John Oliver: Migrants and Refugees (HBO) - Politics | PoFo

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Anyone remember this one from two - three weeks ago? Filled with bogus 'scientific' reports about illegal immigrants boosting local economies and other such nonsense, he also claimed that there weren't any security concerns, despite all the ISIS operatives already having been caught/identified amongst the faux-refugees.

Towards the end he got two day-time soap opera actors to lip sync the shit his writing team writes for him, in order to charm some poor illegal immigrant girl, who is clearly disabled. Instead of starting a fund for her, he shamelessly exploits her 'Timmay!' appearance in order to play on the sympathies of the audience members.

But who is going to pay for her special needs and other considerations? The European taxpayer apparently, because this failed American/Canadian/whatever Jon Stewart clone has already forgotten about her. No, we're supposed to pay for her special needs for the rest of her remaining years.

Even the internal logic (illegal immigrants = money) of his dreary canned-laughter diatribes doesn't make any sense.
So, you've been driven to ranting nonsense about an HBO show now?

I'd say you'd fallen far but you've never really amounted to anything more than vacuous commentary as a poster.
Kindly point out the nonsensical aspects of my commentary.

As for your general dismissal of my contributions to this forum. At least I don't make it a habit of posting one-liners, using my status as a mod to get around the 'one line, one bullet' rule.
Kindly point out the nonsensical aspects of my commentary

As with most everything you post it generally can be boiled down to you complaining about some show, comedian, person, etc.

The only thing you've done here is give a synopsis of what he said and then just call it all nonsense or pandering or whatever. You don't have an actual argument in any of it.

As for your general dismissal of my contributions to this forum. At least I don't make it a habit of posting one-liners, using my status as a mod to get around the 'one line, one bullet' rule.

If you wish to make a complaint please do so in the basement.

- "Filled with bogus 'scientific' reports about illegal immigrants boosting local economies and other such nonsense,"

-" he also claimed that there weren't any security concerns, despite all the ISIS operatives already having been caught/identified amongst the faux-refugees."

- "in order to charm some poor illegal immigrant girl, who is clearly disabled. Instead of starting a fund for her, he shamelessly exploits her 'Timmay!' appearance in order to play on the sympathies of the audience members."

- "But who is going to pay for her special needs and other considerations?"

- "Even the internal logic (illegal immigrants = money) of his dreary canned-laughter diatribes doesn't make any sense."

No need to thank me.
Note the complete lack of anything but your own assertions, aka you dant actually have or make an argument.

You are just doing what you always do, whine incesantly that the world doesnt agree with you.

HBO's Progressive Televangelist John Oliver delivered a 17 minute sermon to the faithful last month, telling all the true believers that their enemies were sinful and slothful and that the Kingdom of Heaven of the Strange Gods was at hand.

He mocked the idea that terrorists would, or could, infiltrate Europe with Syrian migrants, and invited his flock to laugh at the heathens who thought maybe they could.

Well, despite having a 48 hour lead time, John Oliver wasn't quite ready to address the Paris attacks in last night's show. So he just did a two minute segment in which he called the terrorists "f***ing assholes" and praised the French for their pastries.

He then said, "If you're picking a Lifestyle and Culture war with the French, good luck!"

This incredibly stupid hot wet Chinese Food Fart of reality-dodging sophistry is being praised among the Cult of the Left for its daring. Vox claims it's "exactly the right way" to deal with the terrorists; the Daily Beast moistens its panties to praise John Oliver for breaking out the Big Guns against Terror: routine profanity favored by idiot bloggers who are entirely impotent of power and so who shout Nasty Things at the great big world they can't actually touch in any meaningful way.

They don't seem to notice that IS did not mount a "Lifestyle and Culture war" against the French; rather, they have, in a series of attacks over the past year (remember Charlie Hebdo?), launched an actual war, a bullet and bomb war, against France.

John Oliver's face check on ISIS has been getting ranted at a lot on the internet. His pivot is that the French should feel better because they make better desserts than ISIS does. Some of the anger out there exists because it seems to miss the point. Oliver and western liberals in general seem to believe that materialist cultural appeal has some kind of magical power that will defeat ISIS and this keeps them from having to ask difficult questions.
The Sabbaticus wrote:[youtube]umqvYhb3wf4[/youtube]
Anyone remember this one from two - three weeks ago? Filled with bogus 'scientific' reports about illegal immigrants boosting local economies and other such nonsense, he also claimed that there weren't any security concerns, despite all the ISIS operatives already having been caught/identified amongst the faux-refugees.
When I see the immigrants the same one thing is always striking, why so many able bodied young men ? Why aren't they fighting for their families and countries?
You mean Americans by you people?

TBH we certainly have the most room for people out of any western country, we could just put them in the midwest and nobody would ever have to bump into one.
The problem is that so few Americans are, the only way for most Americans to learn about news stories is if you entertain them constantly, or keep them very angry.

The American right specializes in anger, the american left goes the comedy route.
mikema63 wrote:TBH we certainly have the most room for people out of any western country

Actually, I think geographically Canada is the largest western country.
Recently the Canadians were "pro-refugee". Of course, that was before the Paris attacks. Still, their new PM sounds pretty determined to start granting sanctuary to large numbers of them.

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