Zeihan on why France is thinking about soldiers to Ukraine - Page 3 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Europe's nation states, the E.U. & Russia.

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Skynet wrote:Correction: Hole of Europe is from America first view not worth the nuclear and real Armageddon.

Putin says that we are all controlled by America so USA will be hit first with nukes obviously. That is not really an argument. Putin is crazy, you forgot about it. So once its done then Europe and US will roll in and hang everyone in Russia. Probably some Russian allies also since our actions will be fully justified: Belarus definitely but also Kazakhastan? Serbia? may be. We won't spare mass murderers and their allies. Although I am not sure if Kazakhstan and Serbia are really allies though.
FiveofSwords wrote:
Dude...I only saw one video...buy he was praising canada for mass migration because according to him it would raise the GDP....as if human beings are perfectly replaceable little economic units and totally transforming the demographics of a country has zero consequences.

That is a completely idiotic point of view. If he really believes that then he is one of the stupidest people on earth.

It has been understood by everyone since humans first wrote stuff down that demographic transformations tend to cause political instability and usually civil war. He doesn't even think to mention that as even a potential downside, lol. He's an idiot.

Demographics is what sets him apart.

There was a Baby Boom after WW2, across most of the planet. They are dying off, and the subsequent generations are smaller. There is no economic model about how you keep a healthy economy with a declining population. Fewer people means less consumption.

So there is a transformation going on, and it is causing problems...

It just happens to be the opposite of what you'd usually expect. Some of the wealthy countries are blunting the damage with immigration. America is. Every year for years we will have hundreds of thousands of more jobs than people, hundreds of thousands more jobs than the shortage of the previous year.

I have a suggestion, watch a bunch of his videos. He's entertaining, and brilliant. He's imperfect, partly because he exaggerates to both get his point across, and be entertaining.

But he's a big picture guy, and he gets the big picture right.
late wrote:Demographics is what sets him apart.

There was a Baby Boom after WW2, across most of the planet. They are dying off, and the subsequent generations are smaller. There is no economic model about how you keep a healthy economy with a declining population. Fewer people means less consumption.

So there is a transformation going on, and it is causing problems...

It just happens to be the opposite of what you'd usually expect. Some of the wealthy countries are blunting the damage with immigration. America is. Every year for years we will have hundreds of thousands of more jobs than people, hundreds of thousands more jobs than the shortage of the previous year.

I have a suggestion, watch a bunch of his videos. He's entertaining, and brilliant. He's imperfect, partly because he exaggerates to both get his point across, and be entertaining.

But he's a big picture guy, and he gets the big picture right.

Maybe you should look up whether something is actually true before you make assertions.

You are just wrong...we do know about the economy of a shrinking population. We can look at what happened in Europe during the black death, for example.

The economy actually boomed and the survivors prospered...this was of course without mass immigration.

But you don't bother to wonder whether zeihan has done any homework. He must know what he's talking about cause he just seems smart to you, right? Plus you desperately want to believe immigrationis a good thing because you personally profit from it. Nothing like a guy you think seems smart telling you that your own selfishness has some societal benefit.
FiveofSwords wrote:
Maybe you should look up whether something is actually true before you make assertions.

You are just wrong...we do know about the economy of a shrinking population. We can look at what happened in Europe during the black death, for example.

The economy actually boomed and the survivors prospered...this was of course without mass immigration.

But you don't bother to wonder whether Zeihan has done any homework. He must know what he's talking about cause he just seems smart to you, right? Plus you desperately want to believe immigration is a good thing because you personally profit from it. Nothing like a guy you think seems smart telling you that your own selfishness has some societal benefit.

You actually want to use the Black Death as an example?

Let's start with the basics, that was not capitalism. It was mercantilism, a modern capitalist economy is vastly more complex.

Second, you are saying there was a recovery, after maybe 1/3 of the people died. What I talked about was maintaining a healthy economy while the number of people declined. The Black Death devastated Europe...

So what you just said was that even if millions die and the region is devastated, there will be a recovery. Duh...

But that's as far from healthy as you can get...

Lastly, you keep making assertions without backing them up with coherent arguments. There are obvious conclusions to draw from that, but let's stick with the ones that won't get me booted off the forum: You aren't able to make a persuasive argument...

Professional sleazeballs talk a lot about immigration. You know, "poisoning our blood" "animals" "criminals" etc, etc, etc.

It's fear mongering for weak minds.

Please note that the very same people that talk like that are currently refusing to do something about it. They are sleazeballs, and sleazy is what they are, and what they do...
late wrote:You actually want to use the Black Death as an example?

Let's start with the basics, that was not capitalism. It was mercantilism, a modern capitalist economy is vastly more complex.

Second, you are saying there was a recovery, after maybe 1/3 of the people died. What I talked about was maintaining a healthy economy while the number of people declined. The Black Death devastated Europe...

So what you just said was that even if millions die and the region is devastated, there will be a recovery. Duh...

But that's as far from healthy as you can get...

Lastly, you keep making assertions without backing them up with coherent arguments. There are obvious conclusions to draw from that, but let's stick with the ones that won't get me booted off the forum: You aren't able to make a persuasive argument...

Professional sleazeballs talk a lot about immigration. You know, "poisoning our blood" "animals" "criminals" etc, etc, etc.

It's fear mongering for weak minds.

Please note that the very same people that talk like that are currently refusing to do something about it. They are sleazeballs, and sleazy is what they are, and what they do...

Yeah...I actually want to use the black death as an example. It proves your assertion wrong and your weird attempt to move the goalpost doesn't matter.

And I totally believe you picked up this assumption from zeihan. The guy isn't as informed as you think he is.

Meanwhile I am far more informed than you think I am.

And yes...immigrants absolutrly are poisoning our blood. That is just a true statement and I cannot see what should be embarrassing about making a true statement, lol. But zeihan I am sure would want to disagree.
FiveofSwords wrote:
Yeah...I actually want to use the black death as an example. It proves your assertion wrong and your weird attempt to move the goalpost doesn't matter.

And I totally believe you picked up this assumption from zeihan. The guy isn't as informed as you think he is.

Meanwhile I am far more informed than you think I am.

And yes...immigrants absolutrly are poisoning our blood. That is just a true statement and I cannot see what should be embarrassing about making a true statement, lol. But zeihan I am sure would want to disagree.

You keep making assertions you can't support.

The Black Death doesn't offer insight into maintaining a healthy economy with a shrinking population. It was also not a capitalist economy. A mercantile economy is a very different beast...

'Poisoning our blood' was something Nazis said... it's racist as hell, and it is quite simply wrong. We are a species, scientifically, there are no races. It's just pigmentation.

First Rule of Holes: when you are in one, stop digging...
FiveofSwords wrote:Maybe you should look up whether something is actually true before you make assertions.

You are just wrong...we do know about the economy of a shrinking population. We can look at what happened in Europe during the black death, for example.

The economy actually boomed and the survivors prospered...this was of course without mass immigration.

To be fair the Black Death disproportionately killed the old and the sick, leaving a more youthful, genetically healthier population. I certainly think we need world population reduction and that reduction should be focused on the less productive, crime and terrorist prone, socially regressive populations of the global south that has seen vast expansion in recent decades.

We are dealing with increased life expectancy, which is good, but still a big, big challenge. Added to this the modern liberals are engaged in a eugenics programme to make the "White" Gentile, Infidel races less healthy and more dependent on the pharmaceutical-sickness industrial complex.
Rich wrote:
We are dealing with increased life expectancy, which is good, but still a big, big challenge. Added to this the modern liberals are engaged in a eugenics programme to make the "White" Gentile, Infidel races less healthy and more dependent on the pharmaceutical-sickness industrial complex.

Do you have to be so mindless?

Progressives constantly fight Big Pharma and the food conglomerates. We didn't want drug advertising. On a personal note, I have stayed physically active. I was hiking and backacking into my 40s. After my knees went bad, I took up cycling, and my vacations were week long bike trips. For example, we went coast to coast across Italy.

I tried to get people I knew and worked with to exercise more. Nobody listened...

There's lots of reasons for the increase of health problems, I am not one of them. I am in my 70s now, and ride an ebike. (Income inequality plays a role)

You need to start using sources that aren't crap.
late wrote:Do you have to be so mindless?

Progressives constantly fight Big Pharma and the food conglomerates. We didn't want drug advertising. On a personal note, I have stayed physically active. I was hiking and backacking into my 40s. After my knees went bad, I took up cycling, and my vacations were week long bike trips. For example, we went coast to coast across Italy.

I tried to get people I knew and worked with to exercise more. Nobody listened...

There's lots of reasons for the increase of health problems, I am not one of them. I am in my 70s now, and ride an ebike. (Income inequality plays a role)

You need to start using sources that aren't crap.

It is interesting that you mentioned an extinct political party. They also supported eugenics, segregation, and prohibition.
late wrote: We are a species, scientifically, there are no races. It's just pigmentation.

I doubt this, there are different races... With a genealogy test I can determine your herritage( especialy European ethnicities are close related). The globalisation will end races!!! The enthnically purest country is North-Korea... (nobody wants to live there).
Skynet wrote:
I doubt this, there are different races... With a genealogy test I can determine your herritage( especialy European ethnicities are close related). The globalisation will end races!!! The enthnically purest country is North-Korea... (nobody wants to live there).

"Scientific racism, sometimes termed biological racism, is the pseudoscientific belief that the human species can be subdivided into biologically distinct taxa called "races",[1][2][3] and that empirical evidence exists to support or justify racism (racial discrimination), racial inferiority, or racial superiority.[4][5][6][7] Before the mid-20th century, scientific racism was accepted throughout the scientific community, but it is no longer considered scientific.[5][6] The division of humankind into biologically separate groups, along with the assignment of particular physical and mental characteristics to these groups through constructing and applying corresponding explanatory models, is referred to as racialism, race realism, or race science by those who support these ideas. Modern scientific consensus rejects this view as being irreconcilable with modern genetic research.[8]

For all practical social purposes, 'race' is not so much a biological phenomenon as a social myth. The myth of 'race' has created an enormous amount of human and social damage. In recent years, it has taken a heavy toll in human lives, and caused untold suffering."[10] Since that time, developments in human evolutionary genetics and physical anthropology have led to a new consensus among anthropologists that human races are a sociopolitical phenomenon rather than a biological one."

late wrote:Before the mid-20th century, scientific racism was accepted throughout the scientific community, but it is no longer considered scientific.[5][6] The division of humankind into biologically separate groups, along with the assignment of particular physical and mental characteristics to these groups through constructing and applying corresponding explanatory models, is referred to as racialism, race realism, or race science by those who support these ideas. Modern scientific consensus rejects this view as being irreconcilable with modern genetic research.[8]

For all practical social purposes, 'race' is not so much a biological phenomenon as a social myth. The myth of 'race' has created an enormous amount of human and social damage. In recent years, it has taken a heavy toll in human lives, and caused untold suffering."[10] Since that time, developments in human evolutionary genetics and physical anthropology have led to a new consensus among anthropologists that human races are a sociopolitical phenomenon rather than a biological one."


Good grief where do they find the morons to write this stuff. Race is a sub species categorisation. Pretty much the definition of a species is that it can interbreed. As the populations can interbreed they can not be distinct. Different populations,even if they don't have a hard completely non arbitrary boundary between them, will have different population distributions for certain characteristics. The difficulty with race research is that its very difficult to isolate the variables of genetics and environment, in particular to separate genetics from culture.

Now in the short term there is little doubt that culture is stronger in effect than biology. However it is possible that relatively small differences in the distributions for characteristics due to biology may over time time and positive feedback, lead to much larger differences in the different population's culture's. For example a group that has a small average advantage in intellectual capability is likely to create institutions and practices that further assist intellectual development, thereby magnifying the original difference.
late wrote:They're called scientists.

Wiki wrote:In biological classification, subspecies (pl.: subspecies) is a rank below species, used for populations that live in different areas and vary in size, shape, or other physical characteristics (morphology), but that can successfully interbreed.[2][3] Not all species have subspecies, but for those that do there must be at least two. Subspecies is abbreviated subsp. or ssp. and the singular and plural forms are the same ("the subspecies is" or "the subspecies are").

Human races clearly fulfill the definition of a sub species classification. People who say otherwise are either liars or morons.

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