Star Trek vs. Star Wars - Politics | PoFo

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By Russkie
I've read some where that Star Trek is actually a kind of Technocratic Communist society. Is this kind of society is more realistic than the Star Wars scenario, where a fascist-like Technocracy (The Death Star) is invading entire solar systems.
By Josh
Seeing as how I'm a fan of both those series, and interested in Technocracy, I think I'll try and tackle this one.

As far as ST is concerned, I think that the society is technocratic, but not communist.

Definition of Communism a la

A scheme of equalizing the social conditions of life; specifically, a scheme which contemplates the abolition of inequalities in the possession of property, as by distributing all wealth equally to all, or by holding all wealth in common for the equal use and advantage of all.

By their very definitions, a technocratic society cannot be communist, nor can a communist society be technocratic. Why? In regards to this definition of communism, this is due to wealth. (Wealth in the monetary sense definitely does not fit into the money-free system of technocracy) In Communism, wealth is redistributed so that an average wealth is maintained among the population. This average could be anything. It could be an "average average", or it could be an average which entails the entire population being completely impoverished. Whereas, with Technocracy, the goal is a high average, instead of just an average.

As for the Empire being a technate, this is not so. The Empire of Lucas' runaway franchise is an overbearing dictatorship wherein a select group of individuals make every single decision. Technocracy, despite common misconception, does not take rights away from people. Decisions are made based upon the will of the people.

I'd further expand on this, but I'm really very tired right now, and I'm sure somebody will pick this up (or pick it apart :D) at a later date.
By Russkie
So the Death Star is not a technocratic society?

A Technocratic can become a expansionist if it dosen't develop any good recycling technology.

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