Avatar request - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Talk about and show off personal signature and avatar images.
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I'm having difficulty creating an avatar as the site won't accept the URL.





I'd prefer the 1st image of Ai Weiwei giving the finger to the CPP in Tianamen Square. If that isn't acceptable can I use the image of him dropping a vase?
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By Fasces
That avatar is not permitted. It must be a portrait. The face must be the dominant feature.

For your avatar to be accepted, resize it to 100x100.
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What about a Guy Fawkes mask or a meme associated with anonymity (I'm a very private person)?

Why do you tie my hands so?

Wait a minute "That avatar...." You used the singular. So I can use the vase picture? I have to crop it to focus on the face?
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Is there software that turns colour pictures black and white?

Can I use a cyborg- part man, part machine ?
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Success !! I think.....

All I can see are the words "user avatar" whether I'm in Opera, Firefox or Explorer.
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By Philby
PoFo don't allow pics directly from your computer. You have to host them on a site like Photobucket, we have our own account there, see the toppost in the avatar and signature forum. You can of course use an other site like imageshack or dozens of others.

With the avatar; don't use imagetags [img]
With a sig do use imagetags
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Philby wrote:PoFo don't allow pics directly from your computer. You have to host them on a site like Photobucket, we have our own account there, see the toppost in the avatar and signature forum. You can of course use an other site like imageshack or dozens of others.

I found these via Bing image search.

With the avatar; don't use imagetags [img]
With a sig do use imagetags

I have a very low level of computer literacy and don't know what your talking about.

Thanks for the effort Third Term but that I find that image very dull/ boring/ uninspiring.

<<Written from memory>>
The gentleman who is scratching his head has a great back story. He was making repairs/ painting a church when the device (a jack?) he was in tipped over. He hit some high voltage power cables and was rushed to hospital. He survived and was disfigured. Several years later he underwent re-constructive surgery that restored his eyesight allowing him to see his daughter for the first time in years (perhaps ever?). He is much less handsome though and covers his face as best he can when he goes out in public.

A more accurate account--
http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504763_162- ... 91704.html

This man is an inspiration and I would be honored if I could pay tribute to him by way of an avatar.


Can anyone see my avatar? When I look at the box I see the words "user avatar".
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Ung in refugee camp, Thailand-

Elizabeth Becker-


Sihanouk, Hun Sen, I don't know the guy in the middle-

Shot in Saigon-


Self immolation, Vietnam

Bus driver refuses to stop for police, Vietnam

Imperial Japan-

Neil Armstrong-



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