The Kardashev Scale - Politics | PoFo

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The solving of mankind’s problems and abolition of government via technological solutions alone.

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By Kasu
I think this video is relevant to Technocracy.

It's pretty interesting.
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By Bosnjak
Fuck we are still killing each other instead to exploit the Universe, and to lead inter-galactical wars.

Why are the most Sci-Fi-Societies, Platonist?

Enterprise: Platonist
Starshiptroopers: Platonist
Babylon 5: Platonist
Star Trek Empire: Platonist

Only the Borg who have an similar civilsation degree are communists.
By Khalq
I've seen this a few months ago. Yes, it's interesting how pitiful we still are compared to what we could be! But I believe we have great potential. The inventions that really changed and revolutionized our society have been created in the last two centuries. I can't even imagine what we will be 5,000 years from now... if the system hasn't killed us all yet.

Only the Borg who have an similar civilsation degree are communists.

Communism is socioeconomic and political. It's about a human society, i.e. a group of individuals. Communism is human in nature and nothing else, since it comes from the material conditions particular to the development of human society.

Once and for all, the Borg cannot be communist, since it is organized as an interconnected collective (instead of just a group of interdependent individuals). And decisions are made by the hive mind instead of multiple individuals like in human society and evenmore so communist society.
It's as ridiculous as saying for instance that felines are capitalists because they fight each others (compete) for the control of territory (private property), or something like that.

And Nikolai Kardashev was a serious astrophysicist, not a writer of sci-fi novels.

Why are the most Sci-Fi-Societies, Platonist

Very simple. It's because they're fictional and you need a major conflict to be resolved so that suspense is kept high and readers are kept interested till the end. It's way easier to do that in a dystopia and fictional totalitarian society, unless the conflict is caused by contemporary, non-communistic, humans (e.g. Wells' Men Like Gods).
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By Okonkwo
Kasu wrote:It's pretty interesting.

I agree. It is highly interesting and I think Dr. Kaku has a point. Globalisation is much more than just abolishing trade barriers, the current generation of teenagers for example, is almost thoroughly multi-cultural and metropolitan. Even the most rural farmer in the Bavarian Forest is able to listen to American music, use Japanese technology and wear blue jeans manufactured in China. If this development keeps on at this rapid speed, a culturally united Earth is not far away.
However, I must say that his predictions about Type II and Type III civilisations are a bit too far-fetched for me.
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By MB.
However, I must say that his predictions about Type II and Type III civilisations are a bit too far-fetched for me.

In what ways?

Anyway this thread does not belong in the technocracy forum.
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By Kasu
I tend to think that this "type one civilization" is a socialist society, and the only way to get to it is by an international proletarian revolution. It won't simply evolve in 100 years, capitalism is unable to do that.

Marxism is the answer.
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By MB.
which is why this thread does not belong in this forum.
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By Bosnjak
@Kasu only one question do you believe we can reach further types of civilisation, without eugenics?

The Rest is nearly the same in reality in Socialism and Fascism, there is Party of Philosophers who rules, the Security forces and the Common Citizens.
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By Kasu
Again, the only way to reach the next stage of human civilization is by a revolution to overthrow all existing social conditions, and to put the means of production into the democratic control of the working class, until private property is abolished, and classes disappear.
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By MB.
Abundance society is inevitable- through revolution or the decay of the ancient regime- it does not matter.
I don't think democratic socialism is the long term solution; although socialism may be useful as a transition period (and for helping to educate people recently divorced from the scarcity society who would otherwise be unable to function in a technate).
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By Kasu
Socialism will be the transition period to communism, which will be a stateless, classless society where every individual will be provided with whatever they need to develop themselves as human beings. Not only basic necessities, but needs, as in education, books, art supplies, computers, housing, food. It is completely different from anything we have today, and it doesn't resemble a welfare state in the slightest.
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By Bosnjak
You are at right it has to be stateless it has to be a world project, but we have to find a balance I searched god but I found the all mighty MATRIX, this is what I belive Science (the search for god) and the evil. hate me or love me for this but this is my belive, but I belive in the evil like i belive in the good, and love is good.

Exscuse my radical critic (but this is a part of dialectic), I do not belive any more in racism all humans are children of the allmyghty power, which is protecting and leading the rightfull.

I belive in all religions and all prophecies, I am agnostician, and I will never ever change this belive, no matter how much this costs. I am a leftist because the heart lies left.

And I started to hate all old authorities.

The priests and the psychatrists.

I belive in enlightment and science.
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By El Gilroy
I'm all in favour of technocratic developments and moving up the kardashev scale, but ~

Humanity sucks too much. Seriously. Very much doubt it happens.
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By Bosnjak
Matrix/God loves us nearly all. At the end this power who is allmighty forgives us our mistake, and likes to watch us.
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By Bosnjak
Enterprise: Platonist/Democracy
Starshiptroopers: Platonist
Babylon 5: Platonist
Star Trek Empire: Platonist
Borg: According to Kybernetics work decentral networks at best, my favorite is:

Borg, but tht Borg should only be an entire collective in a Battle, the rest of the time Individuals.
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By Bosnjak
And yes, please try to restrict your topics and posts to something relevant to Technocracy. This is not a general science/technology forum!

O.K. I wanted to say that humans like classes, even Monkeys have a leader-monkey (The Alpha Monkey), this is deep in our genetics. Therefore we see in Sci-Fi Movies still classes existing. I do not believe a Technate can change this

Nor is this a religious forum.

Excuse me,please, sometimes I am realy fucking high on drugs.

Once we have removed the need for war (which is itself wasteful) to make way for pure scientific motivations,

War is also in our Nature, in the Cold war and the WW2, WW1 were the biggest jumps made in science.
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By Kasu
The structure of society is not based on genetics, nor is it based on human nature. This is philosophical confusion.

Do we proceed from the self to the environment, or from the environment to the self? Which is primary, matter, or consciousness? And lastly, is social consciousness the product of the environment that they are raised, or does the environment in which you are raised the product of some eternal truth that is inherent in us all.

Matter is primary. Consciousness is simply a product of matter organized a certain way, which then, with the help of sense-organs, has the ability to reflect the external world. Consciousness is therefor a product of nature. Nature is not a product of consciousness. It is not social consciousness that determines your being, but it is your being that determines your consciousness. Such is the materialist theory of knowledge, to which natural science instinctively subscribes.
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By El Gilroy
The collective amount of individuals and civilisation as a whole influence each other in a spiraling fashion. It isn't simply a matter of finite cause and effect.
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By Bridgeburner
The link has expired.. could you please post the title and/or alternative link?
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By Section Leader
Khalq wrote:Communism is socioeconomic and political. It's about a human society, i.e. a group of individuals. Communism is human in nature and nothing else, since it comes from the material conditions particular to the development of human society.

Communism is utopian bullshit that will never work, Fascism is the true ultimate expression of the nature of mankind.

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