Community Doctors: Largest Medical School in the World ELAM - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties from Mexico to Argentina.

Moderator: PoFo Latin America Mods

Forum rules: No one line posts please. This is an international political discussion forum, so please post in English only.
Tainari88 wrote:Great documentary short one...worth watching!

An hour and forty minutes? On what planet is that "short"?

My cousin went to medical school in Mexico. His tuition was paid for by the Mexican government in exchange for him giving two years to treating impoverished areas of Mexico's interior.

When he came back to the States he found out that his Mexican education wasn't worth much.

He's a copier repair tech in North Carolina now...
BigSteve wrote:An hour and forty minutes? On what planet is that "short"?

My cousin went to medical school in Mexico. His tuition was paid for by the Mexican government in exchange for him giving two years to treating impoverished areas of Mexico's interior.

When he came back to the States he found out that his Mexican education wasn't worth much.

He's a copier repair tech in North Carolina now...

First of all it is short compared to mini series and what the topic is about. Community Health care is a big subject. You can be watching videos for days about it in series. It is short for the subject matter.

Next thing, I am not talking about your cousin. Medical School in the USA whether it is a state university or a private university is EXTREMELY expensive in the USA. The only kinds of students that can attend fall into four categories Steve:

1. Rich kids from rich families who can afford spending a quarter of a million dollars or more for six to eight years of full time medical student studies at a private or state run medical school in the USA.

2. Students with excellent grades and who earn scholarships but have to supplement it with large student loans and pay them off for twenty years....or do the same as your cousin and work in ghetto located clinics in the USA for a few years for student loan forgiveness....or be saddled with hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt and repay it for decades with interest, (used to be capped a Perkins loan at 5% not anymore now they go as high as 24% interest rate on those student loans),and student loan debt is not forgiven, and in the USA the rules for paying it back are strict. You have to pay it back or you don't qualify for a mortgage ever, you don't qualify for a car loan, you also won't even get your social security check or disability check if you have student loan debt....they will not send you at age 65 or more a SS check or SSI check if you owe a penny in student loan debt. It is harsh. For poor people they just can't go to medical school in the USA.

3. The medical hospitals or clinics that do accept people who graduate in another place that is far less expensive than the USA medical schools are Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, and a couple of other unincorporated territories, Native American universities on reservations, etc. The University of Puerto Rico Medical School was CHEAP as hell to attend had the only Tropical Medicine school in the USA system (accepted by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Universities Accreditation Board)--that regulates the same Unis as all the Eastern Seaboard colleges and unis in the USA such as New York University, Colombia, Rutger's, Princeton, Yale, etc. But the issue I ran into with American students studying at the University of Puerto Rico Medical School in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico was that they were upset they had to read books in three languages and write in three languages their reports, papers and etc. Spanish, English and a third language. Usually French, Japanese, German, etc. Because the UPR doesn't graduate MONOLINGUAL doctors and the lazy ass Americans from the states could not cope with trilingual gruaduation requirements. They would argue like fools in front of the Dean of the Medical School in Rio Piedras talking about crap like,---it is too hard to learn Spanish at this point. Why do I got to learn Spanish?"

Because, you are in the Caribbean islands, you got Jamaica, Bahamas, the USA, Canada and Europeans coming over here as tourists and you need to speak English true, but you got Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Mexicans, Venezuelans, Dominicans, etc speaking Spanish, you got people from Martinique, Guadaloupe, Haiti, etc speaking French.....You GOT TO COVER EVERYBODY. Be efficient. They did not like that. Lazy I would say because the Nigerians who came to study tropical medicine in Puerto Rico did not wring their hands in worry about foreign languages they studied all the time till they got fluent and graduated. A Medical School Diploma recognized in the USA for cheap? They went for it with all guns blazing literally. But the Nigerians are used to harsh circumstances, hard work and third world conditions and don't hang
around waiting for easy shit to happen Steve.

4. The Military. Join the Navy, the Air Force, Marines, or Army for years and get a Veteran's benefits scholarship to study in Medical School. But even then it is very competitive and you have to spend years serving in the military to do it. Moving from state to state, uprooting your family etc.

So how does one address the students who just want to be doctors but aren't rich and the many many nations living in poverty Steve? One of the reasons you get undocumented workers in the USA is they don't have medical care, decent educations in their own nations. ELAM addresses that need. If people who are very poor and earn hardly any money in their own country? Have at least access to doctors, nurses, dentists and basic prevention care and get care with vaccines and preventable disease education? Birth control methods? Nutritional advice, clean water for drinking and bathing and washing in? They have stability Steve. They MIGHT STAY HOME AND YOU MIGHT NOT HAVE TO GET ALL PISSED OFF AT THE ones going to stay in your country.

Lol. You should be always supporting anything helping people to stay put in their own countries. ELAM does that.

And Mexican medical education is pretty good. I have visited the Medical school here in the Universidad Autonoma del Yucatan. It is very good. You got all the sciences, biology, and all the requirements for studying a good medical profession. To think all the nations out there have lousy medical education is for the birds.

BTW, The bank panel PROMESA voted to take away massive amounts of money from the UPR medical school and the UPR. They want it to raise their tuition rates to USA levels and make it very hard to do to medical school for the islanders. It will force more Ricans to the states. Great idea eh? Force everyone to move the hell out because they refuse to raise education to the sky and unaffordable and the USA is then having to deal with millions of people who can't study in their own countries. Great idea!
Tainari88 wrote:First of all it is short compared to mini series and what the topic is about. Community Health care is a big subject. You can be watching videos for days about it in series. It is short for the subject matter.

That's like saying that the Bible is short compared to the Encyclopedia Britannica. It's still about 1,200 pages...

Next thing, I am not talking about your cousin. Medical School in the USA whether it is a state university or a private university is EXTREMELY expensive in the USA. The only kinds of students that can attend fall into three categories Steve:

How many categories?

1. Rich kids from rich families who can afford spending a quarter of a million dollars or more for six to eight years of full time medical student studies at a private or state run medical school in the USA.

2. Students with excellent grades and who earn scholarships but have to supplement it with large student loans and pay them off for twenty years....or do the same as your cousin and work in ghetto located clinics in the USA for a few years for student loan forgiveness...or be saddled with hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt and repay it for decades with interest, (used to be capped a Perkins loan at 5% not anymore now they go as high as 24% interest rate on those student loans),and student loan debt is not forgiven, and in the USA the rules for paying it back are strict. You have to pay it back or you don't qualify for a mortgage ever, you don't qualify for a car loan, you also won't even get your social security check or disability check if you have student loan debt....they will not send you at age 65 or more a SS check or SSI check if you owe a penny in student loan debt. It is harsh. For poor people they just can't go to medical school in the USA.

So people with student loans can't get a car loan?


That's just so wrong it's funny...

3. The medical hospitals or clinics that do accept people who graduate in another place that is far less expensive than the USA medical schools are Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, and a couple of other unincorporated territories, Native American universities on reservations, etc. The University of Puerto Rico Medical School was CHEAP as hell to attend had the only Tropical Medicine school in the USA system (accepted by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Universities Accreditation Board)--that regulates the same Unis as all the Eastern Seaboard colleges and unis in the USA such as New York University, Colombia, Rutger's, Princeton, Yale, etc. But the issue I ran into with American students studying at the University of Puerto Rico Medical School in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico was that they were upset they had to read books in three languages and write in three languages their reports, papers and etc. Spanish, English and a third language. Usually French, Japanese, German, etc. Because the UPR doesn't graduate MONOLINGUAL doctors and the lazy ass Americans from the states could not cope with trilingual gruaduation requirements. They would argue like fools in front of the Dean of the Medical School in Rio Piedras talking about crap like,---it is too hard to learn Spanish at this point. Why do I got to learn Spanish?"

Because, you are in the Caribbean islands, you got Jamaica, Bahamas, the USA, Canada and Europeans coming over here as tourists and you need to speak English true, but you got Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Mexicans, Venezuelans, Dominicans, etc speaking Spanish, you got people from Martinique, Guadaloupe, Haiti, etc speaking French.....You GOT TO COVER EVERYBODY. Be efficient. They did not like that. Lazy I would say because the Nigerians who came to study tropical medicine in Puerto Rico did not wring their hands in worry about foreign languages they studied all the time till they got fluent and graduated. A Medical School Diploma recognized in the USA for cheap? They went for it with all guns blazing literally. But the Nigerians are used to harsh circumstances, hard work and third world conditions and don't hang
around waiting for easy shit to happen Steve.

3. The Military. Join the Navy, the Air Force, Marines, or Army for years and get a Veteran's benefits scholarship to study in Medical School. But even then it is very competitive and you have to spend years serving in the military to do it. Moving from state to state, uprooting your family etc.

I'm sorry, are you trying to educate me on what military life is like?

That's cute.

I lived in San Diego for 30 years, 20 of those while I was in the military. Not everyone in the military gets uprooted every few years. In fact, many people spend their entire careers in the same geographic area...

So how does one address the students who just want to be doctors but aren't rich and the many many nations living in poverty Steve? One of the reasons you get undocumented workers in the USA is they don't have medical care, decent educations in their own nations. ELAM addresses that need. If people who are very poor and earn hardly any money in their own country? Have at least access to doctors, nurses, dentists and basic prevention care and get care with vaccines and preventable disease education? Birth control methods? Nutritional advice, clean water for drinking and bathing and washing in? They have stability Steve. They MIGHT STAY HOME AND YOU MIGHT NOT HAVE TO GET ALL PISSED OFF AT THE ones going to stay in your country.

It's rather evident that you didn't even read what I wrote. You said "I'm not talking about your cousin" and then you went on to describe his very situation.

He went to medical school in Mexico City and worked for two years in the interior of Mexico, not a ghetto in the United States. Yes, just like the military doctor who had to "spend years serving", so did my cousin. He just didn't wear a uniform. When he returned to the States he learned that his medical degree wasn't good for much.

So, since all indications are that you want to attempt to opine intelligently about what I wrote without actually reading it, I guess I'll just make fun of your inability to count to 4...
Last edited by BigSteve on 18 Oct 2019 17:23, edited 1 time in total.
BigSteve wrote:
My cousin went to medical school in Mexico. His tuition was paid for by the Mexican government in exchange for him giving two years to treating impoverished areas of Mexico's interior.

When he came back to the States he found out that his Mexican education wasn't worth much.

I am talking about Cuba. Not Mexico. Get those two nations separated Steve. They are not one country. Another thing, the USA is notoriously hard to get your education validated if it is not in the USA system. Because doctors make a lot of money in the USA. The Pharmaceutical Industry makes enormous profits in the medical care industry and they protect their interests. They don't allow even doctors who graduated from England, Germany, France, Italy, Russia, and African nations, Middle Eastern ones, etc to practice medicine in the states. They also charge huge amounts of money for exams and accreditation and malpractice insurance premiums restricting the amount of people allowed to work in medicine as doctors in the USA.
BigSteve wrote:That's like saying that the Bible is short compared to the Encyclopedia Britannica. It's still about 1,200 pages...

I am used to reading very very long things Steve. That is what I like. Long and long and longer things to read. I like learning. I don't have a short attention span like many people who smoked weed for years have. Sorry..... ;)

How many categories?

I almost forgot the military. That is how many people wind up joining. To get some help paying for college tuition costs. Especially if their families are not wealthy. Yes I did fix it to four categories. I forgot about the military. Oops, I am not from a military background. So I thought of them last minute and included them. Hee hee. See how I include people? :D

So people with student loans can't get a car loan?


That's just so wrong it's funny...

How is it wrong? People with a large student loan debt that go into a used car lot and want to buy a car? And the algorythm they use to determine if you can afford to do so? They get rejected for it without a co-signer or someone to vouch for their payments. I did an urban anthro project on it a long time ago. You got Steve the dude from San Diego Navy with bad credit, he goes in and tries to get a car loan. He owes 200k in medical school loans. He wants a truck worth 21k. They say no because by the time he finishes paying the student loan, his rent and bills? Doesn't have enough for the used truck. We are talking about medical school loans. Not some piddly community college owed $2000 dollars Steve. You need to think your arguments through better. You are not good.

I'm sorry, are you trying to educate me on what military life is like?

That's cute.

I lived in San Diego for 30 years, 20 of those while I was in the military. Not everyone in the military gets uprooted every few years. In fact, many people spend their entire careers in the same geographic area...

No they don't? I lived in San Diego for many years as well Steve. San Diego was and is a Navy town. And the rents and the mortgages are very very expensive. Most navy people need VA loans to get a mortgage and usually it is outside of San Diego County. Something like Chula Vista or San Ysidro, etc. or Otay or something cheaper to live in...And they are always being called up to move sometimes for years if they are YOUNG PEOPLE who just enlisted. The stable stuff comes with more years served. You know that Steve. You think I don't? Next.

It's rather evident that you didn't even read what I wrote. You said "I'm not talking about your cousin" and then you went on to describe his very situation.

He went to medical school in Mexico City and worked for two years in the interior of Mexico, not a ghetto in the United States. Yes, just like the military doctor who had to "spend years serving", so did my cousin. He just didn't wear a uniform. When he returned to the States he learned that his medical degree wasn't good for much.

So, since all indications are that you want to attempt to opine intelligently about what I wrote without actually reading it, I guess I'll just make fun of your inability to count to 4...

You are nitpicking and I already edited that Steve. Lol. You nitpick because you can't correlate what I wrote. What I already addressed in another post specifically dealing with your cousin.

You are insecure debating with me and you want to nitpick because you know I find you less than good at debate. I find that kind of sad Steve. You should not worry about how I view you and concentrate on analyzing the subject.

I type and edit sometimes Steve. I always do that. If you debated with substance instead of worrying about if it is four or three categories that I already corrected or edited because I notice it....then your need to nitpick would not make you look bad. It does. :lol:
Tainari88 wrote:I am talking about Cuba. Not Mexico. Get those two nations separated Steve. They are not one country. Another thing, the USA is notoriously hard to get your education validated if it is not in the USA system. Because doctors make a lot of money in the USA. The Pharmaceutical Industry makes enormous profits in the medical care industry and they protect their interests. They don't allow even doctors who graduated from England, Germany, France, Italy, Russia, and African nations, Middle Eastern ones, etc to practice medicine in the states. They also charge huge amounts of money for exams and accreditation and malpractice insurance premiums restricting the amount of people allowed to work in medicine as doctors in the USA.

I'm not inclined to take seriously the ramblings of someone who can't even count to four...
Tainari88 wrote:How is it wrong? People with a large student loan debt that go into a used car lot and want to buy a car? And the algorythm they use to determine if you can afford to do so? They get rejected for it without a co-signer or someone to vouch for their payments. I did an urban anthro project on it a long time ago. You got Steve the dude from San Diego Navy with bad credit, he goes in and tries to get a car loan. He owes 200k in medical school loans. He wants a truck worth 21k. They say no because by the time he finishes paying the student loan, his rent and bills? Doesn't have enough for the used truck. We are talking about medical school loans. Not some piddly community college owed $2000 dollars Steve. You need to think your arguments through better. You are not good.

I know plenty of people who have a LOT of student debt who get car loans. I even know people who have a LOT of student debt who get mortgages.

Yet, somehow, you insist this is not possible.

My best friend graduated from the University of Rochester with his PhD in neurobiology. While paying off his student loans he managed to get married, buy a house, three cars and raise a daughter.

How on earth was that possible?

No they don't? I lived in San Diego for many years as well Steve. San Diego was and is a Navy town. And the rents and the mortgages are very very expensive. Most navy people need VA loans to get a mortgage and usually it is outside of San Diego County. Something like Chula Vista or San Ysidro, etc. or Otay or something cheaper to live in

Many years, huh? Really?


Well, I hate to break this to you Kitten, but Chula Vista, San Ysidro and Otay are all in San Diego County.

Please, please admit that you don't know what you're talking about...

...And they are always being called up to move sometimes for years if they are YOUNG PEOPLE who just enlisted. The stable stuff comes with more years served. You know that Steve. You think I don't? Next.

No, I know you don't.

You're making yourself look foolish.

I was stationed in San Diego when I first joined the military. When I re-enlisted, one of the perks I got was choice of duty station. The Navy wanted to keep me in San Diego, but I chose to go to Charleston, SC because I had family up and down the east coast. Had I said I wanted to stay in San Diego, though, I would've. I was only an E-4; hardly the upper echelon of the enlisted ranks.

When it came time for me to re-enlist again, this time as an E-5 (again, not exactly high up) I chose to move back to San Diego, which is where I remained for the remainder of my career.

Seriously, do yourself a favor and don't try to pit what you think about the military against what I actually know. The fact of the matter is that the military has gotten to be big fans of "homesteading" and leaving people in one place asopposed to moving them around every few years...

You are insecure debating with me and you want to nitpick because you know I find you less than good at debate. I find that kind of sad Steve. You should not worry about how I view you and concentrate on analyzing the subject.

Oh, yeah, I find your deep well of military knowledge to be downright intimidating.


If you debated with substance instead of worrying about if it is four or three categories that I already corrected or edited because I notice it....then your need to nitpick would not make you look bad. It does. :lol:

And if you would post with the benefit of knowing what you were talking about you wouldn't be laughed at so much...
I am not inclined to debate someone on a yellow card who is worried about being red carded but is trying hard right now to troll.

Steve you can keep being a man with no analysis. It is no skin off of my nose. Lol. I will wait for people who are more analytical.

Don't take it the wrong way. I know it is hard being a person who has to defend things in fora full of people who don't live in your neck of the woods.

You got to worry about your reputation. For intelligence. :p

Community doctors for poor communities? Are they needed? Yes they are. Are they important? Yes they are. Can a rich nation afford to train and sustain doctors for their communities? Yes they can. Why don't they do so?

The answer is the Medical industry and Big Pharma in the USA don't want it to happen. You got sellout politicians in the USA who don't want to make anything related to medicine affordable. It will affect the trillions of dollars involved in their pockets to make it affordable and accessible. So they allow the waste to continue.

This subject and topic is about that. Doctors in the poorer communities of the world addressing poor people's needs Steve.

It is not about your vast Navy low ranking trials and tribulations. It is about that topic.

Get back to the topic. Or just be ignored. Lol. Adios..... :D
Last edited by Tainari88 on 18 Oct 2019 18:24, edited 1 time in total.
Tainari88 wrote:I am not inclined to debate someone on a yellow card who is worried about being red carded but is trying hard right now to troll.

Steve you can keep being a man with no analysis. It is no skin off of my nose. Lol. I will wait for people who are more analytical. j

Don't take it the wrong way. I know it is hard being a person who has to defend things in fora full of people who don't live in your neck of the woods.

You got to worry about your reputation. For intelligence. :p

You're trying to come across as intelligent but you're saying things that are simply untrue.

You have little room to speak about intelligence...
BigSteve wrote:You're trying to come across as intelligent but you're saying things that are simply untrue.

You have little room to speak about intelligence...

What is untrue? That you never studied medicine but your cousin did in Mexico City and he had to go to rural parts of Mexico and he came back to the states and found out he can't practice medicine in the states with a Mexican medical degree? Didn't you see the video of the American doctor from San Francisco who broke down piece by piece why it is so hard to be poor or not be wealthy and become a doctor in the USA? She broke it down in the video.

But since you can't be bothered to watch the video and want to comment and be right without work? You come up with excuses and lies.

It is trolling Steve. No one is convinced. I am not convinced.

I don't care about your opinions Steve. But if you want to spend time in this thread be on the topic and deal with the answers with respect. If you can't do it because you are insecure because you are in a competition in your head against some random people on the Left and you want to shoot liberals it is not my problem Steve.

This is about writing and debate. Not about trolling.

It is not about the Navy. It is not about your low ranking career. It is not about ex or is about doctors in the communities who are making a difference for poor people.

You never addressed my points about what do poor people need to do to not leave their poor countries? If you think they should all just die without medicine because they might go in a caravan to the USA/Mexican border? Then we can just say...that is Steve's opinion. If you aint American you have no right to live. If you aint got dough for a doctor. You aint gonna live.

Lol. But if you have enough ethics to address the topic? You might change your rep from piss poor to something better.

Either way Steve. If you don't start debating points and just want to trash this thread. It won't work. Lol.
Tainari88 wrote:What is untrue?

Well, let's have a look:

    1 - You said people with student debt can't get car loans or mortgages. That's untrue.

    2 - You said Chula Vista, Otay (presumably Otay Mesa since you spelled Otay that way) and San Ysidro were not in San Diego County. They are.

    3 - In an unwise and ultimately failed attempt to appear more intelligent than you are, you decided it would be a good idea to engage me regarding aspects of military life to which you are totally ignorant by belching up nonsense like "...they are always being called up to move sometimes for years if they are YOUNG PEOPLE who just enlisted. The stable stuff comes with more years served. You know that Steve. You think I don't? Next."

    Yeah... you definitely DON'T know that.


    In fact, young people tend to stay in one place longer because they're not yet trained adequately enough to fill billets in other areas. I had guys who worked for me who spent their first 2-1/2 years in the Navy going to school, only to get orders to a ship on the other side of the same base.

    But, please, regale us all with your broad and in depth knowledge of what it's like to be a young person in the military...

But since you can't be bothered to watch the video and want to comment and be right without work? You come up with excuses and lies.

No, I'm not about to sit here for over an hour and a half watching some video. I've got an actual life that takes me away from my computer from time to time.

You should try it...

It is trolling Steve. No one is convinced. I am not convinced.

It's only trolling because you realize that your nonsensical arguments have been crushed under my boot heel...

I don't care about your opinions Steve. But if you want to spend time in this thread be on the topic and deal with the answers with respect.

I'll tell you what: I'll include in my responses that which you insist is missing; respect, if you include what's missing from yours: intelligence. You might not care about opinions, but it's also clear you don't care about facts, either, as your posts are damn near devoid of them...

If you can't do it because you are insecure because you are in a competition in your head against some random people on the Left and you want to shoot liberals it is not my problem Steve.

What the fuck are you blathering on about?

This is about writing and debate. Not about trolling.

And, at least as far as you're concerned, it's also for talking about things you know nothing about...

It is not about the Navy. It is not about your low ranking career.

I'm a retired E-8, Cupcake. Why don't you educate yourself and see just how "low ranking" that is. Again, you are cloaked in ignorance.

E-8 ain't too fuckin' shabby for a career of 20 years and 11 days...

You never addressed my points about what do poor people need to do to not leave their poor countries? If you think they should all just die without medicine because they might go in a caravan to the USA/Mexican border? Then we can just say...that is Steve's opinion. If you aint American you have no right to live. If you aint got dough for a doctor. You aint gonna live.

Lol. But if you have enough ethics to address the topic? You might change your rep from piss poor to something better.

Either way Steve. If you don't start debating points and just want to trash this thread. It won't work. Lol.

You're fooling yourself if you think I give a fuck what you opinion of my "rep" is. You're just not that important.

Either way, if you don't start saying things that are true it won't work...
BigSteve wrote:Well, let's have a look:

    1 - You said people with student debt can't get car loans or mortgages. That's untrue.

    2 - You said Chula Vista, Otay (presumably Otay Mesa since you spelled Otay that way) and San Ysidro were not in San Diego County. They are.

    3 - In an unwise and ultimately failed attempt to appear more intelligent than you are, you decided it would be a good idea to engage me regarding aspects of military life to which you are totally ignorant by belching up nonsense like "...they are always being called up to move sometimes for years if they are YOUNG PEOPLE who just enlisted. The stable stuff comes with more years served. You know that Steve. You think I don't? Next."

    Yeah... you definitely DON'T know that.


    In fact, young people tend to stay in one place longer because they're not yet trained adequately enough to fill billets in other areas. I had guys who worked for me who spent their first 2-1/2 years in the Navy going to school, only to get orders to a ship on the other side of the same base.

    But, please, regale us all with your broad and in depth knowledge of what it's like to be a young person in the military...

No, I'm not about to sit here for over an hour and a half watching some video. I've got an actual life that takes me away from my computer from time to time.

You should try it...

It's only trolling because you realize that your nonsensical arguments have been crushed under my boot heel...

I'll tell you what: I'll include in my responses that which you insist is missing; respect, if you include what's missing from yours: intelligence. You might not care about opinions, but it's also clear you don't care about facts, either, as your posts are damn near devoid of them...

What the fuck are you blathering on about?

And, at least as far as you're concerned, it's also for talking about things you know nothing about...

I'm a retired E-8, Cupcake. Why don't you educate yourself and see just how "low ranking" that is. Again, you are cloaked in ignorance.

E-8 ain't too fuckin' shabby for a career of 20 years and 11 days...

You're fooling yourself if you think I give a fuck what you opinion of my "rep" is. You're just not that important.

Either way, if you don't start saying things that are true it won't work...

Steve, you are nitpicking about what? If Chula Vista is this or that? It is not in the expensive parts of San Diego. San Diego is not a cheap place to live or buy property in. Whether it is Linda Vista, Golden Hills, or whatever. It is not cheap to live there or buy property there. That is the main point. If you want to nit pick? it is because you don't have substantive arguments.

Why don't you admit the truth? You are in here because you are offended that I find you less than intelligent. I do. That is the truth. Why? I will be brief.

You only want to debate with crushing people under boot heels, shooting people for being liberals, defending some unethical president because that is all you want in politics.

I could care less about how you deal with topics. You are awful in general.

You slide over the main points.

Which are they? That the reason why people who might want to become doctors in the USA don't become them is because it is restricted to wealthy people. Period. In general.

Wealthy people are not the majority of the world's population by a very long shot.

The reason why the largest medical school in the world is not in the USA is simple. The USA's medical schools are controlled for graduates to serve an industry that is for profit medicine in which TRILLIONS are expended but the health doesn't improve over all. Income inequalities and access inequalities and the results are only wealthy people can hope over time to become doctors. They don't give a damn about how many people remain sick or die or don't have access as long as profits stay high.

That is my main point? What is your main point?

That you are a what? An E-8? I don't care.

You are not in some all Republican fora Steve. A lot of people don't reside, live or even are born American Republicans in the military in this fora. I posted in a Latin American forum about a Latin American Medical School. The biggest one in the world founded in 1999 to help poor communities all over the world cope with lack of access to basic health care.

My point? If some nation that is resource poor can do it? Why can't the USA do the same and produce millions of medical professionals willing to go out there and save lives? WHy aren't there resources being allocated to that purpose? That is what I am interested in addressing.

I am answering that question. It is...they are not interested in that because there is NO PROFIT in it. If there is no profit in medicine let the people suffer.

That sucks. But that is the system.

The summary of my reason for posting.

I don't care about your nitpicks because you want to be fact based when you have not been in many many threads. With many other people.

You are not someone I care to debate. I don't care to debate you Steve.

You can either address the topic or be ignored from now on. It is your choice.

I told you already, no skin off of my nose what you think.

I already read your thoughts here a long long time ago.

It is not impressive.

Take it or leave it. Lol. :lol: 8) :D

Again, Steve is the topic military Navy protocol for your generation? No. It is about ELAM.

I don't care you have some obsessive need to insult everyone who disagrees with you. That is not my issue. I am not interested in your knowledge of the Navy. I never have been. When I am interested in your knowledge of the Navy I will ask you a question. I have not because I am not interested in it. It is not what the thread is about.

Again, is about ELAM. The world's largest medical school. It is in Cuba.

This is a forum about Latin American topics. I posted it to address Community Doctors making a difference.

Do you have an opinion on that? Or is it like I suspect.....I got under your skin with Rancid and I agreeing that you are boring and unoriginal....and now you want to come in and 'win' like a spoiled man.

I don't care Steve. You can't fake many years of thinking deeply about things.

People become habits. If you did not have the habit of thinking about a lot of things all the way down to the studs? No one can show that....people become their habits unless the consciously decide to change them.

You wanting to get revenge over some comments that are truly felt by other people? That is something you can't control.

If you don't care. Act like you don't. Address the point?

Of the purpose of the Community Doctors and ELAM.

Or be ignored.

If you continue with the bullshit? You will wind up with more to worry about or being restricted again.

Control yourself and get to the topic.
Tainari88 wrote:Steve, you are nitpicking about what? If Chula Vista is this or that? It is not in the expensive parts of San Diego. San Diego is not a cheap place to live or buy property in. Whether it is Linda Vista, Golden Hills, or whatever. It is not cheap to live there or buy property there. That is the main point. If you want to nit pick? it is because you don't have substantive arguments.

No, it's because I happen to know that you're trying to talk intelligently about something you have no knowledge of.

You never lived in San Diego. If you did, you never would've said that Chula Vista was an affordable place to live...

Why don't you admit the truth? You are in here because you are offended that I find you less than intelligent. I do. That is the truth. Why? I will be brief.

See, you're probably one of those "book smart" people. You can probably discuss the molecular make-up of a banana, but you don't know how to program a television remote.

That's not real impressive...

You only want to debate with crushing people under boot heels, shooting people for being liberals, defending some unethical president because that is all you want in politics.

If you were as smart as you pretend, you'd understand the shooting liberals comment was tongue-in-cheek.

But you're not, so you don't...

I could care less about how you deal with topics. You are awful in general.

You slide over the main points.

And yet you write volumes whining about it...

Which are they? That the reason why people who might want to become doctors in the USA don't become them is because it is restricted to wealthy people. Period. In general.

The reason why the largest medical school in the world is not in the USA is simple. The USA's medical schools are controlled for graduates to serve an industry that is for profit medicine in which TRILLIONS are expended but the health doesn't improve over all.

The largest medical school isn't in a lot of other places, too. Why not?

That is my main point? What is your main point?

That you are a what? An E-8? I don't care.

You commented on my "low ranking" career. What a foolish and stupid thing to say. I know you're not intelligent because you make idiotic comments like that...

You are not in some all Republican fora Steve. A lot of people don't reside, live or even are born American Republicans in the military in this fora. I posted in a Latin American forum about a Latin American Medical School.

Whew, that's good,. because I'm not a Republican...

I don't care about your nitpicks because you want to be fact based when you have not been in many many threads. With many other people.

You wouldn't know a fact if it fell on you.

You can't even own up to the fact that you were spewing bullshit before. I called you on it, and instead of being a mature adult and admitting that you don't know what you're talking about, you deflect.

How childish of you...

You are not someone I care to debate. I don't care to debate you Steve.

Then don't.

The likelihood of me losing sleep over that is pretty much nonexistent...

You can either address the topic or be ignored from now on. It is your choice.

Oh, golly, no! Ignore me?

Like I could give a fuck if no-nothing poster on an internet forum ignores me.

You must have a really inflated ego to think you might matter that much to anyone...

Again, Steve is the topic military Navy protocol for your generation? No. It is about ELAM.

Sorry, Puddin', but you opened the door to it by commenting on the characterization of my service. Maybe next time you'll be smarter and not open the door to a subject you are woefully ill-prepared to discuss...

I don't care you have some obsessive need to insult everyone who disagrees with you. That is not my issue. I am not interested in your knowledge of the Navy. I never have been. When I am interested in your knowledge of the Navy I will ask you a question. I have not because I am not interested in it. It is not what the thread is about.

Again, you brought it up by besmirching it. So, at this point, I don't give a fuck what you ask for. I'll tell you what you need to know about it when I choose to...

If you continue with the bullshit? You will wind up with more to worry about or being restricted again.

Control yourself and get to the topic.

I do believe that discussing moderator actions is a violation of the rules here...
Good thread, even if you are trying to have a good dig at me elsewhere. ;) You should try not doing that and then saying how petty some folks are..

However, what you wrote is very interesting and I'm sorry @BigSteve does not see that, and writes nasty insults for no reason. Not nice is it? ;)

I posted elsewhere, facts about how the US health service could save a lot of money very easily, but americanskij don't like deez tings.

I'm on an imminent perma-ban if my convo with the mod is anything to go on, so I'll keep this short:

Community healthcare saves lives & money and the unnoticed wonders developed in commie backwaters, are highly useful. I know Cubans have made do VERY well on very little; mending and improving things over and over. The way they squeeze value for money out of everything is truly inspirational. There is a LOT to learn from that.
Well I like you and I'm not going to go against you, but very politely I'll say, you can be very nasty to folks. Maybe she's insulted you elsewhere idk and I'm in the wrong for jumping in, but calling her a 'xanax head' did seem harsh...she's so much worse than that...joking, joking, not serious lol. :lol: She's quite clever and I think you'd find what she posted in OP interesting? Just saying..
Presvias wrote:Well I like you and I'm not going to go against you, but very politely I'll say, you can be very nasty to folks. Maybe she's insulted you elsewhere idk and I'm in the wrong for jumping in, but calling her a 'xanax head' did seem harsh...she's so much worse than that...joking, joking, not serious lol. :lol: She's quite clever and I think you'd find what she posted in OP interesting? Just saying..

Presvias, I don't appreciate emotionally motivated posting where people's minds wander to moods and emotions to the point where one loses the topic and the purpose of opening a thread.

It is simple. You make a comment about the topic and move on.

I love this topic. Community health and community doctors. I used to work in that field. Community health and public health prevention for years. So I am passionate about it.

An ounce of prevention and health education prevents a whole lot of money on trying to cure advanced chronic disease.

I am in Mexico now and I am always interested in low cost medical treatments and I ask always about that...

I live near a lot of clinics and hospitals. Some public and some private and it is very interesting how it works. I like that topic.

I think if you have a lot of work being done to change behaviors in people that encourage better overall health in the long term it is best.

How to do it cheaply? One way is train a lot of community doctors, community nurses, dentists, etc. Nutritionists and to have kids and parents do exercises everyday. Lots of physical activity.

I don't know anyone that likes or hopes to be taking a lot of drugs in the future, and living their life with a huge amount of prescription drugs being taken to control multiple symptoms that don't go away and just get acute over time, for the rest of their lives.

Who does?

Invest in prevention and encouraging good habits in people.

Traditional medicine in Mexico is interesting but so are household remedies. They have a lot.

Interestingly Mexicans in the Yucatan suffer from a large percentage of vitiligo....that two toned skin problem....and the Cubans have a reputation of curing it.

My neighbor friend who helps me everyday here used to have that problem. She doesn't anymore. The Cuban treatment worked.

And it was a lot less expensive that the conventional dermatologist stuff from expensive markets in North America.
Lowering Healthcare Costs: Supply and Demand

Increasing Supply:

1. Increase the number of medical professionals. Unemployment among healthcare professionals remains near 1%, far lower than any other field. Increasing the number of medical, dental, and nursing school seats in the US will increase supply over time, creating more balance in the healthcare work force and driving down wage increases.

2. Shorten the length of medical school. Doctors in the UK and other countries finish their medical education in six years or less before going on to training programs (residency), while US doctors spend eight years between college and medical school. Accelerated six year medical programs exist in the US, and there is no evidence that their doctors’ education suffers as a result. Shortening medical, dental, and pharmaceutical programs to six years will increase the supply of practitioners, and decrease the starting salaries they demand since their schooling and debt burden are lower.

3. Doctors aren’t needed for routine healthcare. Nurse practicioners, midwives, pharmacists, and other medical providers can provide much of the routine care needed. National laws (or at least guidelines) making it easier for these practitioners to do their jobs will further increase the supply of qualified medical professionals, driving down prices.

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