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Ganeshas Rat wrote:I hope everybody agrees that raw fish (an infinite source of parasites and diseases) eating must be banned and punished with forced feeding by deeply fried steaks, 3 times per day, 7 days per week.

If I eat a couple of Sardines (I'd really prefer kippers) do I qualify for this program? Please ?


Damn, now I'm getting hungry!

Rei Murasame wrote:I'm sure that the 60% of human lard bucket disasters which currently are rolling from place to place in the USA would agree with that suggestion, Ganeshas.

That would rapidly increase the size of Asian-Americans and then they'd all be equally disastrous.

The problem of lard bucket disasters in the USA isn't pork. The problem is they don't eat pork. Those 60% are the lower class that lives in the consumer society that tries to demonstrate everyone is rich, even in the lower strata. And the society achieves this with faking, including faking food. The problem of lard bucket disasters isn't pork, but skins, hoofs, fat, bowels, feathers, powdered and painted to look like pork.

In the case of poor Asians this isn't meat surrogates, but poisoned food. So they don't turn into lard disasters, they just eat some mercury/arsenic/another shit and start to birth one-legged two-headed freaks or human worms that then crawl through a bazaar with a plastic cup in their teeth and collect coins of lard disasters visiting Asia to get some spiritual revelations and perfect healthy eco-friendly cuisine.
Zamuel wrote:If I eat a couple of Sardines (I'd really prefer kippers) do I qualify for this program? Please ?

Or you could stop allowing cattle-rancher sponsored ads to influence you, and go in the other direction:


In Trump's America you probably won't be allowed to make grilled chicken tacos, though, unfortunately. He'll probably start screaming about how "only foreigners eat chicken, and they have to go, they can take their chicken with them".
Last edited by Rei Murasame on 24 Jan 2016 16:49, edited 1 time in total.
Ganeshas Rat wrote:The problem of lard bucket disasters in the USA isn't pork. The problem is they don't eat pork.

Wait, you were being non-ironic? You seriously think that the situation in America would be improved if they ate more red meat? You also mentioned 'deep fried', do you think they should deep fry it?

I'm actually just waiting to see how long it will take you to reveal that you are prescribing them the opposite of what's good for them because you're a Russian. You're trying to send them all down via cardiac arrest, right? Putin's latest subversive plan!
Rei Murasame wrote:Wait, you were being non-ironic? You seriously think that the situation in America would be improved if they ate more red meat?

If they would eat more high quality food. What McDonalds sells isn't high quality. It's just a fact everybody must take as it is: yesterday poors were thin, skinny and ill, now they are fat, wide and ill.

Rei Murasame wrote:You also mentioned 'deep fried', do you think they should deep fry it?

No, I just like it that way. My tastes definitely must be determinant for others. If they like blood - worse for them, I've read about parasites and I think for their own health and for the good of the world economics (burn gas and rise oil prices) they must fry it as much as possible.
Ganeshas Rat wrote:If they would eat more high quality food. What McDonalds sells isn't high quality.

That much we both agree on, then.

Ganeshas Rat wrote:No, I just like it that way. My tastes definitely must be determinant for others. If they like blood - worse for them, I've read about parasites and I think for their own health and for the good of the world economics (burn gas and rise oil prices) they must fry it as much as possible.

I can see your material interests shining through in those recommendations though. In the past four years Russian pork production has increased by 25% and Russia wants to export pork to everyone. Furthermore, you want a rise in fuel prices coming from everyone operating gas burners 24/7 because you are a fuel exporter. So of course you would recommend double-deep-fried pork to the Americans for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Ganeshas Rat wrote:No, I just like it that way. My tastes definitely must be determinant for others. If they like blood - worse for them, I've read about parasites and I think for their own health and for the good of the world economics (burn gas and rise oil prices) they must fry it as much as possible.

Frying isn't that bad, but it does tend to seal fats inside the meat ... Try Broiling, it Cooks everything just as thoroughly, but doesn't sear the surface and removes a lot of the fats.

Rei Murasame wrote:I can see your material interests shining through in those recommendations though. In the past four years Russian pork production has increased by 25% and Russia wants to export pork to everyone. Furthermore, you want a rise in fuel prices coming from everyone operating gas burners 24/7 because you are a fuel exporter. So of course you would recommend double-deep-fried pork to the Americans for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Don't forget also that the traditional complement to a good pork steak is a glass of red wine. I will not spend anyone's time by explaining obvious things about benefits of Crimean wines.
Ganeshas Rat wrote:Don't forget also that the traditional complement to a good pork steak is a glass of red wine. I will not spend anyone's time by explaining obvious things about benefits of Crimean wines.

If I'm having wine with pork ? I prefer a palatable Riesling.


Yummy ... But (good) beer is a more frequent option.


The American Fat Desaster is a direct result of their insane low fat, high carb prescription. Corn syrup, I'm looking at you.
Frollein wrote:The American Fat Desaster is a direct result of their insane low fat, high carb prescription. Corn syrup, I'm looking at you.

This is true, especially of the High Fructose modified variety. It's CHEAPER than importing sugar. You can thank the Corporate Food Giants for it.

They did tests with rats that showed sugar is as addictive as heroin, and produces the same withdrawal symptoms.
Yes, that's what I mean also when I say I'm "anti-SAD" (SAD = Standard American Diet). The way to defeat that problem would be to stop state subsidising corn farmers, since their excess corn is what is being used for High Fructose Corn Syrup production, or as they are calling it in the UK 'Glucose-Fructose syrup'.

It's absolutely foul, and it appears in the most unexpected places. I'm allergic to it, so every time I've accidentally encountered it without knowing, I end up throwing up violently into a sink within 15 minutes and then I'm ill for like the remainder of the day, it's absolutely ridiculous.

I have to check the labels on everything to make sure that it hasn't been surreptitiously included in something that would otherwise be innocuous.

And on a broader level, I still don't even understand why people demand that everything has to be sweet. I would actually prefer it if people didn't try to sweeten everything.
Rei Murasame wrote:Yes, that's what I mean also when I say I'm "anti-SAD" (SAD = Standard American Diet). The way to defeat that problem would be to stop state subsidising corn farmers, since their excess corn is what is being used for High Fructose Corn Syrup production, or as they are calling it in the UK 'Glucose-Fructose syrup'.

Your "Glucose-Fructose" probably includes other things (rice). They don't need to halt corn production, just redirect it to ethanol rather than the food corporates.

Rei Murasame wrote:And on a broader level, I still don't even understand why people demand that everything has to be sweet. I would actually prefer it if people didn't try to sweeten everything.

We agree, sweet has it's place, but it gets despicably boring ... it's popularity is reactionary to an ERA when it was a rarity.

I can't eat most sweets, they are disgustingly sweet. Chocolate has to be 85% or higher.
I'm not big into sweets either, it's weird but I seem to have lapsed into the same diet rei has over the last year or so.

Also, for the love of god don't you dare ban raw fish. Especially tuna. A nice piece of raw tuna can be enjoyed by itself with nothing else and still be wonderful.

Parasites are easily dealt with by freezing the meat.
mikema63 wrote:A nice piece of raw tuna can be enjoyed by itself with nothing else and still be wonderful.

Parasites are easily dealt with by freezing the meat.

They all know this, I'm sure. It's just that they were trolling, most likely.

No one could really believe that we just leave raw fish around rotting.

Another fun factor is that this logic can even be applied in cases of meat that you had to cook. For example, take chicken that has been cooked but then chill it right down to refrigerator temperature. Tell me it doesn't somehow taste better cold than hot.
I am agree that the main reason of obesity is sugar. It's still the part of the same problem: they use sugar (and other spices) to make you push shit they call "food" through your throat into a stomach. It has only social reasons, so sugar will be subsidized eternally: it's better to have happy fat disabled people than hungry sad proletarians that have a bad habit to break bricks from walls and throw them into police. And, of course, the only possible answer from a person of average income or higher is turn to Mediterranean diet.

Though, the sweet land is not the USA but India. There you can be sure: if something isn't covered by a thick layer of mustard, not powdered by pepper to the state of full blackness and doesn't contain chili or jalapenos inside, then it's absolutely sweet to the degree it will break your teeth before the first piece will be on the tongue. Sometimes both peppered and ultra-sweet, tea, for example. In Bengali there are small white balls a bit bigger than peas. Only one of them blown up the nova of sweetness in my head. The aborigine swallowed a dozen and said that they eat it between main dishes, when they don't eat something really sweet/hot.

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