, and stalking has been criminalized.

Uttar Pradesh is among the most dangerous states in India for women. In 2014, there 337,922 reports of violence against women, a 9 percent jump from the previous year, according to official statistics.

Last week, a woman and her 14-year-old daughter were dragged from their vehicle at gunpoint and gang-raped for hours, Reuters reported. And this week, according to the Indian Express, the gang rape of another woman was recorded on a mobile phone. The term #LawlessUP has been trending on Twitter, as calls for Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav to resign amplify. On Thursday, nine men were arrested for allegedly downloading and selling the videos, International Business Times reported.
anasawad wrote:And some people still thinks we're too "extreme" for applying death penalty to rapists.
Because that's far too benign. Dead people don't suffer. Castrate them, that's a gift they'll have for life, just like their victims.
There's an Indian news station that broadcast a video of a woman's gang rape followed by police video of her decapitated body and footage of the rapists' execution. Why anyone thought that would be appropriate I'll never know.
If you institute the death penalty for rape, won't that make it more likely for the rapists to kill the person that they are raping? I think to prevent rape, first you have to deal with the root of the issue: toxic masculinity, and a culture that objectifies women (or taken together, patriarchy).
Forgot to add that the consumers of said videos should be castrated, too, provided one can find their tiny dicks.
If you institute the death penalty for rape, won't that make it more likely for the rapists to kill the person that they are raping? I think to prevent rape, first you have to deal with the root of the issue: toxic masculinity, and a culture that objectifies women (or taken together, patriarchy).

No, to deal with crimes in general and specially sexual crimes like rape you have to do two things.
First is cultural reformation to spread rejection of the crime at its core.
And second since there will always be anomalies, you put fear of punishment as a secondary push factor to prevent the crimes.

In this case, rape is to some extent considered as normal in certain areas of India and Asia and Africa in general (not all but some areas). Thus its far more common. So you have to reform the culture into rejecting it to an extent where its absolutly horrible and unforgivable crime.
This will also make it much harder to not get caught for rape since the society it self will stand against it so no one will cover for you.
And second you must spread fear of the punishment for rape.
Here you present the death penalty, and preferably in a variety of ways.
So people who might consider rape not only will know that they will in all ways be caught, but also if they're caught thats it for them.
And the variety of ways for death penalty would increase the fear of punishment even further.

For example, Iran. In western and southern Iran, rapists are hanged. Hanging aint that much of a painful death in comparison.
In some parts of eastern Iran, rapists are executed in a set of ways varying from being hanged at minimum, to being burned alive, crucified, amputation, or even death by torture for serial rapists.

Whats the result of missing one of the two factors.
Since the case is in India so we'll take it as example.
India misses the cultural rejection, as some people as evident don't mind rape. So there is no effective social response to rape. Rapists are less likely to be caught as result. But if i remember correctly the punishments are somewhat hard there.

Then we take Egypt as a second example, where rape is not rejected socially, atleast not to a sufficient degree, and in the same time, legal punishment isn't the effective nor hard.
Infact its really hard to convict a rapists in countries like Egypt even with evidence deemed sufficient in other countries.
Whats the result ? rape apademic.

Now lets take Europe as a third example.
Social rejection is there are less to-be-rapists from the people and much higher chance of rapists and criminals being reported and caught.
However, legal punishment isn't that hard, so there isn't much fear of the punishment, and whether some admit it or not, if you have money you can easily get away with any crimes in Europe, so that makes it worse.
Results ? several thousands of rape crimes per year in each country.

Then lets take eastern Iran as a 4rth example. (underline the "eastern" part)
Crimes against girls whether rape or abuse or harassment are considered among the top of the line serious crimes and highly rejected and social response to rape is just as brutal as authority punishment.
To a degree where rapists are likely to be caught and handed to the authorities by the people.
Legal conditions ? well aside from the fact that you'll 99% likely to be caught shortly after you do your crime. With evidence, doesn't matter who you are, you're 100% likely to be convicted and recieve hard punishment. And ofcourse the punishment and ways of delivery which you'll freak out just by thinking of it.
Whats the results ? 1, maybe 2 cases of rape a year. It peaked to a couple dozen cases a year with Afghani refugees started residing in eastern Iran but it shortly went back to previous levels.
LV-GUCCI-PRADA-FLEX wrote:If you institute the death penalty for rape, won't that make it more likely for the rapists to kill the person that they are raping? I think to prevent rape, first you have to deal with the root of the issue: toxic masculinity, and a culture that objectifies women (or taken together, patriarchy).

I just read this post b/c of the Leb's response to it.

You should be ashamed of yourself for posting something so stupid.

We're not going to end rape anymore than we're going to end murder or robbery.

"Culture" is why men rape though it can modify its incidence perhaps. Dudes want to get their dicks wet and some dudes are more than willing to do without a woman's consent given the opportunity.

That's not going to change.
Stopping rape entirely just as other crimes is impossible, as no matter what there will always be anomalies in the society that wont follow the agreed upon direction.
However it can be reduced to a minimum level. And that should be a goal.

It also helps to increase "liberal" social morality to increase openness between gender and destroy taboos. Allowing the satisfaction of all sides without coersion of one.

Not really. Social effects are too dangerous.
If rapists are left alive, and worse castrated, they will be angry at society and might effect young men in pushing them into accepting such acts and maybe doing it.
Illnes should be killed off once caught to safe gaurd the society as whole.
Dave wrote:Dicks aren't involved in castration, Frollein.

It's balls you're looking for. ;)
You should read up on the castrati opera singers. :)
Anasawad, that's a huge block of text to contend with. My response to you is that you're on track, somewhat. In order for us to have an honest examination of the issue, we'd have to rely less on unsourced information and more on an objective source. I agree that social stigma will lead to less rape. Re: Europe, I would contend that the rate of rape is much lower in Europe and the US than the rest of the world, we just have more of an ability to process cases and a broader definition of rape. Of course, my assessment is not based on objective evidence either, and would need further sources to justify what I'm saying.

Dave wrote:Feel like these videos wouldn't be that good as Indian women tend not to be attractive and Indian men tend to have small peckers.

Gross. Also I think that's against the forum rules.

That said willing to watch one and will buy one next time I visit India.

You are literally admitting to wanting to purchase and watch a gang-rape video. Are you this forum's resident edgelord or something?

Incidentally in India rape really is a great tragedy as most Indian women really are virtuous.

Raping any woman is tragic, regardless of what any man thinks of her virtuosity. (I can already hear the uncreative insults coming, lay it on me).

You should be ashamed of yourself for posting something so stupid.

We're not going to end rape anymore than we're going to end murder or robbery.

I said prevent, I didn't say end.

"Culture" is [not] why men rape though it can modify its incidence perhaps.

If you're admitting it could be a factor, then it could be the reason.

Dudes want to get their dicks wet and some dudes are more than willing to do without a woman's consent given the opportunity.

Haven't heard this one in a while. I'm not going to go down this rabbithole, because I already know what's going to happen. I'm going to give the reason for rape accepted by most social scientists, and you're going to make misogynistic statements until I get bored of arguing with you.
That is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard

If rapists don't rape for sexual pleasure then why do their dicks get hard and why do they ejaculate into the vaginas they are raping?

Do you seriously believe this bullshit?
How is it not sourceful ?
You can easily search online for the rates and numbers of each country in the world.
Its exactly as i said it is since i was basing on the stats. And in the same time, the conditions of those countries in matter of both social and legal aspects in regard of rape are also as i described it.
Europe and the US aren't the lowest rates of rape and sexual crimes in the world, infact Europe has a considerably high numbers of rape crimes.
Some of European countries are in the top of the list for countries of highest rape crimes per year. And considering that the society doesn't accept this type of things then it indicates that the laws are too soft and non-punishing enough which is causing increase of crime rates.
the US, Sweden, Germany, France are some of the highest in the world in matter of rape BTW.

Egypt has a huge ( and i mean literally huuugggeee) numbers and rates of rapes and sexual crimes, and its literally a cultural norm there. And the punishment is rare and light.
India also the same but to a lesser degree.
Iran as whole has less than 200 cases of rapes per year, all of them end up with the rapists killed off. And in matter of districts, most rapes happen west of Iran.
Dave wrote:That is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard

You saying you want to watch a gang rape video was the dumbest thing I've heard in a long time, so the feeling is mutual.

If rapists don't rape for sexual pleasure then why do their dicks get hard and why do they ejaculate into the vaginas they are raping?

Rapists oftentimes have trouble getting it up. Further just because there are similarities to consensual sex doesn't mean that the reasons for it are at all similar. Rape is a proof, to the rapist, of their manhood; their dominance over women.

Do you seriously believe this bullshit?

You mean do I believe the generally accepted reasons for rape put forth by social scientists as apposed to outdated excuses for rape? Yes. Yes I do.
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