Why Liberals hate rich people - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Modern liberalism. Civil rights and liberties, State responsibility to the people (welfare).
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By rik
why do Liberals hate the rich so much?

I am the make believe millionaire Liberals hate so much.

Liberals point to the millions that I make. But never a word about how that money actually helps society.

I don't know of one wealthy person who keeps his money under his pillow, or in his basement.

I am now going to set the stage for my logical argument with some upfront facts...

If I gave away all my millions today, and became like you, would that change America? The answer is no. Therefore, you need me to be wealthy, so I can keep paying your welfare.

OK, now I'm confused. You want me to remain rich so your welfare check continues to come in. But at the same time, you keep criticizing me for being rich?

Let's look at how I spend my millions.

I live in a mansion, where...

I have house help
security people
a driver
a pool person
a personal trainer
an accountant to do my taxes

So, here I am, a multi-millionaire, providing jobs for a dozen+ people.

What do you have against me creating jobs for people? At the end of the day, only the rich can employ people. I don't remember ever working for a broke person before, do you?

I pay Hefty property taxes. More income for the government.

I own an expensive home theater system, with expensive 108 inch TV. This big spending helps the economy, and provides work for home automation people. Have you ever hired home automation people? Very unlikely. So but for me keeping them in business, they won't have a job.

I put money into the economy by purchasing expensive cars. I pay a disproportionate amount to register my Bentley, and Aston martins, which tear up the road the same as your Ford F-150. In other words, without me to shoulder the larger bill of road maintenance, you would be paying more to register your Ford F-150. But do you thank me for keeping money in your pocket? No. All I get is disdain.

I pay way more to get my Bentley serviced, washed, etc. Thus, I keep mechanics employed.

I stay at expensive hotel suites. This pumps money back into the economy. Without me, only motel 6 would exist.

Liberals love their iPhones, but hate the process that led to it's creation. Poor people don't make iphones.

I have the premium package for cable/satellite TV. This keeps TV companies in business. What do you have against me keeping the cable companies in business?

My private jet is parked in a hanger at the airport. This service costs me hundreds of thousands of Dollars annually. This is money going to fund the government. What do you have against me funding the government? Remember, that is where your welfare checks come from.

Furthermore, what do you have against me keeping airplane manufacturers in business?

I keep the rest of my money in banks. This helps make sure that there is money available when you want to borrow money. I'm also keeping bank employees employed, and keeping the building owner rich.

I fall in the top 1% or taxpayers, and I pay 42% of all the income tax collected by the government. Without me paying these huge taxes, how would you collect your welfare check? You can't. Seems to me you're biting the hand that feeds you.

Perhaps the most important point of all, is that wealthy Liberals like Pelosi, Obama, Al Gore, Soros, John Kerry, Oprah, have yet to give their money away to charity. If you Liberals really believe in wealth re-distribution, what better way to convince me than to show me?

At the end of the day, "wealthy Liberal" should be an oxymoron. Therefore, wealthy Liberals are all hypocrites.

Poor Liberals are hypocrites too, since I haven't heard any of you criticize the wealth of your rich counterparts. How come they haven't given their wealth away to help the poor like they preach?

The following are indisputable facts...

We cannot all be rich. True.
We can all be poor. True.
Only the rich can create jobs. True.

That means the only way for all of us to be equal like Liberals want, is if we all became poor. Everybody was equally poor in Communist Russia. They all were miserable because of it.

So, essentially by wanting to get rid of rich people, Liberals want all Americans to be poor equally. Why?
Last edited by rik on 09 Jul 2011 17:22, edited 1 time in total.
By Doug64
Liberals don't hate rich people, they just need bucketfuls of cash to fund their entitlement programs. So they have to demonize them so people will accept looting the rich's bank accounts as a right and good thing to do.
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By Zagadka
So they have to demonize them

Yea, it is so hard to demonize people who lay off thousands of workers and give themselves millions of dollars, then ship the remaining work force overseas.
By Quantum
American conservatives... :roll: Always distorting the meaning of political ideologies to suit their distorted view of reality, when the rest of the world uses the older, more accepted meaning.

Not to mention the fact that American "conservatism" is basically liberalism and "real conservatism" only exists in countries where revolutions are very infrequent e.g. the UK.
By Doug64
Zagadka wrote:Yea, it is so hard to demonize people who lay off thousands of workers and give themselves millions of dollars, then ship the remaining work force overseas.

Right, because Liberals helped create the conditions that make it more profitable to ship those jobs overseas, then call people monsters when they are only acting realistically based on the environment they live in. If you don't want the jobs to go overseas, then make it more profitable for companies to do business here. If you think the price of doing so is too high, then don't complain about the results - they're as much your responsibility, if not more, than the companies' acting on your decisions.
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By Genghis Khan
Why Liberals hate rich people

Not a single liberal hates rich people. Not one.

rik wrote:At the end of the day, only the rich can employ people.


rik wrote:Poor people don't make iphones.

Actually, they do. http://bloom.bg/dddNBF

rik wrote:Therefore, wealthy Liberals are all hypocrites.

The way you reach conclusions never ceases to amaze me.

rik wrote:So, essentially by wanting to get rid of rich people

Apparently, you're on to our demonic plan. We've been calling all the CEOs of fortune 500 companies (except the liberal ones, of course) and telling them about a big convention in the super dome. We told them we want them there so we can give them more illegal workers for cheap labor.

What we didn't tell them, is that the place is rigged to blow. We sit 'em down, wine 'em and dine 'em, and then, when they're too drunk to notice, we leave and lock them in. A minute later - Kaboom! They're all gone.

Then we take all their assets and distribute them in Compton and Harlem. That way we can buy enough black votes to reelect comrade Obama in 2012 and continue our ingenious plot to make everyone have the exact same amount of money.

Now promise me you won't tell anyone about this. I already told you too much as it is.
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By Zagadka
So, here I am, a multi-millionaire, providing jobs for a dozen+ people.

So what you are essentially saying is that the underclass should exist to serve the luxuries of the elite.
By Doug64
Zagadka wrote:So what you are essentially saying is that the underclass should exist to serve the luxuries of the elite.

As long as they're getting a decent wage, why should you care? A job's a job.
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By Genghis Khan
Zagadka wrote:So what you are essentially saying is that the underclass should exist to serve the luxuries of the elite.

Let's say you become rich, and you hate to drive. Are you saying it's wrong for you to hire someone to do it for you if you pay him a fair wage?
By Swinging Man
After reading some of the posts in this thread the first thing that came to mind was this video:

This is perfect for some of you, and I'd imagine directed at some of you. It gets really good about a little less than a minute into it.
Last edited by Swinging Man on 09 Jul 2011 20:20, edited 1 time in total.
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By Fasces
The trickle down argument would be more powerful to American ears, if the rich were not so focused on exporting those jobs elsewhere than developing them here. Furthermore, those that the rich do employ here tend, more likely than not in the capacities you listed, to be immigrants, who, by virtue of demanding lower wages push wages downward into an area where Americans simply cannot compete. A Mexican man working as your gardener, Rik, can feed his family back home for the $8,000 or so you pay him annually. A man whose family lives in the United States cannot. You can claim Americans do not want these jobs, but they simply cannot afford these jobs, especially if the income they might recieve for these jobs would push them out of reach for welfare, but not yet in the zone of independence.

If the rich want the love of their countrymen, then it must go both ways. You must cease to see your position in society in terms of how wealthy you are, and rather integrate yourself into the national conciouss. You must work, as many rich do to be perfectly fair, toward bettering the society that has given you the comfort you now enjoy. Rather than doing this, of course, you'll complain about high tax rates you have to pay - even though the dollars you give are meaningless without the social context - and that you might not be able to afford an exorbitant lifestyle, and have to settle for comfortable. Unfortunately, individuals like yourself, and I do not mean only the rich here, are condition to see society only as a pinata in which they must take as much as they can for themselves, rather than bettering the conditions of their countrymen. You are parasites, and it is only natural that a majority of Americans see you as such, critique you as such, and ultimately hate you as such. You have no grounds to ask "Why do they hate me?" when you engage in excess and hedonism at a time when many children do not have sufficient nutrients.

Your solution to poverty is to have those individuals work. I ask you Rik, how can they work if you guys take the jobs you are expected to create abroad, or import workers domestically, to save a few dollars you don't need to fund a lifestyle that is, frankly, embarrassing in its self-centered hedonism?

Yes, I detest [most of] the American elite. You don't deserve love. You're pathetic, parasitic, and you contribute nothing to society which could not also be created by the body politic. You are unnecessary and expensive. Use some of your business acumen to realize what should happen to individuals who are just that. What would you do if you were your own employee?
Last edited by Fasces on 09 Jul 2011 20:21, edited 1 time in total.
By eugenekop
Fasces, first of all you are not liberal. Second of all your gripe is against most Americans, not the rich, since most Americans would have done exactly the same thing were they rich. That's because relatively few Americans love their nation as much as you want them to (which is not a vice, since America is just a geographical area with a government, not a blood brotherhood), and because even those who live in order to serve their fellow men, might not agree with you that the best way to do this is by protectionism which turns American market into an uncompetitive one.
By Wolfman
I don't hate the rich per-se. I hate the clique within the rich known as the industrialists. That is to say, the ones who are responsible for the most severe human rights abuses since the mid-50s. If you don't hate them, there's something very wrong with your moral compass.
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By Zagadka
So, here I am, a multi-millionaire, providing jobs for a dozen+ people.

Wouldn't it be better to spend your luxury money improving health care, public safety, public transit, education, etc, than mowing your lawn and driving you around?

You want me to remain rich so your welfare check continues to come in.

That's the other reason we hate you - you make dickish comments.
By Swinging Man
Zag how many times do you have to respond to this fellow before he gets a chance to reply? :lol:

Zagadka wrote:Wouldn't it be better to spend your luxury money improving health care, public safety, public transit, education, etc, than mowing your lawn and driving you around?

It would be nice if more rich people did stuff like that, but improving health care, public safety, public transit, (public) education....that money would have to be funneled through the government....yes? Yes. At that point then would the money really go to those things? So him doing that, how much would it really benefit society? Secondly you talk about dick comments, and your attitude in this thread reeks. "Than mowing your lawn and driving you around". Right, not all rich people got their money by being scumbags. Some actually worked hard for it. If they choose to spend their money that way it's their right to. Maybe you should make some cuts in your budget to put towards healthcare, public transit, etc. Do you really need that little extra you provide yourself every once in a while? If you tell people what to do with their money, be fully prepared for someone to do the same to you one day. That game isn't fun.
By TruePolitics
I don't hate rich people, I hate GREEDY people. A lot of people become corrupt once they're rich, and they'll do horribly nasty things to entire communities just to make their fortune grow a little larger. I hate greedy stockbrokers and greedy insurance salesmen, who totally fuck over customers and who lobby the government to give them even more money. I hate CEOs and bosses that are unfair to their employees and don't pay them enough for their hard work. I hate people who aren't willing to pay their fair share of taxes for the good of the entire public. I hate people who selfishly horde every penny they can get their hands on when they clearly don't need it. I hate people who denounce public healthcare yet at the same time say nothing about all the money that is being wasted at war. I hate people who vote based on personal interests instead of on the interests of the country. I hate people who don't give a damn about the common, public welfare of the country, and who oppose goverment programs purely out of selfishness.
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By Zagadka
No, social responsibility isn't a game. I support a number of organizations without being rich. I volunteer some money, a lot of time and expertise.

that money would have to be funneled through the government....yes?

Most of it. NGOs would benefit as well.

At that point then would the money really go to those things?

Um, a lot of speculation there. It might help if the rich people didn't actively try to shut down those programs.

Secondly you talk about dick comments, and your attitude in this thread reeks. "Than mowing your lawn and driving you around".

He brought that up in the OP. I never called him anything that he didn't. He accused all liberals of being on welfare.

If they choose to spend their money that way it's their right to.

It sure is. It is also anyone else's right to think that they are behaving poorly.
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