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By Drlee
Hindsite cited the FEE Foundation. :lol:

Yet another libertard partisan shit group. Ignore their "statistics". They are just political tools.
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By Hindsite
redcarpet wrote:GM is sacking 2000 and moving to Mexico from its plant in Michigan!

You should blame that whore that GM put in charge for that.
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By Drlee
What are you Hindsite? A socialist like Trump? You do not want business leaders to make the best decision for the stockholders? You want them instead to make the best decision workers? Fucking socialist. Just like Trump who gives GM subsidies and then threatens to remove them

The woman you called a "whore".....because you are a misogynist and bigot....deserves better here:

Barra graduated from the General Motors Institute (now Kettering University), where she obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering. She then attended Stanford Graduate School of Business on a GM fellowship, receiving her Masters in Business Administration degree in 1990.[

Perhaps she knows where here market is. Please note that GM does not owe much to the US market. It sells half again as many cars in China as it does in the US. It sells more cars in Mexico than it makes there.

But Trumps ignorant followers simply do not understand how international business works. He is counting on that. It is one of the ways he fools them. You know Trump. A guy who bitches about GM, which sells only a fraction of its cars in the US for exporting jobs all of the while he is importing overseas workers to work at his hotels and his daughter makes her fashion line in China.

Trump followers are not smart enough to know this stuff.
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By Hindsite
Drlee wrote:What are you Hindsite? A socialist like Trump? You do not want business leaders to make the best decision for the stockholders? You want them instead to make the best decision workers?

Trump followers are not smart enough to know this stuff.

I am a compassionate conservative Republican. You must have not listened to Trump's SOTU speech. Trump is definitely not a socialist. I believe business leaders should make the best decisions for all concerned. I know more stuff than you think I do.
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By Drlee
I am a compassionate conservative Republican. You must have not listened to Trump's SOTU speech. Trump is definitely not a socialist. I believe business leaders should make the best decisions for all concerned. I know more stuff than you think I do.

Of course he is a socialist. Otherwise why does he want to take my hard earned money through taxes and give it to AIDS victims who mostly got the disease through sin and vice? That is socialism for sure.
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By Hindsite
Drlee wrote:Of course he is a socialist. Otherwise why does he want to take my hard earned money through taxes and give it to AIDS victims who mostly got the disease through sin and vice? That is socialism for sure.

That is a new one on me. If so then I'm glad he is taking your money instead of mine.
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By Drlee
That is a new one on me.

Were you lying when you said you watched the state of the union address?

No. You are just trolling so you post gibberish. Do you know what is sad though? There are really people who believe the roll you are playing.

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By Hindsite
Drlee wrote:Were you lying when you said you watched the state of the union address?

I watched most of it, except for the time I had to go to the bathroom.
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By Drlee
I sincerely hope this does not affect you Hindsite. It appears something happened....

Average tax refunds were down last week 8.4 percent for the first week of the tax season over the same time last year, according to the Internal Revenue Service. Dipping refunds are inflaming a growing army of taxpayers stunned by the consequences of the Trump administration’s tax law — and the effects of the partial government shutdown.

The average refund check paid out so far has been $1,865, down from $2,035 at the same point in 2018, according to IRS data. Low-income taxpayers often file early to pocket the money as soon as possible. Many taxpayers count on the refunds to make important payments, or spend the money on things like home repairs, a vacation or a car.

The IRS had estimated it would issue about 2.3 percent fewer refunds this year as a result of the changes in the federal tax law, according to Bloomberg. MSNBC reports that 30 million Americans will owe the IRS money this year — 3 million more than before Trump’s tax law.

“There are going to be a lot of unhappy people over the next month,” Edward Karl of the American Institute of CPAs told Politico. “Taxpayers want a large refund.” Some 71 percent of taxpayers received refunds last year worth about $3,000 on average, according to Karl.

Scads of taxpayers are complaining on Twitter that they have always received a refund — but now owe the IRS instead.

The number of refunds sent out by the IRS was also down — about 24 percent — as the agency struggled to get up to speed after the government shutdown. The agency sent out about 4.67 million tax refunds in the week ending Feb. 1, compared with about 6.17 million in the same period in 2018, according to IRS data.

This year’s filing season, which began two days after the shutdown ended on Jan. 25, is complicated because it’s the first after the 2017 tax law was enacted. Though President Donald Trump boasted that the new code would be so simplified that people could file their taxes on a postcard, that’s not the case.

In addition, the changes complicated payroll withholding, so that not enough money was withheld by employers in many cases, meaning that people now owe more taxes. The new law also capped IRS deductions for paid state and local taxes, including real estate taxes, resulting in a nasty surprise for many filers. Several other deductions are no longer allowed.

The frustrations will likely continue to fuel support for plans to boost taxes on the ultra-wealthy. A poll last month found that nearly 60 percent of registered voters support a plan by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to impose a 70 percent marginal tax rate on the portion of annual income that exceeds $10 million a year.

Twitter is filling up with complaints from people whose situation has changed radically.

What in the world happened Hindsite? Is this a mistake? Or could Trump have just stuck it to the middle class to give a big tax cut to the wealthy?

I am not worried. In my tax bracket I should be just fine..... But for those with just enough money to get by, who voted for Trump. Don't blame the lib'rals. This one is all on you.
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By Hindsite
Drlee wrote:I sincerely hope this does not affect you Hindsite. It appears something happened....

What in the world happened Hindsite? Is this a mistake? Or could Trump have just stuck it to the middle class to give a big tax cut to the wealthy?

I am not worried. In my tax bracket I should be just fine..... But for those with just enough money to get by, who voted for Trump. Don't blame the lib'rals. This one is all on you.

I am fine too. It did cut my tax. I am getting a higher refund than last year. So it must be a fake or misleading report put out by liberal Democrats. I filed my taxes but I haven't gotten my return back yet. But it is early yet.
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By Stormsmith
You're basing the increase of one man as a denial of the decrease of nearly a couple of million? Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable. :eh:
Last edited by Stormsmith on 11 Feb 2019 17:48, edited 1 time in total.
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By Godstud
@Stormsmith He's one of those Christians who only care about themselves. There are a lot of those, it seems, these days. That literal interpretation stuff only applies when it talks about gays. :lol:
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By Hindsite
Stormsmith wrote:You're basing the increase of one man as a denial of the decreasespeed of nearly a couple of million? Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable. :eh:

No, not really. It is clear the taxes have been cut. If some so far, not millions, of tax payers got less back this year, it is for some other reason. That is why I say it is misleading cherry picking to even put anything out about it this early. Most people don't even file until closer to April 15. That is when you can get the real truth, but the liberal news will conveniently forget to report on it then.
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By Drlee
So it must be a fake or misleading report put out by liberal Democrats. I filed my taxes but I haven't gotten my return back yet. But it is early yet.

Now go back and read the article. The "liberal democrats" you are referring to is the IRS itself.

I know you are simply trolling but you need to up your game. You are just looking foolish.
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By jimjam

Donald vs Beto tonight …………. this is going to be good. I can't wait . Trump spewing hate, fear and anger rolling up to the podium on his solid gold golf cart vs Beto's sense of humor and skate board :lol: .
Last edited by jimjam on 12 Feb 2019 00:43, edited 1 time in total.
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By jimjam
Ahead of President Trump’s scheduled rally in this West Texas city aimed at building support for his proposed wall on the border with Mexico, people from across the ideological spectrum in El Paso had a message for him on Sunday: Don’t speak for us.

“The president is just wrong about the wall and wrong about El Paso,” said Jon Barela, a lifelong Republican and chief executive of the Borderplex Alliance, an organization promoting economic development in a cross-border industrial hub with a combined population of more than 2.7 million, taking in the cities of El Paso, Ciudad Juárez and Las Cruces.

Mr. Barela disputed Mr. Trump’s widely discredited assertion that border fencing had cut violent crime in El Paso, pointing to F.B.I. data showing that the city has ranked for decades among the safest urban areas its size in the United States — long before American authorities started building some fencing along the border about a decade ago.

“As a fiscally conservative Republican, I just don’t understand how spending $25 billion on a wall with limited effectiveness is a good idea,” Mr. Barela said in an interview. “Mexico is an economic and strategic ally of the United States, and an antiquated effort to place a barrier between us just won’t work.”
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By Hindsite
Perhaps Mr. Barela is mistaken on the effectiveness of a Trump border barrier. But it really doesn't matter what Mr. Barela thinks anyway.

Republicans were desperate to avoid another bruising shutdown. They tentatively agreed Monday night to far less money for President Donald Trump's border wall than the White House's $5.7 billion wish list, settling for a figure of nearly $1.4 billion, according to congressional aides. The funding measure is through the fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30.

The agreement means 55 miles of new fencing — constructed through existing designs such as metal slats instead of a concrete wall — but far less than the 215 miles the White House demanded in December. The fencing would be built in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas.
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By Drlee
Hitched to the funding for bollard fences at the border is a plan to give amnesty in the form of three-year work permits to about a million illegal aliens and foreign nationals who would be shielded from deportation.

Way to negotiate Trump. You got no new fence, all your designs you paraded to us last year are banned and you gave amnesty to over a million illegals.

The art of the deal.
Drlee wrote:
Way to negotiate Trump. You got no new fence, all your designs you paraded to us last year are banned and you gave amnesty to over a million illegals.

The art of the deal.

He had to deal with reality for once. The asshole. These lies these Fox news pendejos believe is incredible. They don't pay attention to what all these realities are really about. Lack of intelligence knowing what drives economies, and why there are so many Latin Americans in the USA in the first place. Ignorance is not bliss Drlee.

The Art of having to eat crow I would say.
Trump should say goodbye to his 2020 presidential hopes if he signs bipartisan deal.

Time has proven that former Republican presidents were fooled into miscalculation of side effects of amnesty. Reagan and Bushes killed future prospects of Republican Party.

Hispanic immigration has been the diriving force behind US policits' switch from free markets friendly to statist and socialist mentality.
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