How Europe Sees America - Politics | PoFo

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I think it's important for Americans, to listen to others around the world and what they think about our country. I am not saying we should be overly worried about it, but we should listen to what other people have to say, try to learn from it and become a better country.

We do need to worry about your reputation to some degree. We can't just completely ignore our reputation and let it go totally down the tubes. Some of the opinions of the Europeans in the videos are not well-informed, but some of the others, there is probably some element of truth.

One thing I have heard is that European governments subsidize healthy food. So, it would therefore make sense that healthy food is cheaper in Europe and would have less of a problem with obesity. This is not the case in the United States. Healthy food is not subsidized. Hence, why poverty and obesity are linked in the United States. However, I can't say for sure if this is true for all of Europe, some of Europe, or none of Europe.


It is kind of funny listening to the Europeans in the video. The reason is that some of them either have never been to the United States or haven't lived here very long. So, they don't really know the United States. But there are some elements of truth in what they say, too. Europe, which is the Old World, is like old money in the wealthy classes talking about new money, which would be the New World in the case of the United States.
Politics_Observer wrote:@wat0n

It is kind of funny listening to the Europeans in the video. The reason is that some of them either have never been to the United States or haven't lived here very long. So, they don't really know the United States. But there are some elements of truth in what they say, too. Europe, which is the Old World, is like old money in the wealthy classes talking about new money, which would be the New World in the case of the United States.

It's not all that unprecedented. During the rise of the Roman Republic and even after its peak, many in the Greek city states would regard the Romans as being just slightly less uncivilized barbarians...
Politics_Observer wrote:I think it's important for Americans, to listen to others around the world and what they think about our country. I am not saying we should be overly worried about it, but we should listen to what other people have to say, try to learn from it and become a better country.

We do need to worry about your reputation to some degree. We can't just completely ignore our reputation and let it go totally down the tubes. Some of the opinions of the Europeans in the videos are not well-informed, but some of the others, there is probably some element of truth.

One thing I have heard is that European governments subsidize healthy food. So, it would therefore make sense that healthy food is cheaper in Europe and would have less of a problem with obesity. This is not the case in the United States. Healthy food is not subsidized. Hence, why poverty and obesity are linked in the United States. However, I can't say for sure if this is true for all of Europe, some of Europe, or none of Europe.

The USA is a superpower, for a while after the fall of the ex Soviet Union and before the meteoric rise of China the USA was the only superpower in the world. It threw its weight around all the time. And allowed itself to be increasingly corrupted by private companies who were multinationals to influence public policy. It got corrupted with legal bribery basically.

The USA also has made conscious decisions to allow the destruction of small farmers and local farming. For about 60 years now it has been active in destroying any form of really slow, healthy mass food production. It does this to boost profits and the US Dept of Agriculture is incredibly influenced by huge agribusiness giants like Con Agra foods, Monsanto and many others. They are basically evil those corporations. But Monsanto takes the cake. They strong arm people all over the world to buy seed that is infertile and that you can't use at all without explicit permission. There was a corporation in Bolivia who wanted to patent rainwater from the sky. the rainfall is private and anyone collecting water illegally could be jailed and fined. When you want to privatize every plant on earth and force people to use your system or starve to death and your entire food system is dependent on one industry that controls everything and gets violent and aggressive if it does not have its way? You are talking criminal mentality. Which Monsanto is. But? The USA system of government worships and kisses ass to profit at any cost. Even if it ships jobs off to the PRC and Mexico because of cheap labor and higher profits margins. Even though it destroys worker protections and union jobs and stability for American workers.

Even though the food it produces is toxic or flavorless and cheaper to produce but does nothing for health over the long term.

Profit or death. That is the problem with these fucking people. But the Americans keep going like sheep, oh, our capitalism is wondrous. No need to change these greedy corrupt shit taking over our lives, with antibiotic chicken problems and methane-producing beef, and pork with possible pandemic viruses and health problems galore related to lack of vitamins, healthy foods available to consume at reasonable prices locally, or education for families on how to budget for food and healthy recipes for kids, etc. No. No investment in that. Just follow the stupid advice of the big corporations with huge factory farms and who are depleting the topsoil, creating droughts and feeding us shit, and paying nothing to a bunch of Central Americans and Mexicans who they want to insult and exploit at the same time. Fuck that mentality!

Again, Puerto Rico is vulnerable. Do not have political reps with voting power or pressure on the culprits. Keep accepting that shitty lack of political rights and all of the Puerto Ricans are going to be victims of abuse by these greedy corporations. We are expendable guinea pigs without being able to sue the US government. Ignore us. Kill us. Turn us away for another one hundred years. When the Boricuas finally stop the brainwashed shit about us being part of the US as equal partners? You will see the RAGE that creates. Lying fucking people need to be held accountable.

And the gung ho Yankee people who refuse to face the truth of the abusive shit the US government engages in by being paid off by these greedy capitalist pieces of shit companies need to be held accountable.

I much prefer Americans to Germans and Dutch whom I find quite intolerable in business. I think Americans are a lot more chill, a lot more to the point and direct and a lot more helpful when it comes to business support. Germans and Dutch are more like robots(no help whatsoever), the English are sleazy.

In Greece, negative stereotypes persist primarily for political reasons but this is changing now.

I just got off the phone with an American rep of a company and we got along so well, he is coming to see me in 2 weeks in a personal capacity, not for business as we both agreed that we are not a good match to partner up but regardless we are on to build a personal relationship.

I love this with Americans, and I find it extremely easy to work with them in a business capacity.

I dread the moment I have to speak to a German, Dutch or English person.

I was on a business call to a German a few months ago and I just lost the plot, screaming down the phone, going all red while achieving nothing at all. Not even legal threats move these people.

I have been talking to Dutch people for the past few months and I just want to pull my frigging hair out. I have now come to terms that I just can't deal with them.

If you make a legal threat to sue, it's important you follow through on that threat if somebody puts your threat to the test. Don't make a legal threat of a lawsuit unless you have an incentive and a payoff to yourself to follow through on it when somebody puts it to the test. You also want people to see that when you make a legal threat to sue, it truly is a credible threat. That way, they are less likely to test you because they will see and logically deduce that your threats are credible and that you do have an incentive to follow through on those threats if they test you.

They might not be moved by your legal threats to sue, but they will surely be whistling a different tune when they get sued and have to pay you a lot of money. And others will see you followed through and will think twice about testing you, which saves you a lot of trouble in the future.

Having leverage, making credible threats in business such as threatening to walk away from a business deal, is important when bargaining for better pay or a better deal. This is all part of negotiating and bargaining is the concept of being able to make credible threats (that are legal and lawful) or when making legal threats to sue, such threats have to be credible and be seen as credible by others. People make threats all the time that are not credible, but you want to be sure your threats seen as credible by others and that they truly are credible in that there are no downsides for you to carry out such a threat if others put it to the test. There is only a positive payoff to you for carrying it out.
Speaking of Europeans studying people in the Americas, what is up with the weird German hobby of pretending to be a storybook Plains Indians from the 1800s?
Pants-of-dog wrote:Speaking of Europeans studying people in the Americas, what is up with the weird German hobby of pretending to be a storybook Plains Indians from the 1800s?

It all goes back to Karl May, Hitler’s favourite childhood author. Generations of German children grew up fantasising about being Native Americans, and it’s been an ineradicable part of German culture ever since. And not just German culture, eh @Pants-of-dog? ;)
When I worked in a tourist centered industry in Los Angeles the #1 question I got from every Brit was, "Where are your 18 meter tall golden statues of Sir Jimmy Saville? Why are none of your streets named after Sir Jimmy Saville, the greatest Brit to ever live? What do you mean you don't know who Sir Jimmy Saville is?"

One guy even told me he lived at the intersection of Saville Row and Saville Circle, across the street from the Prince Andrew Children's Hospital. I think that country has a problem with pedos, or "pay-doughs" as they call them because everything has to be childish and whimsical in their backwards loser country. The childish whimsy might be part of the problem.
By Rich
Potemkin wrote:It all goes back to Karl May, Hitler’s favourite childhood author. Generations of German children grew up fantasising about being Native Americans, and it’s been an ineradicable part of German culture ever since. And not just German culture, eh @Pants-of-dog? ;)

Karl May and Hitler! Has there ever been a better example of the baleful effects that a Liberal writer can have on a child's development? Luckily as a child I was not exposed to May's pacifistic sentimentality. When I was a child, I read the "Edge" series of books, by Terry Harkett, released under the name of George G Gilman. Looking back, despite their stylised nature, I guess they could be described as pulp fiction, I think they gave a pretty good grounding in the realities of mid 19th century American multiculturalism.

When we look back to nineteenth century Europeans and European Americans, they can seem incredibly violent, cruel and brutal, compared to our own times. Even so there were very good reasons that they called natives savages. :lol: The great irony is that if people do think of Amerindian savagery they often think of the Apaches, while the Apaches were actually soft, semi civilised, do gooders compared to their Comanche neighbours.
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By ingliz
Rich wrote:When we look back ...

When we look at 21st-century Americans, they can seem toddler-like in their naivety, incredibly violent, and extremely stupid compared to us.


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