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By Adrien

Toyota releases its new Prius, sign that the first one did a good job and found its public (they sold 110 000 of them).

Honda launched the Insight, Saturn must have launched its (but i don't remember the name), and some say that Ford and GM are already designing theirs (and i am not talking about those concept cars we see in the car shows, but releasable hybrid cars).

Here, the market of totally electric cars is falling, falling, falling, and the GPL cars' sells are not growing because of the fear of explosions and accidents.

So, to you, is the hybrid car the car of tomorrow?

And what is your advice on alternative energy, how do you see their future?
By grinner
Take two magnets. + to + retracts as does _ to _ while + to - attract.
Now, take a nine volt battery. Touch the positive side to the negative side of one magnet. You'll notice the magenet that use to resist now attracts. You have reversed the current. You have also just reversed gravity on a smaller scale. Now, what is it that makes us re-create jet propelsion? Resistance and enercia. If these two were to go away, one could trvel from point A to point B instantaniously. We'll we can. Not time travel as if that were to ever be invented, of course it would be here now. But we could eneter a numeric destination, hit enter and be there. It's just a matter of measuring how much negative vs positive energy.
So could we reverse gravity on earth by this theory? You bet. Positively charging out nucleus (or our ground) could and would do that. We have a charge big enough.. lighting. However, that would make a battery out of our earth and batteries as we all know lose their charge.
Pretty heavy huh?
Gas powered vehicles are premitive thinking. It would be much more effective to use our given positive and negative energies.
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By Truth-a-naut
Anyone really interested about the GM Volt? Sounds awesome, but I don't think they'll be able to deliver it in 2010.

I have a longish article concerning it if anyone's interested.
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By Muck
So, to you, is the hybrid car the car of tomorrow?

I doubt that the solution will be a hybrid. Using dino fuel/crop sourced oils becomes less viable as we progress. I think theres going to have to be an acceptance that our cars simply will not be capable of what they can achieve now. Their range/performance/convince will all be compromised. Instead, I believe that we will be running around in purely electric cars. Nuclear energy is far more sustainable than any other solution we have, at least at the moment. If the car manufacturers can decide on a DIN-type battery fitting, refueling the cars would be a matter of taking out the battery assembly, and fitting a recharged unit, giving cars the equivalent of an unlimited range, which is what we are accustomed to now.

Its interesting how many people have taken it upon themselves to make the switch, regardless of the relatively high costs. All it will take is a couple of the big players to make the commitment, and the unit costs will fall dramatically.
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By Thunderhawk
The Hybrid market I believe is a societal phenomenom. Those who get them, get them for various reasons - but a purely electric car would satisfy those reason better. However, few people get pure electric (even if available) because we (people) are not confident in the electric car's ability to:
get us about quickly - EVs are slow, right?
to have lasting endurance - how far can you go on one charge?
and ease of refueling - it takes how long to recharge? what if I forget to recharge during the night?

The combustion engine part of a Hybrid allays these concerns by having a combustion back up. Untill the electric operations of EV/hybrids prove themselves to society, and society becomes more accustomed to dealing with that as a whole, hybrids will remain dominant over pure EVs.

I have had a cell for more then 2 years and for ~3 years during highschool I had a solar rechargable FM radio. Even though recharging was simple, I still forgot/forget to recharge them from time to time. What happens what thats the car? :knife:

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