Syndicalism - Politics | PoFo

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The non-democratic state: Platonism, Fascism, Theocracy, Monarchy etc.
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By Sithsaber
How do you fascists/ far righters explain it? (I have no idea why but it would be big with construction workers where I live if they ever became political).
By Sithsaber
Anything would be nice. Will request a name change to Lord Vaguerity. My understanding of pure syndicalism has more holes in it than Paulite libertarianism. Maybe i just need to hear someone smarter than me explain it.
By mikema63
Ron Paul isn't a libertarian.

Syndicalism is something like a union structure expanded and with more power, I'm more familiar with anarcho-syndicalism and not the fascist sort. Generally they control the production of whatever particular sector the workers operate in and confer with each other to coordinate the economy as a whole.

In fascism I think they work hand in hand with the state and push for whatever result the government is going for, I think there are some councils as well and I've heard the word tripartite thrown around. :hmm:

I think syndicates represent the workers, then there is the state, and the scientists and engineers maybe? Of course all is the state and the state is all. :p
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By Far-Right Sage
You should do a bit of research into Georges Sorel.

Here is an excellent discussion of guild socialism, much of which can be viewed as analogous to the syndicalist model's adaptation in the modern age and although I disagree with some of the themes presented, such as the narrator's sympathies for a form of Christian socialism which could be viewed as compatible with strains of right-anarchist thought, it is very informative.

By Sithsaber
Listened to most of it but was kind of put off by how many times he referred to the jews. His system of guilds would also be very problematic. Finally i got the feeling that he was referring to Batheism when he was talking about "Arab Banking"
By Sithsaber
Which is what i initially assumed due to how the christians and i assumed the jews having the same prohibition. But Baathist states like Iraq and Syria did have a corporatist (degraded syndicalism?) state so i'm still not sure.
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By Fasces
They also have had Presidencies and republics. They have had sunshine and rain. These systems should be adapted to local needs, and the fact that some Arab states may have attempted such an adaptation is not sufficient reason to abandon the principle.
By Sithsaber
It's disconcerting to hear "fascists" actually argue a point logically and without referring to blacks as n@gg3rs or to the evil jews (too much time getting complacent on tendency only sites) Will have to take a minute to organize my argument

(PS: In reference to the video, i doubt the west is intervening in the middle east due to its domino theory on the expansion of baathism)
By michael3
Sithsaber wrote:It's disconcerting to hear "fascists" actually argue a point logically and without referring to blacks as n@gg3rs or to the evil jews (too much time getting complacent on tendency only sites) Will have to take a minute to organize my argument

(PS: In reference to the video, i doubt the west is intervening in the middle east due to its domino theory on the expansion of baathism)

Every ideology has it's rubes and morons, yet I imagine that few today could match wits with the likes of Julius Evola, Charles Maurras, Alexis Carrel, Giovanni Gentile, Corneliu Codreanu or Carl Schmidt, 'fascists' all, at least by the standards of their enemies. Some strains are more racialist, others are not, likewise concerning the Jews and 'antisemitism' (as documented in Brunner's 'Zionism in the age of the dictators' for example , there are overlaps in Zionism and Fascism in which admiration of one for the other was not a one-way street).

While there were ideological problems within Fascism even early on, it would be mistaken to think that Fascism has always lacked intellect, even if there is an honest emphasis on a philosophy of action and on real-world pragmatism, deeds not just words.
By michael3
Sithsaber wrote:This i have always known, although i thought none of them had discovered the internet yet.

Lol, the rubes or the intellectuals of Fascism?

I, even as I use this technology, am somewhat disgusted by the levelling tendancies inherant in the information age, even as it allows Fascism and other ideologies to survive, it drowns them in a sea of 'white noise'.
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By Far-Right Sage
Sithsaber, did you come in here to ask a question and receive an answer or to poke stale fun at the ideology and its foundations using outdated and puerile cliches?

Sithsaber wrote:In reference to the video, i doubt the west is intervening in the middle east due to its domino theory on the expansion of baathism

What does Ba'athism have to do with it? In that specific portion of the video, the discussion was centered around Islamic banking, not Ba'athism. Of the four Arab leaders whose name was mentioned, two were not Ba'athists - Mubarak and Qaddafi - while one, Saddam Hussein, had been deposed years before the onset of the latest phase of this aggressive Western attempt at reordering the Middle East along fractured, complacent, neoliberal lines. The West as it exists today has an interest, yes, in preventing the proliferation of Ba'athism and other nationalist ideologies as they stifle nationalistic sentiment at home as well, but with Iraq knocked out of the game and something of an Iranian client there after the educated class of Shias have been empowered, this is not their chief threat currently, nor was it even referenced in the video discussion.

michael3 wrote:Listened to most of it but was kind of put off by how many times he referred to the jews.

Well, in the discussion of early Marxism and its application in interwar Europe, I believe it's relevant. Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Bela Kun, Karl Liebknecht, Rosa Luxemburg? Lev Kamenev? This entire discussion is always without fail a controversial one, but Jewish intellectual involvement within the early Soviet Union and other short-lived communist states from the Bayerische Räterepublik to Kun's Hungary is undeniable.
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By Figlio di Moros
Far-Right Sage wrote:Well, in the discussion of early Marxism and its application in interwar Europe, I believe it's relevant. Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Bela Kun, Karl Liebknecht, Rosa Luxemburg? Lev Kamenev? This entire discussion is always without fail a controversial one, but Jewish intellectual involvement within the early Soviet Union and other short-lived communist states from the Bayerische Räterepublik to Kun's Hungary is undeniable.

And yet, FRS, we simultaneously see our liberal-capitalist system run by a good many Jews, from Hollywood to corporate News to Universities, Wall Street, and lobbyists of all stripes. As disconcerning as this is, particularly at first appearence, you must keep in mind that while they're only 2% of the population, the avg. IQ of Askenazim (sic.) jews is 110, and that of the ruling elites roughly greater than 145- in other words, the .1% that control everything have a Z-score of 3 across the population, v. 2.3 for jews, or their top 1%. One percent of 2 percent of the population is .02% out of the top .1%- or 20% of the elites.

That the Jewish elites have such a strong control on media is somewhat less disconcerting to me than the fact that the people in charge of our education system, media, industry, finance, and political system are all liberal-capitalists. Jews such as Sephardi aren't unsympathetic to our views, and Nets is far less offensive than any of the pro-business, anti-nationalist crowd here.
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