Slavery in the Niger - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the nations of Africa.

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By Puffer Fish
Slavery is still going on in parts of Africa.

Muslim men are allowed to have 4 wives under Islamic law. Many take slave girls as "fifth wives".

After a ten year battle, a top court in the Republic of Niger, a West African country, ruled earlier this year against the Muslim practice of taking a "fifth wife," also called "wahaya." This brings a legal end to a barbaric form of slavery in Niger, in which thousands of young girls have long and cruelly suffered as sex and domestic slaves.

While Muslim men are legally allowed under Islamic law to have four wives, many in Niger buy slave girls, most under fifteen years of age, as non-legal "fifth wives." These men may have also multiple "fifth wives." Wealthy men, it was reported, buy such "wives" as a sign of prestige. And while one anti-slavery activist states the exact number of "fifth wives" is unknown, it is "very common" in some areas of Niger.

The "fifth wife" slave girls are made to work long hours in the fields, herd animals perform domestic chores and forced to have sex with their masters in a form of concubinage. Masters can also arrange the girls' marriages without their consent. As non-legal wives, these young girls are also subservient to the legal wives and made to perform domestic chores for them. And perhaps most terrible of all, any children these slave girls bear belong to their masters who can dispose of them as he wishes.

All slaves are black Africans, whose ancestors were captured in slave raids and who "remain trapped in hereditary slavery." Black African slaves among the Tuaregs are called "black Tumacheqs" (after the language spoken by the Tuaregs)."

At age 12, Meni was sold for $412 dollars to a Hausa.

"I was negotiated over like a goat," said Meni of the transaction that deeply affected her personal fate.

As a "fifth wife" slave for her new master, Meni performed all the hard-labor tasks mentioned above. And as his sex servant, she was forced to bear him three children.

"I was beaten so many times, I would run to my family," said Meni. "Then, after a day or two I would be brought back. At the time I didn’t know what to do, but since I learned slavery had been abolished I told myself I will no longer be a slave."

Slavery had been abolished when Niger was a French colony. But an independent Niger only abolished and criminalized it in 2003. One anti-slavery activist said this was only a "charm offensive to please westerners." Everything, apparently, stayed the same on the ground.

Slave children also work in Niger’s gold mines. Boys are also sometimes castrated, an old Islamic practice. Slave masters are also reported to sometimes separate slave children from their parents at a young age to break the parent-child bond. ... phen-brown
By Patrickov
I wonder if this would have continued had the Western colonialism continued.
Patrickov wrote:I wonder if this would have continued had the Western colonialism continued.

It would Not.

The Western nations were the first to popularly abolish slavery. The West was the first to destroy slavery. Similar to how the West was the first to introduce politics to destroy patriarchy, religious rule, and the family institution.

When Western colonialists started to take African slaves to the Americas, the first slaves they took were slaves that were purchased by African slave owners, since slavery was Much more dominant in Africa Prior to Western colonialism. More African slaves were forced by African slave owners than by Western colonialist slave owners.
Barbaric form of slavery in Niger, in which thousands of young girls have long and cruelly suffered as sex and domestic slaves.

This is a characteristic of Islamic patriarchy.
While Muslim men are legally allowed under Islamic law to have four wives, many in Niger buy slave girls, most under fifteen years of age, as non-legal "fifth wives." These men may have also multiple "fifth wives."

This is a characteristic of Islamic sex slavery and exploitation.
Wealthy men, it was reported, buy such "wives" as a sign of prestige. And while one anti-slavery activist states the exact number of "fifth wives" is unknown, it is "very common" in some areas of Niger.

This is a characteristic of feudalist and capitalist social alienation, where people are judged according to what and Who they own.
Masters can also arrange the girls' marriages without their consent.

This is a characteristic of Islamic forced marriages.
And as his sex servant, she was forced to bear him three children.

This is a characteristic of forced pregnancy, which is a form of social slavery.
I was beaten so many times, I would run to my family

This is a characteristic of promoting a masculine, violent culture where sexual activities are manipulated upon those in the forced culture to relieve themselves psychologically to cope with the violent, masculine culture.
Slavery had been abolished when Niger was a French colony.

Politics that abolish slavery were first introduced by Western nations. Centuries later, Third World people rebelled against slavery, yet defended organized religion, the family institution, and social patriarchy.
But an independent Niger only abolished and criminalized it in 2003.

Independence for Third World nations from Western colonialism is reactionary, Not revolutionary.
One anti-slavery activist said this was only a "charm offensive to please westerners."

Generally, Third World nations lie about everything to the west, from reactionary "anti-Imperialist" movements that are falsely labeled "Revolutionary," to labeling anyone who is against Islamic conquest to be called an "Islamophobic," out of liberal, reactionary manipulation.
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By Skynet
It is always talk about Islam, but the Ottoman Islam in Bosnia Albania, Turkey and Chechenia has no such things like slavery childmarriages. The women go as virgins in marriage. Pedophiles receive 45 Years prison... in turkish prisons they have to be isolated or they get killed...
SaddamHuseinovic wrote:It is always talk about Islam, but the Ottoman Islam in Bosnia Albania, Turkey and Chechenia has no such things like slavery childmarriages. The women go as virgins in marriage.

While I am loathe to get off-topic, I feel I have to correct you.

In parts of Turkey, child marriages are still legal, and some of these girls were sort of pushed into by their parents and not really given a choice. Of course in Turkey there's no such thing as marital rape, so it's legal for men to force their wives to have sex. In many parts of the country usually the authorities will look the other way if a man gives his wife a beating, including if he beat her with a stick for not having sex with him, this is not that uncommon of a practice in some parts.
The country of Turkey is really like two different worlds, living in parallel, and living in different parts of the country. The big city Istanbul is so modern and secular you could almost mistake it for somewhere in Europe (and technically it actually is). So too are most of the tourist towns along the Mediterranean, they're not really that backwards. But most tourists who travel to Turkey never see the regions where more than half of the country's population lives. You go outside the biggest cities, in towns in the interior part of the country, it can actually be dangerous to, for instance, preach Christianity to muslims.
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By Skynet
Puffer Fish wrote:While I am loathe to get off-topic, I feel I have to correct you.

In parts of Turkey, child marriages are still legal, and some of these girls were sort of pushed into by their parents and not really given a choice. Of course in Turkey there's no such thing as marital rape, so it's legal for men to force their wives to have sex. In many parts of the country usually the authorities will look the other way if a man gives his wife a beating, including if he beat her with a stick for not having sex with him, this is not that uncommon of a practice in some parts.
The country of Turkey is really like two different worlds, living in parallel, and living in different parts of the country. The big city Istanbul is so modern and secular you could almost mistake it for somewhere in Europe (and technically it actually is). S.

Child marriages happen just in areas where the PKK insurgency taking place.

Turkey has strictest laws against pedophiles, some EU countries like France you can fuck legaly a 15 year old.

In turkish prisons pedophiles have to be kept isolated or they get killed
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