Whats the best Score Music you have listened to? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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What are your favourite scores from movies? You could have heard it watching the Film, or owning the soundtrack, like me :)

My top 5 are

1) All the LOTR Soundtracks - Howard Shore....phenomenal score, so powerful, such good themes.
2)Rudy - Jerry Goldsmith
3)The Missing - James Horner
4) Twister - Mark Mancia
5) Startrek 6 The Undiscovered Country - Cliff Eidelman

Some others would include

-Reqiuem for a Dream
-Pearl Harbor
-Starwars (all the films, but mostly the first original 3)

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By Vivisekt
1. The Platoon score.

2. The Elizabeth score.

3. The Amadeus score.

4. The Requiem for a Dream score.
By Slip, Freudian
The LOTR soundtracks!?!? They were horrible! The same theme over and over again and crappy orchestrations and they just sucked.

28 days later had a good soundtrack, or rather, it fit the mood of the movie.

John Williams is THE movie music composer for me.
By unPerson1
The LOTR soundtracks!?!? They were horrible! The same theme over and over again and crappy orchestrations and they just sucked.

What are you talking about? The Lord of the Rings soundtracks are some of the best film score ever composed!

They are supposed to have a similar theme throughout, because all three films are part of one story. The variations on that theme are what makes them brilliant work.

For example, the music of Return of the King sounds like the music used in the last alliance battle of Fellowship of the Ring, to represent that the battle of Pelennor Fields is as important as the Battle of the Last Alliance. (a.k.a. battle in 3rd film and battle in 1st film)
By Stipe
Far and Away
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By camcorderman
Slip, Freudian wrote:The LOTR soundtracks!?!? They were horrible! The same theme over and over again and crappy orchestrations and they just sucked.

28 days later had a good soundtrack, or rather, it fit the mood of the movie.

John Williams is THE movie music composer for me.

You obviously have some hearing problems, because lord of Rings has some of the best themes ever heard...Everyone has their own taste in music though, so I can't really say much

How could you not like the Fellowship theme or the Hobbit theme, or the Rohan theme with the Norewigen Fiddle, or the Gondor theme from the thrid movie, they are all so powerful, and it was Howard Shores purpose to repeat similar themes throuhgout the movies, it is a trilogy you know!!! Although, I found, in the third movie, very little of the themes were reused, and the gondor theme only heard twice. I found the third movie score to be the weakest of the three. How the Two Towers score wasnt nominated for an academy award is beyond me...

Oh, BTW, how you even think 28 Days later had a good score??? You have an odd taste in Music.
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By Lohr
I liked the soundtracks to Aliens, Hellraiser, The Untouchables, Vertigo, Predator, Schindler's list, and...uh....all of the Star Trek movies...and I'm sure there are a lot of movies with MUCH better soundtracks than the ones I mentioned...but I can't really recall them at the moment. oh well :D
By Slip, Freudian
camcorderman wrote:How could you not like the Fellowship theme or the Hobbit theme, or the Rohan theme with the Norewigen Fiddle, or the Gondor theme from the thrid movie, they are all so powerful, and it was Howard Shores purpose to repeat similar themes throuhgout the movies, it is a trilogy you know!!! Although, I found, in the third movie, very little of the themes were reused, and the gondor theme only heard twice. I found the third movie score to be the weakest of the three. How the Two Towers score wasnt nominated for an academy award is beyond me...

Oh, BTW, how you even think 28 Days later had a good score??? You have an odd taste in Music.

I know that the meaning of the composer, and it might have worked, but it didn't. I didn't like them because the theme didn't vary enough. Plus, there were no interesting rhythmic solutions, expect in one song, imsr.

I did like some invidual tunes, like the Rohan theme that you mentioned.

Oddly, I think the 3rd movie had the best score, mainly because of some invidual good pieces, the rest of it wasn't that good.

But yeah, main point is, I think the score was too repetitive and boring.
By Ocker
I haven't heard many, but the ones I own fully or have mp3s of are:

Hunt for the Red October
LOTR trilogy - Bought all at once :D
Conan the Barbarian
Requiem for a Dream
Starship Troopers
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By MB.
Get Carter (remake)
Lots of Oakenfold and chillout/triphop (and the maintheme is dope)

Oceans 11
69 Police. Plus some dope chillout. David Holmes at his finest

The Hunt For Red October
Need I say more?

The Fifth Element
Excellent original compositions by Eric Serra, among them, Heat (dub) and Little Light of Love

The Thin Red Line
Hans Zimmer strikes again. Original compositions and the ethnic chants really bring back the movie.

And, of course:

Barry Lyndon
The Perfect music for the perfect movie.
By Gustav Fluffy
I'm sorry, but the LOTR score is the musical equivalent of doggerel.

Ivan the terrible by Prokofief and Henry V by Walton are considered to be two of the finest ever written, although personally I don't think much of them.

Polanski's The Pianist was good - the whole soundtrack was Chopin, one of my favourite composers.
By Al-'Alim
Yuor just rejecting the soundtrack to LOTR because it was acclaimed as a good movie therefore you being an "elite artist" cannot like anything to do with the movie. Personally I loved the LOTR soundtrack and bought the CD from the Fellowship of the Ring.

Other movies soundtracks I enjoy are the 2nd James Bond theme and the Transformers the Movie soundtracks. They all rock especially the Wierd Al number in it.
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By The Republican Party
The battle and end theme of Gladiator with the lady chanting in some language(maybe Latin) over the low brass. This is the greatest music.

And it was also debunked.

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