Five Reasons Why Cats are Inferior to Dogs - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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"Could care less." This is low class American usage, and a flat-out mistake because it means literally that the care level is at least one degree above bottom. The expression when used correctly reads: "I could not care less," which means that the level of care is rock bottom.

They should just all start speaking Cree or something. Then they wouldn't need to butcher the English language.
Do you mean English-generic or English-British?

I'm in the midst of an interesting situation where I wrote my novel in American English and my editor is trying to convert it to British English. They are not close in many instances. At least she didn't try to convert every "o" word to "ou".
I mean English. The language that is spoken in England. Not the colonial drawl from across the Atlantic. There is no such thing as British English, that is English.
I prefer dogs, as I find them more personable and less... scratchy/bitey than cats, but really either way you've put a smelly animal in your house that defecates in it if you don't open doors for them or take them for walks. The worst thing is if you combine having a dog with having a baby. Then your house becomes covered in sh*t, urine, partly digested food and undigested food if you're not careful. Actually that's a bit unfair to cats and dogs, which are in general much better at keeping food in one place than babies.

The only people that should own dogs/cats in my opinion:

Thanks for opening this can of worms again...

Demos, your cats are stupid and if you want a worthless pet, get a goldfish. Just as self reliant and doesn't need you cleaning it's shit.

Dogs are far more intelligent than cats, proven fact. And, as stated, you have guard dogs, seing eye dogs, rescue dogs, and even psychiatrist aids- that's right, dogs can cure mental illness. What can your cat do, shit in a box and bring you dead birds? So, on the one hand we've got an animal that's friendlier, smarter, more useful, and even help treat the blind and mad, much like Jesus. On the other, you have something that shits in a box.
Fig wrote:What can your cat do, shit in a box and bring you dead birds? So, on the one hand we've got an animal that's friendlier, smarter, more useful, and even help treat the blind and mad, much like Jesus. On the other, you have something that shits in a box.

Putting your fascination with defecation aside, I'm not sure it's the best argument for dogs. "Cat's shit in a box! Dogs just do it all over the ground and will often eat their own shit! Clearly, dogs are better!"

Not really a convincing argument...
Cats can be just as needy of attention as dogs. The difference is that when my cat wants attention, he starts meowing and rubbing against my leg, as opposed to slobbering all over my face. And whoever said shitting in a box was a bad thing, I beg to differ. It's when he misses the box that it becomes a problem. As for which is smarter, the conventional wisdom is that cats are smarter. But from personal experience, having owned both types of animals, I can't really say I notice much difference. It's certainly true that dogs have more uses they can be put to, but as far as house pets go, I really can't say I have a strong preference.
Doesn't anyone else here like both cats and dogs besides me?

About 30 years ago, a girlfriend decided I needed a pet and gave me a 6 month old tom cat named Bernie. Truth was that she was trying to find homes for all the kittens that her cat decided to bring in to this world. I wasn't crazy about cats but went along with it and got to be really good friends with Bernie. He went with me through two apartments, a house, a marriage, a couple of kids, and a dog...all changes that he wasn't crazy about, but he was with me for more than 20 years, and even though he could be a real pain in the ass sometimes, he was always my pet.

Our dog...well who doesn't like dogs? Dogs are intelligent and they try really, really hard to get you to like them....sometimes too hard! A few years ago, we got another cat, and although I was a little concerned how they would get along, it's worked out okay. Cats just aren't sophisticated enough to be accommodating, so the dog and the rest of us for that matter, have to be tuned in to what the cat wants. But, in a way, that makes it more rewarding if a cat likes you and wants to be around you. The dog will put up with just about any bullshit and try to be your friend, while a cat doesn't play that game! You piss him off, whether intentionally or accidentally and that's it, he doesn't want to be around you.
Figlio di Moros wrote:Thanks for opening this can of worms again...

Demos, your cats are stupid and if you want a worthless pet, get a goldfish. Just as self reliant and doesn't need you cleaning it's shit.

Dogs are far more intelligent than cats, proven fact. And, as stated, you have guard dogs, seing eye dogs, rescue dogs, and even psychiatrist aids- that's right, dogs can cure mental illness. What can your cat do, shit in a box and bring you dead birds? So, on the one hand we've got an animal that's friendlier, smarter, more useful, and even help treat the blind and mad, much like Jesus. On the other, you have something that shits in a box.

If you're afraid of shit, don't get any pets!
I'm usually the one who has to walk our dog now, and that means having a baggie dispenser on the leash handle is a good idea! And I often have to clean the cat's litter box too; is it that big of a deal, especially with clumping cat litter. It's at least as easy as picking up after a dog.
The point seems to be clearly more advanced than you PhD types are capable of understanding, so let me reiterate- dogs can do anything, from protecting your house to curing madness and helping the blind see. Cats top out at the litter box.

Figlio di Moros wrote:The point seems to be clearly more advanced than you PhD types are capable of understanding, so let me reiterate- dogs can do anything, from protecting your house to curing madness and helping the blind see. Cats top out at the litter box.

Since I have only a high school education, I guess I'm not on the PhD types list; but higher education makes no difference on such a subjective topic anyway.

One useful purpose that cats...even house cats can do who have never been trained by mama to develop their hunting skills, is to inform you if you have vermin on the loose in your house. Especially if you have to be up in the early morning hours and you notice your cat crouched and staring towards the kitchen, dining room, or just unusually attentive towards a certain wall space near the've got vermin! You may not have seen anything running around or been aware that they are there, but your cat knows! And you can thank him or her for getting the word out. Now, go put some traps out, or call an exterminator if it's serious enough.

I've heard at least a couple of psychologists or social scientists say a time or two, that our preference for dogs or cats or both, tells us a lot about what kind of person we are. Dogs are always trying to make us happy, while we have to do all the work of trying to figure out what the cat wants and what makes him happy!

If we love dogs and hate cats, we are likely obsessed control freaks, while those of us who can appreciate both....some like my mother actually prefer cats to dogs, do not always feel the need to make others do what we want them to do. I guess a greater degree of empathy is essential to get along with cats, while anyone who's not a certified psychopath can have a happy dog.

My first pet was a cat I received as a present over 30 years ago from a former girlfriend who decided that I needed the company, and since she wasn't ready to move in with me and I was living alone, I would need the cat to keep me company. I actually took a liking to the bossy little control freak that invariably meowed loudly as he tried to make me follow him to the kitchen when I came home from work. Since then, after marriage and kids, there has hardly been a time when we haven't had both at least one cat and a dog at home. I had some concern about conflicts at first, but it seems that as long as both animals are of the same sex and the cat at least is neutered or spayed, they can get along as long as the dog isn't too aggressive. It seems that no matter how big a dog is, the dog has to learn the cat's signals and make accommodations.

FWIW, I don't know anyone who loves cats and hates dogs, and I don't want to know anyone who hates both and animals in general.
work-in-progress wrote:Since I have only a high school education, I guess I'm not on the PhD types list; but higher education makes no difference on such a subjective topic anyway.

You're new, TIG's a TA and Paradigm is... something. Anyways, have to point out when they miss an obvious point.

At any rate, I made my point and there's no changing the fact dogs are better, point blank.
TIG's a TA

Fig wrote:dogs can do anything, from protecting your house to curing madness and helping the blind see. Cats top out at the litter box.

Dogs cannot use a littler box and will eat their own shit.

I'm not against dogs. If I had a nice enough place and time I would get one. But I honestly don't have the time or energy to dump into placating something and cleaning its shit and piss up until I can teach it to do otherwise.

I don't like rodents. I bought a cat. I keep its tray with food and clean up a litter box every couple of days. Taking care of it probably requires about fifteen mins a week in general.

Yes, I could train a dog to do a more things from the bottom up, probably. I've never seen someone try to train a cat to fight intruders, but I guess you probably could. But that's not what I'd want a cat for as people are bigger than cats, and people have guns that are pretty good at defeating cats and dogs. A cat will do everything I want a cat to do (and things most dogs are pretty incapable of replicating) if I do almost nothing.
Last edited by The Immortal Goon on 15 Apr 2013 01:23, edited 1 time in total.
I see you've moved up in the world, congrats; last I remember you were still bitching about having to grade papers for a professor for half-retarded students who didn't belong in college.

And, I see you've reiterated my point. As I said before, might as well have a goldfish or a parkeet, they need just as much maintainance and do as much. At least you admit, now, how much more amazing dogs are.
Bluntly, you're wrong about my career path and made assumptions that aren't true. You've also proven to be a child in trying to use those incorrect assumptions to try and insult or leverage me in some ridiculous argument about how much you like dogs.

I don't really care, and see no reason that you should care either-especially to the point of trying to draw out personal details.
I don't know what the last few posts have to do with the merits of cats and dogs....actually I do....absolutely nothing!

If anyone else is paying attention to this thread, a question that should be asked before a 'which is better, cats or dogs' question is Are pets just a means to an end, to fill some empty space in the lives of broken and empty people? Or do the animals we take into our homes deserve to be accepted for what they are and require that every one who buys a cat or a dog for themselves or their kids develop at least a limited amount of understanding what a cat, a dog, or a parrot needs to be a happy member of your family.

Treat your dog or cat or other intelligent animal pet as a member of the family, but one that you understand is not human and has different needs. If pet owners can't at least do some learning and act less selfish then PETA is right and no one should own any animals!
1. Dogs are smarter than cats

Not so. I trained a cat to sit in seconds. I also trained it to drink out of a glass with little, to no, effort.

2. Dogs love you – cats could care less.

I had a cat that loved me like no other. it would ignore other people to come sit on my lap.

3. Dogs are better pets.

Only a matter of opinion. I enjoyed not having to take a cat for a walk and still have the love and attention it provided.

4. Dogs are happy and fun. Cats...

Can also be fun and happy.

5. Cats would murder you if they could

This shows superior intelligence, and is not really the case, as they know where their food comes from. They're SMARTER than dogs, but have an independent streak that dogs envy.
The smarter breeds of dogs seem to require even more attention. My friend had a few sheepdogs and they needed like 5 walks a day and got all stressed when you left them alone.

Screw that, I’ll take a cat or a big lazy dog any day.

As a predator, the cat is so much more graceful though. You gotta appreciate the cat 'design' as a killing machine.

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