Vote respect 10th June (plug) - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Europe's nation states, the E.U. & Russia.

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Millions of us opposed the war against Iraq. Millions more have been appalled at
the revelations about the torture of Iraqi prisoners. But we can vote against
the war on 10 June. Voting for Respect will turn these elections into a
referendum on Blair and the war.

New Labour took us into the war with the support of the Tories. The Liberal
Democrats supported it once it started. RESPECT is the only party to have
consistently opposed the war and the occupation.

If you want:

* An end to the occupation of Iraq
* No more privatisation
* Free comprehensive education from nursery to university
* A publicly-owned NHS, free for all who use it
* Pensions linked to average earnings
* A minimum wage of £7.40 an hour

then Vote "RESPECT - The Unity Coalition" on 10 June at the elections for the
European Parliament and the Greater London Assembly.

These elections use proportional representation so every vote counts.

We have candidates for the European Parliament in all constituencies in England
and Wales with MP George Galloway heading our list in London.

Stop the War Convenor Lindsey German is standing for Mayor of London and we have
candidates for the GLA in all London constituencies.

To find out who is standing in your region and for more details about Respect,
check out our website at AND help us by

* Voting on 10 June
* Joining RESPECT via our website (or e-mail
* Getting involved in our campaign in your area
* Donating to the campaign via our website

Let's make sure everyone knows they have a positive alternative this time and
that with PR every vote will count!


Respect Equality Socialism Peace Environment Community Trade Unionism

Good, good anyone who votes labour 10 June is a reactionary traitor... That is all.

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By Tesl
i heard about Respect a while back; i dont see them lasting too long somehow.

* An end to the occupation of Iraq

Surely since we created this mess, we should at least stay around long enough to make sure the country doesnt fall into civil war?

* No more privatisation

Privatisation is usually a good thing...but thats an arguement for another thread.

* A minimum wage of £7.40 an hour

That sounds a bit dangerous to me. Iv no problem with minimum wages as long as they arent too high priced; but at £7.40 an hour your starting to price people out of the market. Somehow i cant help but feel pushing up the minimum wage to that level could be quite dangerous to the countries economy.

oh well...good luck anyway
TROI wrote:If you want:

* Free comprehensive education from nursery to university
* A publicly-owned NHS, free for all who use it
* Pensions linked to average earnings
* A minimum wage of £7.40 an hour

Where will the money come from to pay for all these carrots?

We have candidates for the European Parliament in all constituencies in England and Wales with MP George Galloway heading our list in London.

Some woman in London approached me in London urging me to vote for Galloway and I told her I'd rather vote for the BNP than that terrorist-loving pr-ck, the man who told Saddam Hussein: "I salute your courage". And why is a Scotsman standing in London?

Good, good anyone who votes labour 10 June is a reactionary traitor... That is all.

What about the UKIP?
By Garibaldi
Tesl wrote:Surely since we created this mess, we should at least stay around long enough to make sure the country doesnt fall into civil war?

Actually, although I'm AMerican and would like some of our allies in Iraq, you're justified in leaving. Britain went into Iraq on the grounds America would back the roadmap for peace; we're not doing our part, why should you be held to do yours?

Privatisation is usually a good thing...but thats an arguement for another thread.


That sounds a bit dangerous to me. Iv no problem with minimum wages as long as they arent too high priced; but at £7.40 an hour your starting to price people out of the market. Somehow i cant help but feel pushing up the minimum wage to that level could be quite dangerous to the countries economy.

oh well...good luck anyway

I actually have a problem with minimum wage laws altogether, no different than price-fixing. However, it's your country and your decision, but I do suggest reading Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt, if you haven't already. Towards the end of the book he shows why minimum wage laws are bad.

Edit: BTW, does the IRA have an official party? If they do, vote seperatist. :knife:
By Englishman
Garibaldi wrote:
Edit: BTW, does the IRA have an official party? If they do, vote seperatist. :knife:

Sinn Fein. Mind you its led by a couple of terrorists: Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness.
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By Mark
Interesting party this, in that they seem to be a broad socialist party but on their flyer they only used the word "Socialism" once. Good tactic I think.

Are they an electoral alliance? Affiliated with the SA? Or are the other socialist parties also running?

My mam seemed interested in their flyer :hmm: she voted Lib Dems before now though, I guess RESPECT would be at least a step in the right direction (ie Eurosceptic).
By Englishman
I thought that all those left parties were in favour of the EU, what with the Social Chapter, the (until recently) dominace of socialist governments in Europe and its hostility towards nasty, capitalist, Anglo-Saxon economics America.
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By ForPeaceandSocialism
If you want a party made up of the ego of George Galloway and the muscle of the Socialist Workers' Party, vote Respect on June 10th.

Yes, that's right, we're providing choice to anti-war socialists in London. Look at the alternative - er, anti-war socialist Ken Livingstone. No, that won't make the Tories more likely to get in by splitting the left's vote. Honest.

And no one in Labour is anti-war. No, not a single person.

Vote Respect - the Lunacy Coalition!


Sir, I salute your courage, your strength, your indefatigability and I want you to know that we are with you...
By Seán Himmelb(L)au
TROI wrote:Vote "RESPECT - The Unity Coalition" on 10 June at the elections for the
European Parliament and the Greater London Assembly.

Why yes, of course, except it should be YES for the Euro, because we are part of Europe and not a 51st state of America, and that MEPs contribute absolutely nothing I can think of to mine or my community's life.

Four pounds seventy an hour is apparently bringing us up to European standards.

I don't really like George Galloway much either... he gives me the creeps.

Also I think we should admit to being a Socialist party, not just this weak neo-liberal, which is fine if that's your stance, but it's possible to acheive more with this party without wishy washy politics.

Understand that this is a post supporting you, because I did one similar early last week, but I'm just a bit skeptical about some aspects of the party. They are still, however, the best on offer.
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Why yes, of course, except it should be YES for the Euro, because we are part of Europe and not a 51st state of America


Yes we are a european country, but that doesn't mean we should be ruled by mainland europe. We are not the '51st state' at the moment and until the dollar is introduced, I'd rather have less and less to do with this 'Europe for the bosses' that Blair and Brown are forcing on us.


Are the Communists even standing any candidates?

Are they an electoral alliance? Affiliated with the SA? Or are the other socialist parties also running?

It is a very broad alliance of almost every 'left of labour' party in the UK.

BTW, does the IRA have an official party? If they do, vote seperatist.

Oh dear ignorant do-gooder Americans :knife:

That sounds a bit dangerous to me. Iv no problem with minimum wages as long as they arent too high priced; but at £7.40 an hour your starting to price people out of the market. Somehow i cant help but feel pushing up the minimum wage to that level could be quite dangerous to the countries economy.

Sorry I think it's actually £4.70, I'll check it out.

Surely since we created this mess, we should at least stay around long enough to make sure the country doesnt fall into civil war?

United nations involvement?

What about the UKIP?

They're ok too... Go KILROY!

I told her I'd rather vote for the BNP than that terrorist-loving pr-ck, the man who told Saddam Hussein: "I salute your courage".


And why is a Scotsman standing in London?

He lives in London.

By I_Love_Britain
Let me Start off the WAR WAS WRIGHT.
It's not just war on Iraq it's war on Terror, But you do not see how iraq has devolped now. With Saddam as President These people could not talk without fearing a mole, now they can they will not be killed for talking about stuff.

We have given the Iraqi people a great Gift that we should all posess FOS (Freedom Of Speech).

How would you live with out FOS. You would be killed for saying what you say in your post's is that Fair ? No ! it is not

No to the stupid Party Larbour is doin good, there are only three parties i would ever vote for

UK inderpendance

Simple is it not
By SpiderMonkey
I_Love_Britain wrote:Let me Start off the WAR WAS WRIGHT.

You should make that your signature.

It's not just war on Iraq it's war on Terror, But you do not see how iraq has devolped now. With Saddam as President These people could not talk without fearing a mole, now they can they will not be killed for talking about stuff.

Fear the evil dictator who silences people with the threat of melanoma. You are right, they will not be tortured or killed for their opinions. They are being tortured and killed now for being Arabs.

We have given the Iraqi people a great Gift that we should all posess FOS (Freedom Of Speech).

Ever hear of a newspaper called al-Hawza?

How would you live with out FOS. You would be killed for saying what you say in your post's is that Fair ? No ! it is not

You are right, if someone told me I couldn't speak freely in my own country, I'd probably form a militia and drive the government out of Birmingham...

No to the stupid Party Larbour is doin good, there are only three parties i would ever vote for

UK inderpendance

Simple is it not

You know we could argue about this all day. However, I am 23 and you are 15 - and you know what that means :D
By Epicure
Hell, what an interesting thread.
I don't know much about you guy's politics over in the UK, all I know is taht prime minister's Blair and that he's supposed to be the left-wing...or at least what I heard.

* A minimum wage of £7.40 an hour

Hum, once again, I don't know much about it , but it seems quite high for me as a minimal wage...
Even I that am socialist, I clearly dont understand how it could be done.

Now, if it is 4£70 an hour, and if it was a typing mistake, then that seems quite right to me.

Privatisation is usually a good thing...but thats an arguement for another thread.

Well, I don't know how you guys feel about it, but I took a couple times a train in britain, and if I like being alive, then I'll never do it again!
Now, follow my point...
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By Unperson-S
Garibaldi wrote:
I actually have a problem with minimum wage laws altogether, no different than price-fixing. However, it's your country and your decision, but I do suggest reading Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt, if you haven't already. Towards the end of the book he shows why minimum wage laws are bad.

They are very good actually, it protects those of the working class, so they can actually afford to live in a nation where VAT is 17.5% let alone everything else. You try living on minimum wage, and even with the minimum wage, you will struggle to survive...
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