"Genocide", an "anti-terrorist" attack, and suicide bombers - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Thought this was going to be about That Conflict didn't 'ya? ;)

No, this is a different hotspot, albeit with some similarities.
(One ironic difference though: The terrorist/insurgent group in this conflict was the first in the world to systematically use "human bombs", a tactic associated in a sectarian way with a certain religion...yet, they hate Muslims!)

First, the latest story:
Sri Lankan troops capture last Tamil Tiger naval base
COLOMBO (AFP) - Sri Lankan government troops on Thursday captured the last known Tamil Tiger naval base in the northeast of the island, a military official said.
In a fresh blow to the embattled ethnic rebels, troops fought their way to the Chalai base of the Sea Tigers, the naval unit of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)....

....The LTTE had a formidable sea-going capability and had scored many successes by sinking naval fast attack craft and even foreign merchant vessels operating in waters close to the coastline they once controlled.
With the fall of Chalai, the Tigers are left with just 20 kms of coastline in the northeastern district of Muallaittivu.
The defence ministry said that the Tigers tried to use suicide bombers to prevent the army from taking Chalai, but the attacks had been thwarted.
“As LTTE’s heyday is nearing its Waterloo, (the) desperate Tiger leadership appears to be using its last trumpets by sending brainwashed teenagers for suicide missions,” the ministry said.

Some other recent news about the Sri Lankan civil war:

Tamils make candlelight protest as Canada asks for ceasefire
Toronto: Marking the Sri Lankan independence day as the 'Day of Mourning', thousands of Tamils across Canada protested against what they alleged "genocide" in the island nation amid fighting between security forces and LTTE.
Canadian Tamils took out candle light vigils across the country to protest against the aggravating humanitarian conditions of the civilians in the north of Sri Lanka. They termed the conflict as "genocide" of civilians. The protest took place for the second time in a week. On Friday last, thousands of Tamils had made human chain protests here.
Meanwhile, Canada's top diplomat yesterday pressed for a ceasefire in the restive north of Sri Lanka to allow civilians to escape fighting between government forces and rebels.

UN says bombs hit hospital in Sri Lanka war zone
The United Nations says cluster bombs have hit the last functioning hospital in Sri Lanka's northern war zone where Tamil Tiger rebels are fighting a last-gasp battle for survival.
It is the first time cluster bombs are known to have been used in the government's push to defeat the Tamil Tigers since the collapse of a cease-fire in 2006. The Tigers now control just a small jungle area after being routed from all major towns and villages in their area.

U.N. spokesman Gordon Weiss said Wednesday that the hospital was being hit by cluster munitions in recent days when it was also hit by artillery barrages.

Sri Lanka Seizes Largest Suicide Bomber Training Base
Sri Lanka’s military said soldiers captured the largest training base for Tamil Tiger suicide bombers in an army offensive to defeat the group in the north and end the 26-year conflict. Evidence suggests that Velupillai Prabhakaran, the leader of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, frequently visited the base where “LTTE human bombs were hosted with their ‘final dinner of death,’” the Defense Ministry said in a statement on its Web site late yesterday. The LTTE has used its “Black Tiger” suicide squads to carry out attacks, including raiding an air force base in the north in October 2007 that destroyed eight military helicopters and aircraft. The group was the first to use female suicide bombers and develop explosive belts and vests, the U.S. Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism said in a 2006 report....

....Cluster bombs were used in Mullaitivu yesterday, Gordon Weiss, a UN spokesman, said in Colombo. The hospital in the town of Puthukkudiyiruppu was evacuated after being repeatedly shelled in recent days, the International Committee of the Red Cross said in a statement yesterday.
The government’s Media Centre for National Security said on its Web site that aircraft and helicopters undertook raids yesterday and on Jan. 3 on rebel “resistance points” south and southeast of Puthukkudiyiruppu. The raids hit targets accurately, causing losses to the LTTE, it cited unidentified air force officials as saying.
“We do not have cluster bombs,” Udaya Nannayakara, a defense spokesman, said by telephone from Colombo yesterday. “Our aircraft have no facility to drop cluster bombs. There were no air strikes near the hospital.”
Cluster munitions, which release dozens of “bomblets” over a wide area, are banned under a global treaty known as the Convention on Cluster Munitions.
Amnesty International denounced any use of cluster bombs, describing it as a war crime.
“There has been no accountability on either side for serious violations of international humanitarian law in the conflict,” it said in an e-mailed statement today.
Sri Lanka’s government has an obligation to investigate war crimes and prosecute people suspected of such crimes whenever there is “sufficient admissible evidence,” according to the statement by the human rights organization.
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By Nattering Nabob
Give it up Gletkin...there are no Jews to blame so nobody cares about this war.

No Jews, No outrage!

*lowers head and raises fist*

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