Is China more modern than Japan? - Page 5 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues in the People's Republic of China.

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All sorry excuses Akuma.
I think it has more to do with the Japanese youths unhealthy obsession with unreality, maybe if they were happy to just exist and have a good time and weren't so obsessed with honour and discipline this wouldn't be a problem.
that is not true. I'm very bound in a traditional way of thinking. I come from a very conservative and traditional focused family. But i love my girlfriend and she loves me. And i don't think about traditions then.
What has your conservative family got to do with the youth of Japan turning their backs on sex?
There's something wrong with Japanese culture that is affecting the youth to such an extent they have turned their backs on one of life's most basic urges. I believe it is the obsession with honour and discipline. Life is boring in Japan so they are all turning to virtual reality for fun.
Ah school then evening school then hours of home work sounds pretty boring to me. Any way why do you keep bringing this back to your life, were talking about Japan here not just the Akuma household.
We believe our high living standards come at a cost. Our islands aren´t rich on rescources. They have great nature. But they are harsh environments. New Zealand is very similar to Japan in that aspect. And their inhabitants the Maori are very close related to us. Till 600 before christ we lived like the Maori. But then we switched to a completly different model. We stopped being an island nation with various tribes and became a monolithic empire. And we believe we must always be the best and can only achieve that with hard work and studying. That hard work generated one of the highest living standards of the world and made Japan the only global power which was able to be independend and not western. Question is, what would be if we chosed a different path? I´s not unlikely that our islands would be inhabitated today with 80% european people and we would be just 20% indigenous people like the Maori today. Who knows.
But evrything comes at a price and so is sucess. We live in a competitive world. And if you rest you are left behind.
Akuma must be proud of being a citizen of a nation with one of the highest suicide rates in the world. It proves that they are competing well and the social degenerates are dying out. It is successful. But alas, youngsters do not know the body pleasures and instead detest them, so what is all that for?
jessupjonesjnr87 wrote:There's something wrong with Japanese culture that is affecting the youth to such an extent they have turned their backs on one of life's most basic urges.

You mean that they have indicated on a poll that they have done so. It's possible for segments of the population to lie on polls.
Adult diapers to outsell baby nappies by end of decade in Japan

A string of Japanese companies are expanding their production facilities in order to make more adult nappies to cater for the nation's fast growing elderly demographic.
Nippon Paper Industries is increasing adult nappy production at its Kyoto factory, while Daio Paper Corp is also currently installing adult nappy making equipment at two of its plants at a cost of £23.3 million, according to the Nikkei newspaper.

The installation of new production facilities, which are due to launch next month, will reportedly aim to boost Daio's production levels by 80 per cent to 81 million adult nappies a year.
Another company investing heavily in the emerging sector is Oji Holdings, with reports that it is planning to build a new factory in Fukushima for the exclusive purpose of producing adult nappies, aiming to produce 25 million nappies a year.
Kao Corp also recently announced plans to build a new £33.3 million disposable nappy plant in Yamagata prefecture with the potential long-term intention of tapping into the forecast growing demand for adult nappies.

"The new production base for sanitary products takes into consideration higher demand for products related to the ageing society such as increasing cases of light urinary incontinence," Kao said.
Japan is emerging as one of the fastest ageing societies in the industrialised world, with almost one in four of the population currently aged 65 or over, a figure that is rising every year.
Meanwhile, the average woman is having 1.39 children, a figure below potential replacement birth rates, as reflecting in the baby nappy industry, which is valued at £798m but is not currently growing, according to reports.
In contrast, as adult nappies cost more to buy, the adult industry is valued at between up to £931 million, according to the Nikkei, which predicts it will eclipse the baby market by 2020. ... Japan.html

The situation is super serious.

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