Updates on Puerto Rico 2019: USA response to crisis emphasizes how bad the relationship is! - Page 4 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Drlee wrote:I think you are right. I believe he has a really good chance of being reelected in 2020. The democrats are in their usual circular firing squad and he is lining up his base may be better than before.

The key is women and very frankly I do not see them exercising their political power in any big way. If women decide he will go, he will go. If they vote like last time he is in. Simple as that.

Yes, I think that is a solid analysis of it. I am not part of the USA scene anymore. I plan on living and dying in Latin America. So? That is that.

AOC is not going away. It is time the establishment liberals start realizing they sucked at addressing the needs of the American working class. They got spanked politically. The Racists came out of the woodwork now and it is time to have a fight between the roots of America's past (Racist assholes) and the present and future generations,(People who don't think racism is good for the future and want to cut off heads of any racists who keep on with the same ole stupid ideas that did not work for them either).

That is the only way to get rid of the issues the USA has with its old slavery and exploiting new immigrant past. They got to push out the puss in their racist wounds and Trump is the catalyst. It is a good thing in the long run. They force the liberals in the middle who are taking, on the one hand, the payoffs of the corporations and betraying the working class to change, and on the other hand, the Right is embracing the racists and the haters so, in the end, they can get their asses whipped solidly and never get a hold of power again as a minority in their land. It is a win-win for all, in the end, this racist Prez con man. Bring on the Trumpism.
People who don't think racism is good for the future and want to cut off heads of any racists who keep on with the same ole stupid ideas that did not work for them either

Its good to know the "Liberals" real intentions

Its pretty clear that you want to entierly change the face of the country
push away whites and pull in Negros and brownies who will degenerate the country until a point in which it will collapse
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Its good to know the "Liberals" real intentions

Its pretty clear that you want to entierly change the face of the country
push away whites and pull in Negros and brownies who will degenerate the country until a point in which it will collapse

I want to pull in brownies and negros? To the point of collapse?

I want to entirely change the face of the country?

Negros and Brownies will degenerate the country?

Hmmm. Is Zionist kind of racist? According to the few and proud.....he is not. He is just stating the facts?

Again, got to pull on the puss and bring it out into the open...hint hint...who is spewing puss filled rhetoric...hint hint. LOL!!

A reirse. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Last edited by Tainari88 on 17 Jul 2019 16:36, edited 1 time in total.
Im a bit racist I wont deny that although I dont hate different people I just have prejudices about different groups that often happen to be true in many cases
its like saying that Negros are criminals thats not true for majority of them but they are the ones who involved in most crimes so the stereotype is true to some extent
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Im a bit racist I won't deny that although I don't hate different people I just have prejudices about different groups that often happen to be true in many cases
it is like saying that Negros are criminals that's not true for a majority of them but they are the ones who involved in most crimes so the stereotype is true to some extent

So Zionist? Did you get some prejudices eh? That you don't deny? Are your dinner companions @Finfinder and Julian and Big Steve and such? You all get together at dinner and discuss the ones who are tearing the nation down?

You think about cocktail hour and gather around the campfire or something?

Who is involved in most crimes? Black people? And if they are how to prevent it? Do you propose putting an ankle alarm or something on every black person in America to just make sure they don't do a crime?

Lol. You don't hide it. A good thing. It is better, to be honest about being a racist than to be a secret racist and use your 'moral authority' to say how free of racist thoughts you are and in practice, you are worse than the racists. Like many liberals are in my honest opinion.
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Well I can say that the prejudice about Jews and money is also true
and it's not just me saying I have Jewish friends who said it to me

I am going to hazard a guess and say you don't want Puerto Rico as the fifty-first state of the USA then?

I think you should get on the voting app for The Last Colony and say no to statehood once and for all for Puerto Rico. Let the world know you don't want the brownies and the negros and the Puerto Ricans running around pulling the nation down. Do the world a favor and have the bankers know ruling Puerto Rico....don't hang on to the island for profit. Have some moral compass and let the lower races go their own way. You don't want the hassle of trying to educate them in decent white persons behavior and culture...they need ankle bracelets.

Lol. I never thought this thread would make me laugh this much..... :lol: :lol: :lol: 8) ;)
Tainari88 wrote:So Zionist? Did you get some prejudices eh? That you don't deny? Are your dinner companions @Finfinder and Julian and Big Steve and such? You all get together at dinner and discuss the ones who are tearing the nation down?

I'd be happy to break bread with him and discuss the anti-American pigs who wish to ruin our country. If they are not discussed, then they are unchallenged.

And they will be challenged...
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Of course not its going to be 100% democrat

I wouldn't be so sure about that.

My girlfriend is Puerto Rican (and smokin' hot). She's got one sister and two brothers. With the exception of the youngest brother, they are all conservative and voted for Trump. They are all employed, work hard, have their own homes and pay their taxes.

The youngest brother is unemployed and lives with his parents.

But he's a liberal, soooo...

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Of course not its going to be 100% democrat

You killed the statehood dream? Don't you know the statehooders are the Right in Puerto Rico and they are part of the USA Democratic party. The Right at best in Puerto Rico are democrats. It is true. Most Puerto Ricans are not even Republicans in the least. You are 100% right about that.

Say no to statehood. Tell Pierluisi and Ricky Rossello that you don't want statehood because the brownies will bring down the quality of life in the USA. They need to hear that. :lol: :lol:
BigSteve wrote:I wouldn't be so sure about that.

My girlfriend is Puerto Rican (and smokin' hot). She's got one sister and two brothers. With the exception of the youngest brother, they are all conservative and voted for Trump. They are all employed, work hard, have their own homes and pay their taxes.

The youngest brother is unemployed and lives with his parents.

But he's a liberal, soooo...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Hmm. Employed and work hard and own their own homes. So do I. And I am far far left. That is not a good measure. Do you know how many men here and in the states all say the same thing...they like Puerto Rican women. Lol.

You are not alone with that.

Anyway, are you sure you won't mind the racial police taking DNA from your girlfriend someday to see if she is not 100% European or not? Lol.

They are bringing down the USA with their Brown culture according to some racists....lol.

Got to suspect of us Puerto Ricans with our not one hundred percent lily white gene pool...suspicious....of the genes...no matter how pretty the women are...got to see if they are up to snuff with the right politics. Got to love racist presidents even though they are not white. Suspicious.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :D
BigSteve wrote:I'd be happy to break bread with him and discuss the anti-American pigs who wish to ruin our country. If they are not discussed, then they are unchallenged.

And they will be challenged...

Steve, the majority of Americans voted for Hillary the liberal. The only reason Trump is in the White House is about the defects of the electoral college. You are not safe as a political class Steve. You will eventually get the backlash of the liberal class who have no use for conservative nationalistic patriots.

You will lose your country to the liberals who will sell the USA down the river. Accept it and have fun in liberal land in the future. Either that or you will wind up in jail someday because you can't accept that liberals need the nation to not be nationalistic in order to have the ideology survive. You can accept it and adapt or you will be eventually dealt with by the liberal state.

It is the unfortunate truth. :lol: :lol: ;)
Tainari88 wrote:Steve, the majority of Americans voted for Hillary the liberal. The only reason Trump is in the White House is about the defects of the electoral college.

You know what I find amusing?

Liberals didn't say a fucking thing about "the system" until "the system" ass-fucked them. Don't like the system? Change it. Don't wanna' try? Don't whine...

You are not safe as a political class Steve. You will eventually get the backlash of the liberal class who have no use for conservative nationalistic patriots.

I think you couldn't be more wrong...

You will lose your country to the liberals who will sell the USA down the river. Accept it and have fun in liberal land in the future. Either that or you will wind up in jail someday because you can't accept that liberals need the nation to not be nationalistic in order to have the ideology survive. You can accept it and adapt or you will be eventually dealt with by the liberal state.

I can promise you one thing: If we do lose our country, it won't be without a fight, and the rotting carcasses of dead liberals will litter the country...
I can promise you one thing: If we do lose our country, it won't be without a fight, and the rotting carcasses of dead liberals will litter the country...

And this from someone who does not display the slightest knowledge of what a "liberal" is.

But, like most Trump'ets he is full of bluff and bravado. I am weary of all of the chicken-hawk strutting and threatening. It is childish in the extreme. And unsupportable in practice.

Drlee wrote:And this from someone who does not display the slightest knowledge of what a "liberal" is.

But, like most Trump'ets he is full of bluff and bravado. I am weary of all of the chicken-hawk strutting and threatening. It is childish in the extreme. And unsupportable in practice.


And when the rubber hits the road, you'll be the one doing as you're told because you'll be too big a coward to stand up and fight for what you believe in...
Drlee wrote:And this from someone who does not display the slightest knowledge of what a "liberal" is.

But, like most Trump'ets he is full of bluff and bravado. I am weary of all of the chicken-hawk strutting and threatening. It is childish in the extreme. And unsupportable in practice.


Don't worry Drlee you will be welcome at my home in Mexico. I have a guest bedroom. If the nationalistic patriots make the USA a war zone with crazy ideas about shooting supposed 'illegal aliens' because they know who they are by sight alone? And it becomes a lawless land of dumbells willing to kill on sight and your retired self gets tired of all the excitement in Arizona?

I have a nice bedroom with some a/c and a nice ceiling fan in Mexico waiting for you....and you can practice your rusty Spanish....hee hee.

I also have to visit Puerto Rico and a couple of other countries in that region too. You can hang around and look at all my books on ancient civilizations from the Classic Mayan civvies and go visit Palacio Canton here. They got interesting anthropological artifacts. Because despite what nonsense the racists spew....the ancient North American Indian civvies invented the zero, they had perfect calendars and they brought corn, tomatoes, squash, beans, turkey, and chiles to the world...they also grew henequen (sisal) without that the ships sailing to Europe would never have made it. This city was one of the richest in the entire world during the 18th and 19th centuries. People that don't study history believe in bad egos full of lies. In the end? It is not worth it to discuss much with them. Why? They don't want to learn.
Buenas noches. ;)

Thank you very much. I may have to take you up on it. The US has much to answer for as does any powerful nation but it is sad to see what moral center we had remaining, leaking away to useless hatred and scapegoating.

I love Mexico and have worked and traveled there all of my life.

Buenas noches. Que tengas dulce sueños.
Drlee wrote::)

Thank you very much. I may have to take you up on it. The US has much to answer for as does any powerful nation but it is sad to see what moral center we had remaining, leaking away to useless hatred and scapegoating.

I love Mexico and have worked and traveled there all of my life.

Buenas noches. Que tengas dulce sueños.

Drlee you are always welcome here with me. I think you have always tried to argue from a place of truth for you. I respect that.

For me? I never believed in what many nationalistic Americans believed in. If the USA gov't was willing to take away or deny rights to my ethnic group (the Puerto Ricans) they are willing to do it to many others. A nation that betrays its own democratic principles to suit some nefarious purposes such as to profit from powerlessness and injustice has written itself its demise papers in history.

I have very little compassion for powerful and wealthy nations who wind up using class systems to justify injustice. You either go for a higher-order in a society based not on fascist ideas of master race concepts and 'we are naturally superior' mentality? Or you stop trying to control nature, its love of producing variation in everyone and instead say what is the sane thing to do.

What is the sane thing to do Drlee? Say--everyone has value, and has something to give back in this society. All nations have the same species and we all have similar needs. Let us work together to meet those needs and let us all accept that we are human and need to live, to work, to love and to play and bring some balance to our lives and our ways of thought. Start seeing value in our common human experience.

Everything else that is about fear, and hatred and mistrust and greed? Will only lead to our extinction as a species and to our demise as human civilizations.

And the first step is to be willing to not care about where people are from...whether Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe, etc. it is all ONE species. One heart. One mind.

The planet Earth doesn't care if there is a border in someplace. Flamingos in Mexico near here in Las Coloradas go to Florida at certain times of the year. They are not aware that Florida is not related territorially to Mexico. Hee hee. They just follow what nature dictates. I think we need to understand we have more in common with the birds like the Flamingos are than we realize Drlee.

We are looking for sustenance and a place to land. ;)
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