Update On Former AG Loretta Lynch - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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The black guy on the right looks like he started wincing ten or fifteen years ago and hasn't stopped since. I forget the figure of speech for this but the left is basically trying to tread water when there isn't any now that their ability to react to fake narratives through the MSM has been diminished. Just imagine if Trump had somehow happened ten years ago, the MSM would have convinced everyone that Trump had Russian military in the country.
Do You think I should stop posting videos? There seems to be a few people on here that don't like to look at them.
I guess they prefer to read text reports.
Hindsite wrote:Do You think I should stop posting videos? There seems to be a few people on here that don't like to look at them.
I guess they prefer to read text reports.

I think this is a really small forum where most people hold onto their chosen narrative firmly, I prefer text myself but I would just post whatever you want and not necessarily expect people on here to contemplate things that are too difficult for them. From what I've seen this only sometimes happens with people you know well IRL, not always even then, meanwhile the internet has succumbed to trolls, Anonymous and Shariablue-style brigading and Anonymous are basically the good guys, which is sad :excited:
Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch has called for civil war in the United States, demanding “marching“, “blood” and “death” in the streets until President Trump is dragged from office, in a chilling video posted to her Facebook page.

In the short and punchy video, Loretta Lynch begins by claiming that people are experiencing “great fear and uncertainty,” with the unstated implication that it is the President of the United States, Donald Trump, she is referring to.

Appearing nervous and exhausted, Lynch goes on to say that “our rights” are “being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back.” However despite the high emotion and fear mongering, the former Attorney General is unable to offer a single example of her claims.

The most shocking part of Lynch’s short speech comes when she urges Americans to take to the streets, declaring the answer to Trump lies in civil disobedience, violence and death. “We have done this before,” she said, “and we can do it again.”

“I know that this is a time of great fear and uncertainty for so many people,” Lynch says. “I know it’s a time of concern for people, who see our rights being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back. I know that this is difficult, but I remind you that this has never been easy. We have always had to work to move this country forward to achieve the great ideals of our Founding Fathers.”

“It has been people, individuals who have banded together, ordinary people who simply saw what needed to be done and came together and supported those ideals who have made the difference. They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died. This is hard. Every good thing is. We have done this before. We can do this again.”

The video was later posted to the Senate Democrats Facebook page as “words of inspiration”, suggesting that Democratic Party HQ is not viewing Lynch’s video as the embarrassing late-night work of a tired and emotional former civil servant, but rather as a rallying call for progressives across the country to march and sacrifice their blood and lives for the cause.

The timing of the call-to-arms has also raised eyebrows. Released late at night after a day of revelations concerning her former boss, Barack Obama, and his alleged “worse than Watergate” wiretapping of Trump Tower during the 2016 election, it seems that nervous, exhausted Loretta Lynch knows the gloves are coming off and the crimes of the Obama administration are going to be exposed one by one.

http://yournewswire.com/loretta-lynch-b ... ath-trump/
Okay. Either most of them don't like watching videos or it is as you say, it goes against what they want to believe.
So they would rather not see the proof with their own eyes.
Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch is likely to face prosecution after she signed off on the FISA court order approving Barack Obama’s request to wiretap Donald Trump.

Obama petitioned the FISA court twice during the presidential election, allowing him to tap Trump’s telephone conversations, under the guise of conducting a non-existent “national security investigation.”

According to new reports, all applications to the FISA Court last year would have signed off on by Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

This has prompted Congress to look into launching an investigation into the Obama administration and Former AG Loretta Lynch, after the White House requested a full criminal probe.

Current Chief Justice John Roberts has been in his role since 2005 and therefore he has appointed all the judges to the FISA court. Judge Roberts is famous for supporting Obamacare in two radical positions, one of which Justice Antonin Scalia, in his withering dissent, refered to as “applesauce”. Knowing this, it is concerning that Judge Roberts also is responsible for the makeup of the current FISA court.

Only two in over 10,000 applications were turned down by the FISA Court.

According to ABC News:

More than a thousand applications for electronic surveillance, all signed by the attorney general,are submitted each year, and the vast majority are approved. From 2009 to 2015, for example, more than 10,700 applications for electronic surveillance were submitted, and only one was denied in its entirety, according to annual reports sent to Congress. Another one was denied in part, and 17 were withdrawn by the government.

According to ABC, all applications to the FISA Court were signed off on by the Attorney General and therefore if any applications were processed in the past year, they were signed off on by Loretta Lynch. This means that Lynch signed off on any requests for wire tapping President Donald Trump during the Presidential race. This is disheartening knowing that she released a video over the weekend calling for the need for more marching, blood and death on the streets. This also means that she chose not to investigate the Clinton Foundation for illegal activities but rather signed an application to wire tap President Trump.

Finally, another very disturbing fact about the wire tapping request of President Trump is that the FISA Court turned down President Obama’s Administration’s first request to wire tap President Trump that was evidently signed off on by Attorney General Lynch. With only two applications denied out of 10,700 from 2009 through 2015, the fact that the Obama Administration’s application was denied by the FISA Court is very disturbing. The odds of this happening were 0.02%.

https://nworeport.me/2017/03/09/former- ... osecution/
New York Post: FBI Agents Tell Us Lynch and Clinton Struck a Deal on That Plane

FBI agents believe an inside deal was struck on that plane to keep Hillary Clinton free of indictment. Considering the severe retaliation inside the Obama administration against those who speak out, FBI agents are cited anonymously. FBI agents investigating the Clinton email servers were also forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

In an unusual move, FBI agents working the Hillary Clinton e-mail case had to sign a special form reminding them not to blab about the probe to anyone unless called to testify.

Sources said they had never heard of the “Case Briefing Acknowledgment” form being used before, although all agents must initially sign nondisclosure agreements to obtain security clearance.

“This is very, very unusual. I’ve never signed one, never circulated one to others,” said one retired FBI chief.

Meanwhile, FBI agents expressed their “disappointment” over FBI Director James Comey’s decision not to recommend charges against Clinton, sources close to the matter told The Post.

“FBI agents believe there was an inside deal put in place after the Loretta Lynch/Bill Clinton tarmac meeting,” said one source.

Another source from the Justice Department was “furious” with Comey, saying he’s “managed to piss off right and left.”
When you post videos/articles without putting any of your own, original thoughts behind it, there's not much to discuss. Especially when you use biased sources/articles/videos.

Of course Hong Wu is going to say that it's due to the awkwardness, he's still in the phase of true believer status where he believes anything as long as it is presented in infographic form or sourced from Breitbart. At least he's not constantly spamming the forum with his conspiracy theories anymore.

Makes me think of the expression (something to this effect), "if you meet one asshole, that's normal. If everyone is an asshole, maybe it's you?" Could apply to this situation. If you think everyone else is not interested in discussing a topic, consider that maybe you have not provided any of the initial discussion. I look in the OP and I don't see a question. I don't see you giving your point of view on the topic. I don't see you explaining the significance of the video. And now that I look through the rest of this thread, you actually haven't provided a single shred of original idea. All you've done is posted a link to a five-minute video, a few articles, and then expected the forum to take it from there.

As far as I'm concerned, the failure of this thread rests on your head, Hindsite. And I bet that after this post you can see that now. :excited:
Zagadka wrote:I would prefer to keep PoFo above the level of discourse you find in YouTube comments sections. So please post something with thought. Maybe that requires the ability to read and form coherent sentences.

Thas sum high lvl discourse right ther, not our fult we cant spell obama hack our fones
I case you liberals don't get it. The idea of the circumstantial evidence is that Former AG was behind the decision not to prosecute Hillary Clinton over having classified government information on an unauthorized server that was not even protected by some form of encryption. The excuse she came up with to give FBI Director Comey to present to Congress was that Hillary Clinton had no intent to compromise classified information and that she was too dumb to recognize it without all the header markings. In her Senate hearing, Loretta Lynch stonewalled with nonsense blabber as she refused to directly answer at least 74 simple questions on the reasons for her decision that came after improperly meeting with Bill Clinton one week before the announcement of her decision presented by the FBI Director. It also give evidence that she was deeply involved in the scheme to gather information on the trump campaign during the election by signing off on at least two applications to the FISA court for surveillance of Trump. She also took part in publicly posting on her facebook page that suggested that civil disobedience be employed like was done in the past to protest against Trump in order to get their way. “We have done this before,” she said, “and we can do it again.”
Personally I never watch videos posted on PoFo (aside from the Juke Box) - regardless of whether I might agree with its content. It's mainly a matter of time. I've trained myself to rapidly scan and absorb text. Videos irritate me because the rate of information transfer is glacial

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