Canada's Parliament applauds ex-Nazi soldier - Politics | PoFo

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Michael Rota, speaker of the house at Canada's parliament, recently invited one of his constituents into parliament to meet Zelensky during one of his fund-raising tours.

CBC wrote:Rota had praised Hunka, a constituent of his Nipissing–Timiskaming riding, as a "Ukrainian hero" and a "Canadian hero" and prompted a standing ovation for the man.

Speaker Rota introduced this guest as someone who had fought against the Russians during WW2 in favor of Ukrainian independence.

Prime Minister Trudeau then apologized to Jewish Canadians, and Jews worldwide, for hurting them with this act of supreme political ignorance. He didn't apologize to Russians, of course, or Poles, Romas or others who were killed by Nazis.

He blames "Russian propaganda" for this major faux pas - which makes no sense. This is our Western Reality, not some fake event staged by Russian Hollywood.

He also calls this event "embarassing." As in "what will my donors think?"

But he should really be embarassed - as should most of Canada's parliamentarians - of being in government without knowing anything about history, politics, or diplomacy. The West seems to have reached a "peak oligarch-ass-kissing" moment." Our politicians just do what their donors tell them to do. They have no ideas of initiatives of their own.

This is typical just before the fall of a civilization. Empty-headed brats vie for cash and fame.

wat0n wrote:Who invited him?

It's literally the first word of the OP.

1. Do you only read thread titles before posting?

2. Are you prime minister of another commonwealth country, by any chance? :lol:
Oops, sorry. Let me rephrase:

Who advised Rota on this? How much do Canadian MPs spend on advisors?

I mean, one would think MPs would try to learn the background of who they're thinking about inviting to speak before the Parliament before doing so (even if the formal invite is signed by the Speaker). So this poses many questions about what are their advisors doing.
B0ycey wrote:The notion Ukraine doesn't have a nazi problem really should be quashed after this...

I wonder if Michael Rota did this intentionally *in order to reveal the craven lack of wisdom of Canada's oligarch-ass-kissing political class.*

If he did, I thank him for this.

The attempt to "repair" the damage (apologizing to Jewish donors) is as bad as the event itself in terms of optics. "What will the donors think".... is just as revealing as seal-clapping a Nazi.


wat0n wrote:Who advised Rota on this? How much do Canadian MPs spend on advisors?

Oh, our political classes spend tons of money on advisors... They have no choice since they have no real interest or expertise in organizing human societies or creating useful policies.

Rich airhead brats who use tax money to hire management companies to "create laws, policies and talking points" ... Why not just let the banksters govern by drone?
The way they tried to blame Canadian politicians and others cheering a world war two nazi on Russia :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

B0ycey wrote:The notion Ukraine doesn't have a nazi problem really should be quashed after this.

The problem is that those who deny Ukraine's nazi factor get their news from their rulers media (who are behind the war) which used to report on Ukraine's nazi problem before the war's escalation (when Russia entered) and then stopped because explicitly cheering on the nazi side of the war might not be good on a PR front. Like what happened this week when Zelenskyy and the Canadian jackass cheered for this world war two nazi in the house of commons.

But we shouldn't be surprised this happened in Canada, given that:

Canada's deputy PM's grandad was a editor for German nazi propaganda during WW2 and she's admitted she's proud of him. This... :lol:
To be fair to Freeland, Canada has taken in lots of terrorists, racists, and mass murderers in our history, and some of they were Jewish terrorists and racists.

So while this current scandal puts Canada's "Ukrainian donors influence the political class"problem in focus, there are many much richer donors with sleazy backgrounds pulling the strings even moreso than Bandera is.

Canada's parliament would probably give a standing ovation to a dead Palestinian child as well... if they thought this would increase their political funding and media penetration.
QatzelOk wrote:Michael Rota, speaker of the house at Canada's parliament, recently invited one of his constituents into parliament to meet Zelensky during one of his fund-raising tours.

Speaker Rota introduced this guest as someone who had fought against the Russians during WW2 in favor of Ukrainian independence.

And why in God's name shouldn't Yaroslav Hunka be honoured for his sacrifice for the Ukrainian nation? What other choice did he have if he wanted to fight against totalitarian Communism and for Ukrainian independence? Was it an ideal way to get Ukrainian independence? Of course not, there was no guarantee that's where it would lead, but then there was no guarantee for Poland when Pilsudski fought for the Central Powers in WWI.
Rich wrote:And why in God's name shouldn't Yaroslav Hunka be honoured for his sacrifice for the Ukrainian nation? What other choice did he have if he wanted to fight against totalitarian Communism and for Ukrainian independence? Was it an ideal way to get Ukrainian independence? Of course not, there was no guarantee that's where it would lead, but then there was no guarantee for Poland when Pilsudski fought for the Central Powers in WWI.

Indeed, it’s the same reason Bose sided with the Japanese during WWII - it seemed the best option at the time if one wanted Indian independence. My enemy’s enemy is my friend. Having said that, however, the Ukrainian collaborators were very keen on rounding up and killing Jews, rather more than they needed to be just to humour the Nazis.
Potemkin wrote:Having said that, however, the Ukrainian collaborators were very keen on rounding up and killing Jews, rather more than they needed to be just to humour the Nazis.

But having said that, is it really any different to the mass executions done by the Zionists in order to create the terror to drive out the Arabs from Israel in 48/49?

Also why in God's name should Ukrainian nationalists take moral lectures from NATO members when NATO has Turkey as a member? Turkey hasn't even apologised for the genocide of the Greeks and Armenians. And lets be honest here, I don't doubt that the Nazis would still have oppressed Jews, that Jews would have been, abused, expelled and even killed, but without the example of the Armenian and Greek genocide, it seems to me very unlikely that Auschwitz (the death camp) would have come into existence.

Not that an apology would be enough, I won't appeased until every square inch of Armenian land is returned to the Infidels. And here we get to the rub, the thing that the Liberal intellectuals all know but won't say. Without the genocide of the Armenians and Greeks it is questionable whether Turkey would have survived with anything like the power it has now.

There's a couple of members of the forum who are still very exercised by what happened to the Native Americans in North America. Although I must note they couldn't seem to care less what happened to the Native Americans in South America, Central America or the Caribbean. But I do agree with them, that if Americans really regretted genociding the Native Americas, if they really wanted to make amends for the crimes of their ancestors, they would give the whole of North America back to the Indians.

If we examine it what's the real thing that differentiates the Nazis? Sure their industrialised killing is scary, but morally there's no difference between a gas chamber and a firing squad. The real difference is the irrationality of the Nazis actions. If the Nazis wanted to control Central / Eastern Europe the last thing they should have been doing is exterminating the Jewish minorities.
Rich wrote:But having said that, is it really any different to the mass executions done by the Zionists in order to create the terror to drive out the Arabs from Israel in 48/49?...

What you are revealing is that *wars* are just a free-for-all for atrocities that are cynically calculated in order to obtain objectives that are always hidden from the public.

So the Ukraine War that the West is currently fueling... is the same: A series of atrocities (starting with NATO expansion and leading up to the Western-oligarch-funded coup in 2014.

When a superpower starts the atrocity cycle, it has no idea where these will go. So inviting war with Russia will also destroy the West in unpredictable ways, as the West is bankrupt and its worldview is out-dated just like its infrastructure.

Sparta - the Roman Empire - is just a pitbull with alzheimers.

And that pitbull has been trained to drool and growl at the Roman Empire's latest 'barbarians.'
Beren wrote:He's Anthony Rota actually, Michael Rota is someone else.

Anthony Rota is obviously a fool...

Thank you for the correction, Beren. But please don't have me arrested for exposing Trudeau's (and the rest of the Canadian parliament) applauding someone introduced as 'having fought against the Russians during WW2....' :eek:


Sputnik wrote:UK Journo Arrested for 'Malinformation'
After Exposing Trudeau Applauding Nazi

Free speech advocates have warned that the British government's Online Safety Bill could be used to crack down on anyone questioning the official narrative on issues from the COVID-19 pandemic to the conflict in Ukraine.

A British independent journalist has been arrested after he condemned the Canadian parliament's lauding of a Ukrainian Nazi Waffen-SS member.

Warren Thornton was hosting an edition of his webcast The Real Truth on the evening of Sunday September 24 when police officers knocked at his door...

The Nazis knocked on his door for exposing the fact that Western politicians were applauding Nazis? :hmm:

Are we supposed to send billions of dollars to the Nazis in the Ukraine while simultaneously feeling guilty about doing this so that we can be collectively punished at some point?

Is that the movie we are supposed to be in right now?

He pointed out that journalists have a "duty" to expose crimes, impropriety, risks to public health and safety and to prevent the people from being misled by public figures.

Or do journalists have a duty to repeat what the government tells them to repeat?
QatzelOk wrote:Thank you for the correction, Beren. But please don't have me arrested for exposing Trudeau's (and the rest of the Canadian parliament) applauding someone introduced as 'having fought against the Russians during WW2....' :eek:

What the hell did they think it just means? :lol: :knife:
Beren wrote:What the hell did they think it just means? :lol: :knife:

“History is bunk!” - Henry Ford

Looks like our lords and masters agree with him. Or would, if they knew who Henry Ford was. Lol.
@Rich wrote:

There's a couple of members of the forum who are still very exercised by what happened to the Native Americans in North America. Although I must note they couldn't seem to care less what happened to the Native Americans in South America, Central America or the Caribbean. But I do agree with them, that if Americans really regretted genociding the Native Americas, if they really wanted to make amends for the crimes of their ancestors, they would give the whole of North America back to the Indians.

No Rich, I for sure, do not distinguish between the North American genociding and the eradication of the Indians in Central America, South America and the Caribbean. I studied that for a long time and still do.

Spain, England, France and Portugal and the Netherlands all went on a feeding frenzy looking for that original route to India and Asia, hoping to make money and get out of debts and appease the elites in their respective Empires and Monarchies. Elitism is always on the hunt for treasures.

They were predatory. So were the Empires from the Americas. Like the Aztec.

If you study Empires in all groups they have similar goals and mentalities. Regardless of which culture they come from.

It does not cleanse the 'sin' of the Europeans at all who came up with the excuses of Christianizing the savages. When they just wanted to use and abuse them. A very imperial thing to do.

The Nazis were predatory with the Jewish populations and scapegoated them. No doubt about it.

The Spanish used the encomienda system. Condemned by Bartolome de las Casas and others.

No, all of the European leadership at the time of 1492-1899 and beyond, have to take responsibility for raping the new lands and subjecting the people on those lands to exploitation based on greed that was acute on the part of the European nobility and emerging capitalist class. No excuses. Suck it up. Take the responsibility.

Same with the The Third Reich.

You have technology, and you impose and kill and threaten to kill in order to control. No matter what race you are, language you speak or culture you spout to represent. The behavior of predation is there. Take responsibility. That is what anyone who studies those atrocities must insist upon. Otherwise the Barbaric Nobles who are Noble will never change their tunes.

Why do you insist on trying to say that there is some great noble mission for the Europeans? They were greed-filled and low-life pieces of talking power-hungry violent scum in my opinion. They never gave two shits about their own lower classes and much less about enslaving some unknown people on land they hoped to possess in order to gain control of it and make money hand over fist. Greed, and gain. Power and Greed. The goal.

Potemkin has tried to make me understand the Anglo way of greed and power. What he said to me was appalling in his conversations. I never lived in the UK, so do I know what that culture is about? Not really. For me Anglo shit is a mystery to a certain extent. It always will be unless you are born and raised among that group and follow the norms of that society. I never did. I find the way the Anglos cope with slavery and or lower classes from the Buckingham Palace crowd very foreign. For us a lack of demonstrating emotion is the opposite of trustworthy behavior. Coldness and being too calm and too detached is the epitome of evil and lack of trustworthiness. Potemkin tells me it is normal behavior.

Each culture has its parameters. For me the Anglo stuff is a bit of a mystery still. You can only glean so much from books and second hand accounts. The best thing is to go and live in that society for years as an outsider. But I am old. And have had enough adventures eh? No time to study your Anglo stuff. Lol.

That is the point Rich. The human factor is that the Empire builders all have similar behavior patterns that are all fueled by GREED. Power hungry crap mostly. :D
Beren wrote:Anthony Rota is obviously a fool.

I don't want to speculate about what Anthony Rota's intentions were because I don't know him or his political opinions very well.

But to give him the benefit of the doubt... perhaps he wanted to expose the duplicity and ignorance of Canada's political operatives ("politicians").

By inviting one of the ex-Nazis in his riding to come and get celebrated by the donor-applauding political whores of our parliament... he may have functionned in much the same way as Joan of Arc, or Paul Revere.

Instead of "The British are coming!", what Anthony Rota may have intended to say was "The Nazis are getting all our tax dollars."

If you can point out that war profiteers are encouraging their political whores to celebrate Naziism, you can find the source of many of the world's deadliest wars.

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