A message to younger generations. The rich have $B, you have millions of bodies for the conflict. - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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First, let me be totally clear, You must be as non-violent as possible. You must cause some disruption to get attention, though.

Second, the rich will send agents to call for you to get violent or just get violent themselves so the rich can assert that you are violent.

Third, therefore some of you will pay the price of victory. That price is always some blood.

So I'm telling you that you must protest in the streets. We have been avoiding that, but it isn't working. I'm 75yo. I have fought all my life for the good of the American people. And, I have lost every battle. The rich didn't care about my and all who agreed with me, they just rolled over our opposition. They won.

Now, we have reached the Fourth Turning time. Now, history ssuggests that the time is finally right for the masses of the American people to follow the lead of the people of France, the people of Iran, the people of the Philippines a few decades go, etc. and use "People Power" in the sreets to reform the system in the US and around the world.

I'm asking you to get 10 million young people out in the streets at least once a month or a week to show that you have the people power to win. IF 10 million is not enough then you needto get 40 million. Whatever number it takes. Remember, if you fail, climae chnge wii end civiization. So, as others have said, "Failure is not an option".

OK, how?

The goal is to roll over the resistance of the rich who use their dollars and hire agents to divert you. The rich control the media, so don't expect help from the media. The goal is to either take over the Dem Party and move it way or somewhat to the left. Or, to form a new Progressive Party that can gain 45% of the vote, leaving the "Corp Dems" and Repuds to split the other 55%, so we are 1st past the post..

One last point. You must have a big tent. You must not exclude anyone who you disagree with in some small way. Leave those fights for later. Now, the goal is to roll over the rich and take their power away from them without violence and killing them.
Last edited by Steve_American on 03 Mar 2023 09:38, edited 1 time in total.
I question whether "the rich" are really the ones responsible, if by "rich" you are envisioning the uber-billionaires.

A huge segment of the younger generation are in very difficult circumstances.

But I think the Left has closed its eyes to several of the factors and reasons that might be, instead focusing on things that validate their own already existing worldview.

I also think something that people like you might not realise, Steve, that you never even stopped to consider the possibility of, there's a huge segment of society who simply do not care that much, or are very cold and indifferent about these problems. Most high up political leaders, for example, even on the Left, come from the upper middle class and are pretty comfortable, do not personally feel so much urgency. Might be willing to toss a few bones out to make themselves feel better.

The issue of poverty is kind of an uncomfortable thing to think about, doesn't have any easy solutions so much, so it's easier to just mentally tune it out, not think about it. Don't underestimate subconscious human psychology. It is a powerful force. The human mind looks for any quick and easy way to not have to think about a problem that's complicated, difficult, and unpleasant like this.

also see this thread: "The Paradox of Poverty"
The more poverty there is, ironically the less society will care about it. It just becomes a giant blackhole that will never be solved, so people just resort to ignoring it.
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By Puffer Fish
If we do start taking from the rich and giving to the poor, there's a billion people in Africa living on less than 5 dollars a day. They'd be ahead of the line from you, Steve.

That is, unless you believe in what Trump said, that a country should put its own citizens first...

I know, truth is annoying to hear.
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By Steve_American
Puffer Fish wrote:If we do start taking from the rich and giving to the poor, there's a billion people in Africa living on less than 5 dollars a day. They'd be ahead of the line from you, Steve.

That is, unless you believe in what Trump said, that a country should put its own citizens first...

I know, truth is annoying to hear.

You claim to know, but you don't know what I know.

What I know is that the earth is in a deep crisis. Climate Change is rushng at us much faster than the IPCC said. It knew, but is wasn't allowed to say the truth.

Anyway, the US can send massive amounts of foreign aid and as long as the dollars are spent overseas to buy stuff there, it should have no effect on inflation in the US.

And, there is no long run to worry about. The climate change crisis will change so much no one will know what caused what. Sort of like you think covid spending caused the inflation, and I see that every nation had inflation depending on how dependent on long supply chains it was and how much monopoly power its corps have. So, it wasn't the covid spending it was those other things.

Last edited by Steve_American on 04 Mar 2023 17:22, edited 1 time in total.
By Truth To Power
Steve_American wrote:You claim to know, but you don't know what I know.

I know that much of what you claim to know is just objectively false:
What I know is that the earth is in a deep crisis. Climate Change is rushng at us much faster than the IPCC said. It knew, but is wasn't allowed to say the truth.

See? No such thing is happening. Climate is not changing any more or faster than it ever has, and CO2 is not a significant factor in that change.
And, there is no long run to worry about.

Because SAI is coming, and then nothing we do will matter.
The climate change crisis will change so much no one will know what caused what.

The only thing the climate change crisis will change is its narrative, when it becomes indisputable that there is no climate change crisis -- or if there is, it is because of the threat of the next Ice Age, not warming or CO2.
By Pants-of-dog
Truth To Power wrote:….. Climate is not changing any more or faster than it ever has,

This is vague.

The speed at which the climate changes has constantly changed due to natural factors, and now anthropogenic factors are also causing changes in the speed at which climate changes.

If you are simply arguing that the current climate change is comparable to other abrupt climate changes in the past, then this is a true fact that does not, in any way, contradict the fact that the climate is currently also changing very rapidly due to anthropogenic pollution.

and CO2 is not a significant factor in that change.

What argument will you make this time to support this incorrect claim?
@Truth To Power and @Steve_American got to learn from the past.

And will we as a homo sapiens species be able to avoid a serious drop in humans living forward? Or will be a casualty of a mass extinction event? And not be able to survive it?

I think we have the obligation of fighting for avoidance. Not be in denial and stop being dummies. That is my opinion.

I won't bet on humans maybe emerging 250 million years into the mass extinction event. That is foolish. The Earth is estimated to be right in the middle of its entire life cycle. Do you want to spend the next 15% to 20% percent of the life remaining for planet Earth on trying to claw back to where we are today? I do not. Be smart, plan ahead and act fast.

By late
Puffer Fish wrote:

I know, truth is annoying to hear.

If you ever start learning, please let us know.
By late
Pants-of-dog wrote:
This is vague.

It's stupid, and wrong, and TP is prob paid to do it.

After we deal with gas contributors, we'll have to deal with waste heat:

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By Steve_American
late, it appears that somehow the video you linked by Sabine has been changed to the one TtP linked to. It was about waste heat, now it isn't.

Crazy, the istant I posted that. it changed back to the one you posted. I have no idea how or why.

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