Trump pledges to end DEMOCRACY, to make himself DICTATOR, and WORSE. - Politics | PoFo

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9/11 was actually a demonstration of Jihadist Muslim failure. Their failure to build any kind of group in the United States. Not one of the hijackers was an American citizen. The reason is that American Muslim communities lack critical mass. America is the perfect breeding ground for religious extremism. I suspect that Trump believes that a large Muslim American community would be disaster for the United States, hence his policies to restrict Muslim immigration.

Trump knows that he has to express this in a politically correct way. W Bush and Obama, both agreed that its OK, even necessary to enslave, cage and torture Muslims without merest pretense of due process, as long as you pretend it has nothing to do with Islam.
Agent Steel wrote:@Steve_American Why did you give this subject the title you did?

Why are you lying by claiming things that are not true?

Perhaps it was a bad choice because it buried the lead.
IMHO, the lead that was buried is that Trump is telling us what he intends to do.
He intends to reform the US Gov. to let him direct it himself. So, he can tell the IRS who to audit, he can tell the EPA who to go after for polluting and who not to go after, and he can tell the DOJ and FBI who to investigate and charge and take to trial, etc. These will be his enemies and those who bribe him will be free to do their worst to Americans. We already saw him selling pardons.
Right now, Tupperville is making all the generals and admirals only be "acting" this or that. This means they can be replaced at any time by the Pres., to be replaced by officers who will order the Army to support him in a new coup.

A better video on this is =>

Steve_American wrote:Perhaps it was a bad choice because it buried the lead.
IMHO, the lead that was buried is that Trump is telling us what he intends to do.
He intends to reform the US Gov. to let him direct it himself. So, he can tell the IRS who to audit, he can tell the EPA who to go after for polluting and who not to go after, and he can tell the DOJ and FBI who to investigate and charge and take to trial, etc. These will be his enemies and those who bribe him will be free to do their worst to Americans. We already saw him selling pardons.
Right now, Tupperville is making all the generals and admirals only be "acting" this or that. This means they can be replaced at any time by the Pres., to be replaced by officers who will order the Army to support him in a new coup.

Rich wrote:
W Bush and Obama, both agreed that its OK, even necessary to enslave, cage and torture Muslims without merest pretense of due process, as long as you pretend it has nothing to do with Islam.

Actually, it was Dick Cheney that was behind Guantanamo, and torture...

What's more, Obama tried to end it, but Republicans fought him. So he tried to give them to other countries, but they didn't want them.
The Heritage Foundation and dozens of other right-wing interest groups have aligned to create a 920-page document intended to guide the next Republican president in his first 180-days in office. It’s called Project 2025, and it aims to drastically expand executive power, dismantle the administrative state, enact nationwide internet censorship, ban adult content, eradicate queer people from public life, and imprison [political opponents], It’s a document written by [many well-known Right Wing thinktanks] & 300+ conservatives—many of which would likely serve in the next Republican administration. Trump has already embraced parts of Project 2025 and other GOP presidential contenders are likely to do the same. In this video we’ll give you an overview of Project 2025 and discuss the implications of this insane, authoritarian manifesto.

It was obvious to me before the 2020 election that the Repud Party leaders were making a play to turn the US into a one-party state.

So, it was a great failure that the Dem Party could not see the overwhelming need to "pack" the USSC. Even adding just 2 new Justices would have made it a 6 to 5 court, so if just one Repud Justice defected from the party line, democracy would win that case before the court by a 6-5 vote.

Many years ago, I read a book titled "The Family" about a Right Wing group, aka The Foundation, that recruits college students and mentors them to become politicians and judges. This is the group that sponsors the annual President's Prayer Breakfast.

The book described one scene that the author witnessed. In it the son of the founder met with the new recruits and told them that the group would back them and cover for them no matter what terrible thing they had ever done and used as an example, "If you have raped 3 little girls age 6 we will still back you, because like Christ, we can forgive anything". Then he asked each one what was the worst thing they had ever done.

This is a tactic used by the Communist Party. It gives the party leadership, here the group's leadership, the info they need to threaten anyone who doesn't do as they are told. I wonder if Justice Kavanaugh confessed to that rape and that is why he toes the line.

This group, according to the book, also recruited Democrats, as sleeper agents who will toe the line when they are needed.

Years later I googled "raped 3 little girls" and that book came up.
Two more videos of a Repud leader who has said that if Trump is not the next President, that "election may be the last election decided by ballets and not bullets."

I think I see the problem with showing some videos. It happens when the www address is too long.

So, remove the [==] to view the video.[==][==]

More details in the Project 2025 plan book to give the US President twice the power he has now. For example, give him the power to tell the DoJ(ustice) who to go after and who's crimes to ignore.

The Conservative Plan to Take Over the Country (you need to know about this) -- Leeja Miller

Remove the [==] to see it. 36 min long.[==]

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