Cars don't get you laid - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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By QatzelOk
remember Qatz, there are always people who know to and how to enjoy things and dont just get them just because.

How can I remember advice I can't understand?
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By noemon
Why not?

Are there not people that actually enjoy a beer of their preference after dinner, truthfully and honestly and do not have some just to pretend to look cool and "get laid"?

Same thing can be extended to pretty much anything.
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By QatzelOk
Car advertising and product placement - in books and movies - is so ubiquitous, that you have no way of knowing where your "desire" for these mechanical products comes from.

Since small animals are afraid of these dangerous tools, I'm going to assume that the admiration you are demonstrating has been constructed using well-funded texts.
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By noemon
Car advertising and product placement - in books and movies - is so ubiquitous, that you have no way of knowing where your "desire" for these mechanical products comes from.


The wise sages have invented ways since marketing is not a modern phenomenon:

Ashtanga wrote:Instruction in pranayama can begin after one has learned the asanas well and can practice them with ease (Jois 2002 23). "Pranayama means taking in the subtle power of the vital wind through rechaka [exhalation], puraka [inhalation], and kumbhaka [breath retention]. Only these kriyas, practiced in conjunction with the three bandhas [muscle contractions, or locks] and in accordance with the rules, can be called pranayama" (Jois 2002 23). The three bandhas are "mula bandha, uddiyana bandha, and jalandhara bandha, and they should be performed while practicing asana and the like" (Jois 2002 23). "When mula bandha is perfect, mind control is automatic" ("Ashtanga Yoga"). "In this way did Patanjali start Yoga. By using mulabandha and by controlling the mind, he gradually gained knowledge of Yoga" (Jois 2003 11).

Practicing asana for many years with correct vinyasa and tristhana gives the student the clarity of mind, steadiness of body, and purification of the nervous system to begin the prescribed pranayama practice (Flynn). "Through the practice of pranayama, the mind becomes arrested in a single direction and follows the movement of the breath" (Jois 2002 23). Pranayama forms the foundation for the internal cleansing practices of Ashtanga yoga (Flynn).

In case you dont know, Ive been a practitioner of this, for many years.

In addition, that goes for anything we do, from the orange juice you are having, to the fact we are wearing clothes, maybe we should seize all activity, until we clarify whether we get them out of real or constructed desire? Besides I can tell the difference in my self when I do something to satisy my taste or merely to look cool. I am fully aware of the times I smoked spliffs just because I wanted to impress but did not enjoy the and the times that I honestly enjoyed it. The same I can do from the times I drove fast just to impress a lady I was carrying and the times that I drove fast just so I can satisfy my own desire to learn the limits of my car and the street better. For example in the first case we have nervous driving and tempo, fast-breaking while on the other we have slow rise of tempo, eyes on the corners and hands on the wheel not her legs.

And why do you make the error to perform assumptions when admittedly you "do not understand"? Is your drive to assume the natural conclusion of poorly funded texts? Or is it merely a manifestation of ego-centrism?

Maybe a combination like for example the righteous egocentrism that has resulted from poorly-funded texts and experiences?

And lastly Qatz, be proud that you use a bike, only if that is your own choice when there are numerous graspable alternatives that you sidetracked for the environment and not for ease of transport because you did not require anything better or merely cause you couldnt afford it, and not merely forced upon you by your circumstanes and then glorified in order to look cool.

Be proud for HONESTLY missing something for a higher cause, THAT is nobility.

There is no pride or nobility in simply advertising your eco-vehicle if you did not pressure yourself to go eco by actually abolishing something, but it was merely circumstantial. That is simply the same as driving a car to get you laid. And judging from your posts I highly doubt you abolished anything you enjoyed to go eco. I believe it was merely circumstantial and then you glorified your situation as an eco-warrior just so you could excuse your own misery at night.
Since you like making assumptions, I believe that gives me the right to assume as well.
Last edited by noemon on 20 Dec 2009 17:52, edited 1 time in total.
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By hannu
noemon wrote:Yes indeed, adrenalin, cumming sensations, speed, a car with a firm grip on the ground are all related, they are all enjoyable.

I personally like the speed, the grip, the technology of super cars and I believe these goodies have been invented to be enjoyed, I do not feel repressed in any way, .

My advice would be to drive fast on a gravel surface. Grip is for pussies.

Skidding is far more satisfying than gripping. Women passengers can't keep their hands off of you as soon as you start skidding.

I haven't met anyone who has cumming sensations under heavy braking.

Sorry if this post's too liney.
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By noemon
My advice would be to drive fast on a gravel surface. Grip is for pussies.

In my early years of driving I had and still have a citroen xantia, which has amazing grip on the ground due to its hydropneumatic suspension. It also has a switch that lifts the vehicle higher which makes it perfect for gravel. And that is what I did, I learned to drive fast on gravel in Elafonisos and I love that shit. 90 km/hour on that gravel path in the island compares to nothing.

The car was essentially destroyed after so many uses(not crashes) there, and however I fixed the suspension it was never the same. Tomorrow the xantia goes back to citroen and am getting a C4 1.6 for my wife, she is taking it herself first thing in the morning. I cant wait till I test it on "my" path.

Citroen is not by accident the serial winner in WRC.
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By hannu
noemon wrote:In my early years of driving I had and still have a citroen xantia,

Trying to skid in a one wheel drive Xantia is not good.

If you drive a tugger then the very least you need is a plated slipper.
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By noemon
Trying to skid in a one wheel drive Xantia is not good.

The xantia only skids in gravel, and its skidding can be controlled only there. If it skids on the street there is no way of getting it back. NO reverse handling bears any fruit on the street, howvere on gravel it is entirely a different story. Its suspension really is something else compared to standard.
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By hannu
I've owned a few Citroens myself & the ones I had did not skid well on gravel.

I taught my wife the basics of skidding on the gravel area outside a police station in a white Citroen BX. We nearly got in very serious trouble when we were investigated by an officer.
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By noemon
I've owned a few Citroens myself & the ones I had did not skid well on gravel.

Well the BX is sort of large and has an enormous ass to control. Ive had my best skidding experiences with the Xantia and I guarantee that its skidding on gravel has been more than satisfying. In fact fearing that no car will ever satiosfy me as such, I was having second thoughts in getting the new C4 since it is not fitted with the xantia's suspension and instead buy a xantia with low milage and fix it as well as I can. Lastly we decided to get the C4 cause all that would have been too much hassle.

LOL, your wife can skid? :up:

Mine is not up for it.
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By QatzelOk
There is no pride or nobility in simply advertising your eco-vehicle if you did not pressure yourself to go eco by actually abolishing something,

This thread isn't about the desperate search for pride or nobility via products.

But thanks for reminding us what it is that the buyers are looking for.

This thread is about how pride and nobility symbols - like automobiles - won't ensure a satisfying sexual life.
By grassroots1
Not only that Qatz, but cars don't get you laid in a more obvious way. Some girls aren't looking for some dude with a massive ego who is looking to pick up women for the sole reason that they have money. Some girls are looking for something more than that. In fact, I would contend, most girls look for more than that.

That said, I want an old Jaguar. And I want my 89 BMW 3 series back. But not because it got me girls, just cus' I got attached to it.
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By hannu
QatzelOk wrote:This thread is about how pride and nobility symbols - like automobiles - won't ensure a satisfying sexual life.

That's as maybe, but I've yet to meet a good skidder with erectile disfunction issues.

Whereas I've met quite a few car less individuals who struggle to get a decent lob on.
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By noemon
This thread isn't about the desperate search for pride or nobility via products.

But thanks for reminding us what it is that the buyers are looking for.

This thread is about how pride and nobility symbols - like automobiles - won't ensure a satisfying sexual life.


This thread is not about your fake pride and fake nobility in your worn out efforts to remind everybody what a good save the planet dude you are, and how lowers than you the car owners are when in fact you are simply some guy who is driving a bike out of need and then capitalizing on his misery just so he can "get laid" on the internet with some bonus e-eco-friendly points.

Next time you confront somebody, and then are confronted back, have the decency to not change the meaning of his words just so you score some ridiculous points in that twisted mind if yours, gay men can still have the balls to look people in the eye.

I never spoke about cars giving you nobility and pride but honesty does. How honest are you Qatz? The fact that you responded that way simply ascertained the truthfullness of my previous post as well as the level of ignobility you can reach.

You abolished nothing to go eco, it was merely circumstantial and now you capitulate on your circumstances for meme's sake to pretend to be eco-willing but you are just the same as the person who gets a car to get laid, in your case you got a bike just because fate forced it and then without actually showing any proactive will at all and therefore NOBILITY you market yourself as pro-active for reputation points. Ofc a person who deals with posts just like you did with mine is capable of various ignoble acts and that certainly is just easy candy to chew.

This thread is about the search of pride and nobility via products, products that you and only you can deem worthwhile, products that you use by accident and because of that accident they become the alpha and omega for finding you. This thread is about the Qatz-mobile.
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By QatzelOk
noemon wrote:gay men can still have the balls to look people in the eye

This is the kid of garbage that you have allowed to drip into this thread, Noe. This is just empty venim, with absolutely no thought attached to it.

When you write about ancient Greece or anthropology, it is easy to respect you, even in disagreement. But when you reduce the sociological role of automobile advertising to "I know what I want, fuck," and then scratch your balls and flip the bird, you're actually demonstrating the irrationality of car = hard on by showing how desperate you are to look like you've got a giant erection. Even during a discussion about the effects of marketing.

You are proving that cars have been branded to equal giant erection.
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By noemon
This is just empty venim, with absolutely no thought attached to it.

You would wish that was so, you believe you are one of those gays that are more men than men, however your techniques are sleazier than garbage and that is reflected in how you deal with sentences you find unable to choke. You change their meaning and for that you are unable "to look people in the eye" in deal with them sleaze-free.

You are proving that cars have been branded to equal giant erection.

Problems with erect penises?
Last edited by noemon on 22 Dec 2009 09:00, edited 1 time in total.
By grassroots1
Noemon, how could you say that Qatz doesn't look people in the eye if you've never spoken to him face to face? Correct me if I'm wrong.
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By noemon
"To look people in the eye" is a figure of speech, and does not require physical "eye contact". Sleaze balls that twist and turn "are not looking people in the eye" cause if they had the basic decency to, they wouldn't be betting their game on changing the variables to something that suits their case by putting words on their others mouth.

Catch the drift?

One is able to act like such through any means of communication. The medium is irrelevant.
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By QatzelOk
noemon tried an interesting tactic when he  wrote:This thread is not about your fake pride and fake nobility in your worn out efforts to remind everybody what a good save the planet dude you are,

But then he changed tactics mid-idea when he wrote:Sleaze balls that twist and turn "are not looking people in the eye" cause if they had the basic decency to, they wouldn't be betting their game on changing the variables to something that suits their case by putting words on their others mouth.

So you come into this thread - about the media-created link between sexual activity and products like cars - and you turn it into a thread about Qatz's personality and psychological profile. Isn't this the worst case of "twisting and turning" an entire thread into a sleazy piece of irrelevant venom? You tried to change the variables and put words in my mouth (and psychological problems into my head).

You didn't even offer the thread an interesting tangent. Instead, seemingly unable to argue the basic premise, you called into question the mental health of the OP poster - something you know nothing about.

You inadvertently confessed to not being able to look this thread in the eye and debate the profitable fakeness of the link between getting laid and owning/driving an automobile. Perhaps owning (or downloading) amazingly powerful cars isn't really the way to be a man, noemon.
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By noemon
The fact of the matter is that YOU turned this thread one about my psychological profile.

Qatz much earlier than noemon wrote:Since small animals are afraid of these dangerous tools, I'm going to assume that the admiration you are demonstrating has been constructed using well-funded texts.

noemon in response to Qatz wrote:And why do you make the error to perform assumptions when admittedly you "do not understand"? Is your drive to assume the natural conclusion of poorly funded texts? Or is it merely a manifestation of ego-centrism?

Maybe a combination like for example the righteous egocentrism that has resulted from poorly-funded texts and experiences?

And lastly Qatz, be proud that you use a bike, only if that is your own choice when there are numerous graspable alternatives that you sidetracked for the environment and not for ease of transport because you did not require anything better or merely cause you couldnt afford it, and not merely forced upon you by your circumstanes and then glorified in order to look cool.

Be proud for HONESTLY missing something for a higher cause, THAT is nobility.

There is no pride or nobility in simply advertising your eco-vehicle if you did not pressure yourself to go eco by actually abolishing something, but it was merely circumstantial. That is simply the same as driving a car to get you laid. And judging from your posts I highly doubt you abolished anything you enjoyed to go eco. I believe it was merely circumstantial and then you glorified your situation as an eco-warrior just so you could excuse your own misery at night.
Since you like making assumptions, I believe that gives me the right to assume as well.

You inadvertently confessed to not being able to look this thread in the eye and debate the profitable fakeness of the link between getting laid and owning/driving an automobile.

You can keep on parroting your shameless tactics, you only continue to prove your utter lack of manners. The fact that you are so old and still unable to make a discussion without relying on shameless lies talks rivers about your real persona.

Next time you make a value-judgement about someone else as in your initial "assumption", be careful that it does not turn around like a boomerang and bites you instead. ;)

You inadvertently confessed to not being able to look this thread in the eye and debate the profitable fakeness of the link between getting laid and owning/driving an automobile.

You are so blind that you missed the part where I said as far as this is concerned that "you are generally right Qatz", and you are so much unable to look me in the eye, that you lie about my opinion regarding the OP as well just so you might score some points. On the nth Qatz...

Not only there is profitable fakeness between getting laid and owning a car but you are driving bikes just you can "get laid" on the internets by pretending to be better than all.

This fakeness applies to everything.

Perhaps owning (or downloading) amazingly powerful cars isn't really the way to be a man, noemon

I dont need to prove anything to anybody, I have a family of my own and I kept the class-facts on my self hidden for years in this forum since I know that my class would alter the bonus points I could get. I never said I was rich or poor or anything. It was only when my reputation, attitude, weaknesses and totality of persona became so well-known to everybody and hence my reputation matured without the class-factor that I showed the rest of my belongings. ;)

The way to be a man is that of honesty Qatzelok, not cars, bikes, gadgets and memes, not lies, twists, sleaziness and backstabbing.

It must feel like a bitch, innit Qatz? Getting lessons on integrity by a person of "well-funded texts", a straight guy(ouch), younger by a few decades and a "nationalista"? Ooee. Painful.

I am really curious to see how low you will fall to maintain your posture. Shit happens Qatz when you feel fake power to be making value judgements about others.
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