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By Nets
That's for damn sure, Figlio. Movies that came later were nothing like when I was growing up, and I began noticing in the mid 80's and particularly after the early 90's that film quality year by year had visibly declined dramatically.

It is easy to forget how many bad movies have always been made, since they don't stand the test of time are quickly forgotten. So when you look back, you just think of the classics. I don't think I'd agree that movie quality has gone down -- then, like now, the vast vast majority of movies produced are terrible. In the 2050s I have no doubt that people will be lamenting the current state of the film industry, yearning for the classics like they used to make in the oughts.
It's easy to say that, Nets, but bear in mind he lived through that period. While there were certainly plenty of b-rated movies, I don't doubt that the quality of movies per year was overall better back then. Only one or two movies each year can be said to be any good, and they're typically on the scale of decent movies back then.
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By Godstud
Sorry Figlio, I guess ed we'd have to include Beaches, 27 Weddings, and Fried Green Tomatoes to make you happy?
Never saw it, never saw it, was forced to watch it and meh.

No comedies? Say, Porkies?
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By Nets
It's easy to say that, Nets, but bear in mind he lived through that period.

The elderly speaking nostalgically about how things were better in the good old days has basically been an historical constant. No disrespect intended, as I'm sure we will do the same. Furthermore, I don't see why FRS wouldn't be subject to the selection bias (remembering good movies, forgetting bad movies) that I described earlier.

While there were certainly plenty of b-rated movies, I don't doubt that the quality of movies per year was overall better back then. Only one or two movies each year can be said to be any good, and they're typically on the scale of decent movies back then.

I dunno, why? Granted it is hard to quantify or judge, but I just don't see it. Think about the thousands of movies you've literally never heard of because they were bad.
Nets wrote:I dunno, why? Granted it is hard to quantify or judge, but I just don't see it. Think about the thousands of movies you've literally never heard of because they were bad.

Where would you rate The Dark Knight Returns alongside older movies?
By Sithsaber
Yeah I amend my vote to 2001 space odyssey and... well i've seen a lot of movies, best ever is hard to do. (that and the fact that i forget to titles easily.
By neopagan
I am not much interested in movies that use special effects, heavy latex make-up, and huge explosions. Likewise, I get very board during car-chase scenes. Phony martial-arts moves that could not be executed in real life are another turn off. Kids stuff.

I just saw the movie On the Road, the interpretation of the Kerouac novel, made by some of the people who did the Motorcycle Diaries. Both excellent films.
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By colliric
Ben Hur.... still has the most stunt fuelled insane-looking action sequence ever made.... amazing. The rest of the film is an absolute masterpiece anyway and without that Chariot sequence it would still be my favourite film of all time. It's a bonus that it happens to be my favourite Religious film of all time too.

"Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior" is the only action film to come close to matching that sequence with it's spectacular tanker-run finale.... One of my favourite films from my own country, although the internationally little known 1980 classic "The Club"(which is about my own beloved Collingwood Football Club in the current "Australian Football League", then called the "Victorian Football League") is my favourite, a great mixture of Sport, Comedy and Politics. If you haven't seen it, it's worth watching... as are "Breaker Morant", "Gallipolli", "Romper Stomper"(Russel Crowe's breakthrough film), "Chopper"(Eric Bana's Breakthrough), "Rabbit Proof Fence" and of cause "Picnic at Hanging Rock"...

The speed-filled finale of "The Bourne Supremacy"(and "The Bourne Ultimatum" which pretty much repeats it, with a few extra twists... why change what isn't broken?) would be third, a distant third, for me.
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By feihua
The sentimental answer is hard because as much as I want to say Full Metal Jacket, I cannot deny Apocalypse Now Redux but acknowledge I've seen Bridge on the River Kwai more yet recommend The King of Comedy the most.

The smart answer is Rashomon. The screenplay is the most important part and it changed the way stories can be told to such a degree the title became an adjective in the English language. It is the best of the small budget productions relying upon an adapted screenplay.

The best answer is 2001: A Space Odyssey. It is a pure film. It is original in every way, it refuses to become dated and it demands respect for showing the viewer repeatedly what the viewer claims is lacking. It teaches viewers how to watch films. When you come across someone who doesn't understand the film and finds it boring, point out how the vegetation increases after the weapon is discovered and point out how obvious that development is: you will be thanked, the movie will be viewed again and the naysayers and the poo-pooers will watch all films more appropriately as connoisseurs for the rest of their viewing days. This is what indeed supports the opinion of the OP in this thread but the film is the one about the journey beyond the stars.
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By Kosmonaut
There's so many good movies I can't simply name single one of them to be the best. However, I can name SOME of the great movies:

The Godfather I is one of the most well written, directed and casted movies of all time. It tells a deep story about gangsters of New York quite accurately.
Ran by Akira Kurosawa is a great piece on war and peace. There's plenty of great Kurosawa movies, such as Yojimbo, but I decided to name this one.
I think that Spirited Away is the greatest animated movie of all time. The story is very creative and original and the actual animation itself is one of the best.
And the list goes on... Clockwork Orange, American History X, Dark Knight trilogy, Der Untergang...
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By Oxymoron
I dont think you can say one movie is the greatest movie, or one piece of art is the best piece of art.

I agree with FRS God Father part 2 is the best of the two God Fathers. The third one I dont even aknowledge.

2001 Space Odyssey is utter shit, sorry its boring and pretentous.
By neopagan
Oxymoron wrote:I dont think you can say one movie is the greatest movie, or one piece of art is the best piece of art.

I agree with FRS God Father part 2 is the best of the two God Fathers. The third one I dont even aknowledge.

2001 Space Odyssey is utter shit, sorry its boring and pretentous.

2001, ASO was quite impressive in 1969, but a lot has happened in cinema since then. Of course there is no greatest movie, it is just fun to see what people like though. When I look through the offerings, I don't see much outside of the expensive-action/sci-fi/blockbuster genres. I find that sort of stuff really tedious. Also, I will not watch a movie where the advertising features a person standing with their legs apart while aiming a pistol with two hands. I look for a tight script, sharp dialogue, and good acting.
Check out Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy it has the best cinematography I've ever seen.
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