Was Gene Roddenberry a Marxist/Socialist? - Page 4 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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As either the transitional stage to communism or legitimate socio-economic ends in its own right.
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Wellsy wrote:Although this game of body counts won't amount to much other than morbid fascination.
In part, because such violence and death is abstracted entirely from the conditions in which they occurred and thus given significance.
Made so abstract is like family conflict scales that measure every incidence of violence as if all kinds of violence are considered morally equal by all persons.
I could speak of death tolls in a war but leave implied whose deaths were the 'bad' deaths and the others were a necessary sacrifice of the conflict.

I find this a common error in criticisms of contemporary Marxism.

For example, when looking at Cuba limiting the press, most critics simply see it as abrogating the freedom of the press and end their analysis there.

They ignore historical context such as the fact that the CIA had (and probably still does) co-opt media in Latin America in order to subvert democracy.
SolarCross wrote:Lol, gainsaying is not an argument. Don't be such a bot.

Well, we could do the song and dance where I ask you for evidence.

And then you fail to provide it.

And then i point out that you have no support for your insulting generalisation about Marxists.

And then you make more insults about Marxists while still refusing to support your claim.

And like always, your argument is based on myths and stereotypes about Marxists and not actual historical facts.

Did I get anything wrong?
Pants-of-dog wrote:Well, we could do the song and dance where I ask you for evidence.

And then you fail to provide it.

The Earth orbits the sun: POD asks for a reference.
A woman a vagina: POD asks for a reference
The square root of 4 is 2: POD asks for a reference.

And then i point out that you have no support for your insulting generalisation about Marxists.

And then you make more insults about Marxists while still refusing to support your claim.

And like always, your argument is based on myths and stereotypes about Marxists and not actual historical facts.

Marxism is the most evil doctrine created by man. They managed to murder more people than Hitler.
Sorry, no reference. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Did I get anything wrong?

I rather say NO.
Otherwise I will have to post references as to why you are wrong and there is simply not enough disc space in the entire Internet.
"Gene Roddenberry, the creator of arguably the most famous sci-fi franchise, might not be the man you thought he was. ... According to his wife Magel Barrett, his last wife, Gene’s political leaning was communist. .ONLY THE willfully ignorant could pretend not to see the message Roddenberry was intent on sending, as he frequently and gleefully pushed buttons. In "Plato's Stepchildren," an episode broadcast in 1968, Nichols and Shatner shared what is widely cited (though the matter is hotly debated) as the first interracial kiss on U.S. television.
Skittish network executives worried about the audience reaction and tried to squash the kiss, but Shatner hilariously ruined all of the alternative takes with his famous! punctuated! delivery! and even, in one take, crossed his eyes to ruin the shot. Nichols recounted in her autobiography:
Knowing that Gene was determined to air the real kiss, Bill shook me and hissed menacingly in his best ham-fisted Kirkian staccato delivery, "I! WON'T! KISS! YOU! I! WON'T! KISS! YOU!"
It was absolutely awful, and we were hysterical and ecstatic. The director was beside himself, and still determined to get the kissless shot...
The last shot, which looked okay on the set, actually had Bill wildly crossing his eyes. It was so corny and just plain bad it was unusable...I guess they figured we were going to be canceled in a few months anyway. And so the kiss stayed." https://socialistworker.org/.../15/soci ... one-galaxy

I copied and pasted the above information for reference ^
Julian658 wrote:They killed many more people than Hitler. Do you deny that?

I'm not a communist, but yours is a misleading claim isn't it?

You're adding up conflicting ideologies of Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao etc. They're not the same.

And if you are going to do that, why not add up the casualties inflicted by the entire Axis powers and subsequent hanger-on fascist govt?

That's closer to being accurate.. but still a wholly pointless discussion.

If you want to be a real arsehole, you could say capitalism has killed more people than all of those other ideologies (communism, fascism) combined. I'd never bother of course, because the whole idea is fully absurd.
Rancid wrote:If I recall correctly, I believe Marx originally started off thinking the religion is the root of all the worlds evils. However, as he grew/studied more. He came to realize that religion isn't really a problem, it's capitalism. Someline @Potemkin might be able to correct or expand that understanding though.

I'm guessing people falsely believe that Maxism is anti-religion because of those early beliefs by Marx.

Marx: "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people."
https://bennorton.com/what-would-marx-t ... -atheists/
skinster wrote:Marx: "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people."

Right, what he's saying is that religion is a drug people use to numb themselves from their shitty existence.

When he said that, was that the point where he switched his focus into capitalism? Not sure where that statement falls in during the development of his ideas.
SSDR wrote:Gene is not a socialist. He is a fat loser. :lol:
:roll: Gene died a multi-millionaire and beloved by millions.

[KS mod edit: Rule 2]
Julian658 wrote:So you know little about the commies in the USSR, China, North Korea, etc. That explains a lot.
I am going to assume you adore Chávez and Maduro.

Apparently, I still know more than you.

For example, I know that the USA supported, and still supports, right wing dictatorships.
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