US and British forces should leave Iraq immediately - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the nations of the Middle East.

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Rich wrote:Latest sports news:

Brazil 1 San Marino 1

This is a brilliant result for Brazil's manager. Brazil scored the first first goal and the fact that San Marino managed to squeeze in an equaliser is really irrelevant. Its pathetic the way San Marino fanbois are trying to take comfort from this result. This result cements Brazil's reputation as the worlds number 1 football team. Every shred of credibility that San Marino had as a serious international football team have been lost. Really for San Marino the dream is over period. Why don't they just hang their boots up now?

This result is particularly satisfying because there had been some absurd suggestions from the usual dark malevolent corner suspects of the internet that Brazil's manager wasn't actually working for Brazil, but was actually working from the inside to help another national team. Well this result has put paid to that drivel. With this result Brazil's manager has restored Brazil's position as the unchallenged dominant number 1 team in the world. Truly he has made Brazil Football Great Again.

Rich wrote:Latest sports news:

Brazil 1 San Marino 1

This is a brilliant result for Brazil's manager. Brazil scored the first first goal and the fact that San Marino managed to squeeze in an equaliser is really irrelevant. Its pathetic the way San Marino fanbois are trying to take comfort from this result. This result cements Brazil's reputation as the worlds number 1 football team. Every shred of credibility that San Marino had as a serious international football team have been lost. Really for San Marino the dream is over period. Why don't they just hang their boots up now?

This result is particularly satisfying because there had been some absurd suggestions from the usual dark malevolent corner suspects of the internet that Brazil's manager wasn't actually working for Brazil, but was actually working from the inside to help another national team. Well this result has put paid to that drivel. With this result Brazil's manager has restored Brazil's position as the unchallenged dominant number 1 team in the world. Truly he has made Brazil Football Great Again.

To be fair Brazil isn't that strong now. Replace it with, say, Germany, may be even closer to facts.
annatar1914 wrote:Don't lie. I mean, hindsight really is 20/20 and all, but looking at your multitudinous posts in the past would leave a person believing that you want American troops to die triggering some bullshit End-Times scenario, with ''Gog and Magog'' as Russia and an alliance of Islamic states against Israel, because you read it in Hal Lindsey's ''Late Great Planet Earth'' 50 years ago :excited:

Ha ha that's funny. :lol:
Rich wrote:The Iraq Parliament voted something like 500 to 0 for us to leave. I can't seem to find the figures. There seems to be a concerted cross media attempt to hide the result as it was so embarrassing. I again commend Trump for his elimination of Soleimani, a man responsible for the loss of numerous American and British soldiers lives. As Democrats and anti fascists we should unquestionably accept the vote of the Iraqi Parliament. Its their country not ours. As people of dignity we have no need to stay where we are not welcome. And as a most basic duty to the men and women of our armed forces, who risk their lives for us, we should not leave out troops in a Muslim country where most of the people sympathise with an open enemy.

It's rather discouraging that disgust with endless war, which played an important part in Trump's initial support, gets pushed to the side whenever it's convenient. Democrats are just as bad. There is no anti-war movement, or none big enough to discourage the warhawks. I agree we should leave Iraq. Also Afghanistan, Koreastan, Deutschestan, and every other stan.
Atlantis wrote:In contrast to US decisions under Trump, the Iranians show remarkable cool-headedness and moderation in everything they do. The US could have killed Soleimani for years but no US leader was crazy enough to actually do such a stupid thing.

I am so glad that we now have a crazy leader that would would stupidly order a drone strike to kill a top Iranian terrorist in Iraq that was responsible for many American deaths. It is just too bad that he is not crazy enough to stupidly order the bombing of the Iranian leaders in Iran.
Hindsite wrote:I am so glad that we now have a crazy leader that would would stupidly order a drone strike to kill a top Iranian terrorist in Iraq that was responsible for many American deaths. It is just too bad that he is not crazy enough to stupidly order the bombing of the Iranian leaders in Iran.

All the horror and death the US has visited upon the world will eventually be unleashed by our leaders upon us, @Hindsite. I hope you're ready, because they will spare you no sympathy.
quetzalcoatl wrote:All the horror and death the US has visited upon the world will eventually be unleashed by our leaders upon us, @Hindsite. I hope you're ready, because they will spare you no sympathy.

They are already not sparing me any sympathy, so I don't care to spare them any sympathy. So I say sanction the hell out of them.
Praise the Lord.
Hindsite wrote:Ha ha that's funny. :lol:

Yeah, because making political decisions even as a voter based on insane theories, decisions that result in American troops dying, is a real hoot. :roll:

You should be deeply ashamed of yourself, if you had the conscience to feel shame about these literal life and death and even eternal matters.
Rich wrote:The Iraq Parliament voted something like 500 to 0 for us to leave. I can't seem to find the figures. There seems to be a concerted cross media attempt to hide the result as it was so embarrassing. I again commend Trump for his elimination of Soleimani, a man responsible for the loss of numerous American and British soldiers lives. As Democrats and anti fascists we should unquestionably accept the vote of the Iraqi Parliament. Its their country not ours. As people of dignity we have no need to stay where we are not welcome. And as a most basic duty to the men and women of our armed forces, who risk their lives for us, we should not leave out troops in a Muslim country where most of the people sympathise with an open enemy.

Sure let the US/UK leave and create a power vacuum to be filled by Iran, Syria, Russia, China, and/or whatever the next ISIS or al-Qaeda turns out to be. Great idea!
annatar1914 wrote:Yeah, because making political decisions even as a voter based on insane theories, decisions that result in American troops dying, is a real hoot. :roll:

That is the crazy Democrats and left-wing media, not me.

annatar1914 wrote:You should be deeply ashamed of yourself, if you had the conscience to feel shame about these literal life and death and even eternal matters.

Again, that shame belongs to the crazy Democrats and the fake news media. I, on other other hand, support President Trump in his actions to keep our troops safe.
Praise the Lord.
Unthinking Majority wrote:Sure let the US/UK leave and create a power vacuum to be filled by Iran, Syria, Russia, China, and/or whatever the next ISIS or al-Qaeda turns out to be. Great idea!

They'll always be people who whine about the end of Apartheid. They see all the terrible things of the new South Africa. They see the corrosion and disintegration of so much that was good from the Apartheid days, so much that was built up by the British colony and its White Supremacist successor state. So I find it some what tiresome to have to keep explaining to them why the Apartheid system was just not viable in the long term. It was the same the the Jim Crow South. Once they chose mixed race multi culturalism over mono cultural separatism they were doomed. As in Britain government and businees whined on about the need to import ever more foreign labour, so the South African government and south African business whined on about their need for ever more Black labour.

So its the same with Iraq, like South Africa, another Multi-cultural state under minority rule. Iraq was a multicultural state with Sunni Arab minority rule. Its neighbour Syria is of course another multicultural nightmare state, in that case with Alawite minority rule. Neither State was sustainable in the long run, like the Apartheid State neither state was viable in the long run. Even though the totalitarian police terror states in Iraq and Syria gave them a resilience over the shorter term than possessed by universal-White suffrage democratic South Africa.

In Syria I hope for a gradual transition from Alawite minority rule in a Sunni Arab majority State to a an Infidel separatist State, or failing that at least an Infidel / Shia state separatist State. It would be still be a multiculturalist state, but the very worst of the multiculturalism, the Sunni Arabs, the Sunni Turks and the Sunni Turkomen would be removed. In Iraq I supported the revolutionary overthrow of the Sunni Arab State by the United States military along with its allies.

And yes I had noticed that SCIRI and DAWA had been based in Iran. That did lead me to suspect that they might be just an incy, incy wincy slightest bit pro Iran. There's no need to be judgemental. Obviously the combined resources of the State department, the US military, the NSA and the CIA couldn't compete with me, just some geezer with a keyboard and an internet connection, when it came to information gathering and analysis.

I couldn't care less what Bush and Blair's motivation was for removing Saddam. All that mattered to me was that they got the job done.
Rich wrote:And yes I had noticed that SCIRI and DAWA had been based in Iran. That did lead me to suspect that they might be just an incy, incy wincy slightest bit pro Iran. There's no need to be judgemental. Obviously the combined resources of the State department, the US military, the NSA and the CIA couldn't compete with me, just some geezer with a keyboard and an internet connection, when it came to information gathering and analysis.

It doesn't matter how clever the minions are, if the supervillain they're working for is an ignorant fool, then it's all going to go to hell in a hand basket. Bush and Blair basically handed Iraq to Iran, and now Trump is trying to snatch it back from them. Too late, fuckers! Lol.

Heisenberg wrote:They invaded Iraq without even attempting to understand the the Sunni/Shi'a divide...

Sunnis and Shia lived well together for many years in Iraq, worked together, inter-married etc. The divide between the two groups was something pushed by U.S. terrorism in Iraq during the insurgencies against the U.S. occupation in the first few years after the war on Iraq in 2003. :)

Drlee wrote:The US could destroy Iran in a month.


At the end of the day both Russia and China will realize that Iran is simply not worth the money they would lose in trade with the US.


Apologies but you are very funny, Drlee. What is your info based on?

And that Iran is dangerous to everyone.

The words above were stated by an American patriot. :lol:

We can essentially destroy Iran as a functioning nation without a single boot on the ground.

Your empire is dying.

I see you have used the term "imperialist". Do try to find out what that means before you use it inappropriately. There's a good chap.

What do you think it means?
Hindsite wrote:Imperialism means the rule of an emperor.

Or the Imperial Presidency.

There is a reason why the US has a presidential system and not a parliamentary democracy. The Imperial Presidency allows the swift dispatch of US troops abroad to project power and impose imperial rule on the world. With a multi-party parliamentary democracy and coalition governments it would become very hard to intervene in foreign conflicts.

As long as the US maintains its system of imperial presidency, it'll be condemned to imperialist policies.

The reason why France, Russia and Turkey have powerful presidential systems like the US, is because they all have past, present or future imperial ambitions.
Atlantis wrote:As long as the US maintains its system of imperial presidency, it'll be condemned to imperialist policies.

The reason why France, Russia and Turkey have powerful presidential systems like the US, is because they all have past, present or future imperial ambitions.

The world sent a loud and clear message to the US. They said we care about George Floyd. They said we care about this on guy who died in a Democratic run city. They said we're really couldn't care less whether you keep troops in Iraq.

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