Satellites tested in the ocean by DARPA - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

The solving of mankind’s problems and abolition of government via technological solutions alone.

Moderator: Kolzene

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"The Allies still hold to the nonsense of "big battleships", while airplanes and submarines have made Admiral Mahan's "Sea Power" as antiquated as Robinson Crusoe. Convoys make a nice game of suicide. But we are not told these things because the interested propagandists don't want us to know. When General Billy Mitchell of the American Army pointed to the passing of sea power and demonstrated the efficacy of the air bomber, he not only was not listened to, but was court-martialed and dismissed from the Army for his heresy.

Technocracy and its predecessors of The Technical Alliance have been trying to bring to the attention of the American people the essentials of adequate continental defense for more than 20 years. Technocracy was asked to testify on the Lend-Lease Bill but declined. Said we would honor a subpoena, but the Congressional Committee did not want to subpoena anyone, because in that case the witness would have to take an oath to tell the truth. Lindbergh's testimony that America did not need more than 10,000 planes and that America was not attackable was not correct. We shall need more than 10,000 planes, and we can be attacked.

In fact, not a single concrete proposal for adequate defense has come from any of the "America First" or other groups. American engineers and technologists have designed the military equipment which the U.S. discarded and which Germany picked up and used so effectively. Technocracy, however, has designs for bombing planes and tanks, which we are ready to offer to the U.S. Government, which are vastly superior to anything Hitler possesses, and which if used along with our other measures for defense of this continent will render America invulnerable to attack from the outside or to any attempted invasion. But none of these things will be applicable under the present inadequate program of defense. You cannot train an army drafted for one year only. Technocracy proposes a three-year training period for both males and females between the ages of 18 and 21, with a standing army of not less than one million engineer-mechanics; a two-ocean navy of swift-moving up-to-date ships; air bases at strategic points around the continent and on the continental islands; planes of Technocracy's design having a range radius of 12,000 miles and capable of dropping 265,000 tons of bombs in one hour on some distant European city and then returning, if necessary, to a base as far distant as Los Angeles -- all of these divisions of the Armed Forces under separate expert commands and coordinated under the unified control of the Commander-in-Chief.

What are we fighting for? Liberty? Justice? So we are told by press and radio writers and speakers. But we can't eat liberty, and most of us have never seen any justice. (This sally was loudly applauded by the audience.)"


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