California has become a third world renter state - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Hindsite wrote:That does not make it right.

For sure. But perhaps tougher penalties or prison sentences are in order for employers who break the law. Without a draw, you won't need a wall.

As I recall, Trump said that was the fault of a contractor that he used.

So he didn't visit the building site when construction was taking place? If he knew the contractors were breaking the law, why didn't he notify the border agency? Trump is a true capitalist. Greed runs through his veins so he wasn't going to pay American workers wages for a project that was a tax dodge to begin with. He will step on his supporters if it means he'd earn a nickel. You cheerlead for a man who bleeds you dry .

Trump has solved many building problems in the past.

Yes, yes he has. By hiring illegal migrants to fix them for him. :lol:

Trump is the problem. In three years time when nothing changes, remember where is the real 'shithole' is. The Obama card is not longer any good. He has been in power for over a year and the poor are getting poorer, not richer as promised.
B0ycey wrote:So he didn't visit the building site when construction was taking place? If he knew the contractors were breaking the law, why didn't he notify the border agency?

That was 35 years ago. Nobody paid that much attention to illegal workers then. Here is Trump explaining it to CNN:

Fox News Senior Correspondent Geraldo Rivera discusses Donald Trump's willingness to work with the Dreamers

Is it really too hard for rightwingers to read?

I realize that I'm part of the leftist elite that doesn't have to move my mouth while reading, but isn't it faster and more informative for ye to use transcripts instead of begging us to watch TV?
The Immortal Goon wrote:Is it really too hard for rightwingers to read?

I realize that I'm part of the leftist elite that doesn't have to move my mouth while reading, but isn't it faster and more informative for ye to use transcripts instead of begging us to watch TV?

Both hearing and seeing the real thing is more informative in my opinion. I think that is why TV has better ratings today than radio and print.
Statistically, there are more people moving out of California than into it and it has little or negligible population growth. People are complaining that the 2020 census might cost California one or more seats in congress because the state's population isn't growing, unlike other state's populations. Problems there are only getting worse due to insular and beholden one-party government.

Let's keep in mind that this is the same state that has done things like reduce knowingly giving someone HIV to a misdemeanor, pays transvestites with goat horns on their heads to read books to children, didn't repair their dam because of global warming (it promptly rained and the feds had to be called in), manspreading and incorrect pronoun use are crimes depending on where you are/where you work, the Kate Steinle verdict punished the guy for using a firearm but not for killing someone with it (not even a criminal negligence charge, yet you'd think that shooting off a gun you aren't allowed to use would be negligence per se), and this is just the stuff I can describe to non-Californians. As a Californian refugee myself, if you lived there I could share a bunch more things with you and you would only be able to nod your head.

The state is run by narcissists and populated by large bubbles of drugged up abusive people. For example, SO and his tendency to fixate upon people in an unhealthy way while raving about his drug habit is the only other Californian I'm aware of on PoFo. I used to think he was joking but after seeing him do the same thing enough times I guess he's just that type of person and like I wrote earlier, if you lived there you would know what I mean.

California is rapidly approaching third world metrics in areas like education, crime, income inequality and so-on. So is Sweden according to the UN. If you're on enough drugs though you can ignore pretty much anything.
Hindsite wrote:That was 35 years ago. Nobody paid that much attention to illegal workers then. Here is Trump explaining it to CNN:

Your hypocrisy is outstanding. Great job. So let me get this straight, it was OK for Trump to break the law because back then nobody paid much attention to illegal migrants?

This whole issue can be traced back to greed BTW @Hindsite, and the culprits are the exploitive rich that Trump is a part of. 40-50 years ago US living standards were high, pay was fair, unions were strong and debt was low. Back then one person was needed to work in order to feed a family. The system worked and the gap between rich and poor was manageable. But the rich got greedy. Very greedy. Reganomics took over and the rich began outsourcing jobs abroad and started hiring illegal migrants to save on labour costs. Politicans no doubt were paid off to look the other way and the wave of migrants looking for an American dream grew and continued to crossed over the border. And today you need santuary cities to solve this problem. So many illegal migrants have entered the US because the US embraced their presence that you cannot get rid of them without ramifications. You cannot remove them as it is economic suicide to do so and a logistic nightmare. It's too late to build a wall. The migrants are already in your country. The Dreamers are also raised in your country so you can't exactly get rid of them as they have no papers to return to a country they don't officially belong to. So it's a mess. A mess that was created by the rich.

You cannot blame migrants looking for a better life either. It is human instinct to do so - and I suspect if the shoe was on the other foot you would do likewise. But you can blame the cause of the draw. And that blame lies with Trump and co.
B0ycey wrote:Your hypocrisy is outstanding. Great job. So let me get this straight, it was OK for Trump to break the law because back then nobody paid much attention to illegal migrants?

It is never okay to break the law. But you can't honestly tell me the liberal Democrats gave a shit about it then. They don't even give a shit about it now, because they still want open borders. Thirty-five years ago, illegals were not being tracked. They were not being tracked under Obama either. Every business was hiring illegals, because the politicians gave a wink and a nod to keep on doing it. California politicians still want to keep on doing it, so don't give me this hypocrisy crap. Didn't you hear Trump tell CNN to give him the names and he would get rid of them. Anderson Cooper said they couldn't do that. Why?

Tracing it back to when and why it started does not help now. That is only a distraction in order to continue to not do anything about the problem of illegal immigrants. It is time you fucking liberals stop the bullshit and take some responsibility and help fix the problem instead of resisting.
The one solution to this problem is for California to secede from the US and join the EU. That would satisfy all sides. The US would get rid of this shit hole, California would get a decent European style welfare system to mend its problems and the EU would get an innovative powerhouse. It's a win-win all around.
Atlantis wrote:The one solution to this problem is for California to secede from the US and join the EU.

Why would you propose such a horrible thing?
Is the EU losing members ?
Are you perhaps looking for new idiots to cough up the many millions needed to pay the overpaid, untaxed, arrogant Eurocrats in Brussels ?
Hindsite wrote:It is never okay to break the law. But you can't honestly tell me the liberal Democrats gave a shit about it then. They don't even give a shit about it now, because they still want open borders. Thirty-five years ago, illegals were not being tracked. They were not being tracked under Obama either. Every business was hiring illegals, because the politicians gave a wink and a nod to keep on doing it. California politicians still want to keep on doing it, so don't give me this hypocrisy crap. Didn't you hear Trump tell CNN to give him the names and he would get rid of them. Anderson Cooper said they couldn't do that. Why?

It's hypocrisy because Trump has profited from illegal migrants. He was also part of the problem. Also, don't expect much to change on this issue. Like many of his campaign promises, if it affects his pocket you can expect the policy to turn into dust.

Tracing it back to when and why it started does not help now. That is only a distraction in order to continue to not do anything about the problem of illegal immigrants. It is time you fucking liberals stop the bullshit and take some responsibility and help fix the problem instead of resisting.

Tracing back the problem lets you know who is to blame for it. And guess what? It is the people you cheerlead for. You are a fanboy for the people that have helped cause poverty in California. Are you happy? Perhaps not. But I'm sure Trump will bullshit his way in convincing you that he is on top of the issue - when the opposite would be true.

As for being a Liberal, I don't consider myself as such. I am however a Humanist. I will accept that America should have not taken a blind eye on this issue 40 years ago and embraced the migrants at the expense of the working class. But today people have set up and settled in a country that embraced their presence. It is not right to destroy families that were once welcome guests by the wealthy elite. America took them in, now they should acknowledge their human rights. You reap what you sow. And if your feeling are hurt that I and the Democrats believe that people should be treated with dignity and not have their lives destroyed so you can have white neighbours then I suggest you start blaming the real people for this problem and that is the wealthy elite.
Hindsite wrote:@ Tainari88
Maybe that is why they have miles of tent cities in California. The Christians in California help them out. They even bring them pizzas to eat. The reason they get paid under the table and take black market jobs is because it is illegal to hire them without a government work permit for farming jobs, etc. They are not supposed to be here. Noemon Edit: Rule 2 Violation

Yeah, most of the white and black workers in California are on drugs because the Mexicans bring them into the state to sell them. And the California government has decided to make weed legal to combat that issue. Now they will show up to work stoned on weed. Good luck with that.

@ B0ycey
Employers break the law because the liberal California politicians let them get away with it. Are you really that gullible that you don't understand that. Trump is the solution. Your sanctuary cities are just making it worse. You are promoting the lies of Fake News.

Hindsite, you are a very hopeless case. You are. Look Hindsite, let us be very honest about farm work in California as an example. The entire Napa Valley depends on Latino labor basically. No doubt about it. Most of the agribusiness people in California depend on farm workers who are almost all exclusively Mexican and Central American. Reagan was a very Republican and conservative USA president and before that he was the governor of the state of California. In 1986 he passed the Amnesty bill for undocumented workers especially for his base of the California Republican Party. Why? If he hated 'law breakers' and 'illegals' and so on? He was not a man who loved illegality. Lol. He boasted he was a president of law and order and legal immigration only. So why the Amnesty thing in 1986, he legalized a whole lot of Mexicans and Central Americans all at once in California...what could have been that B Actor "Dutch" President's motive? It was MONEY and PROFITS from the grape growers, the strawberry growers, almond growers, orange growers, etc. California Hindsite produces about 40% of all the food consumed in the USA. If you can't have people working the fields, the factories and the service industries and hospitality industries, hotel industries, janitorial etc landscaping industries in California? You lose BIG BUCKS. The economy crashes. And who calls the shots in California for a Republican governor? The employers and owners of all those huge farms and agribusinesses Hindsite. They need the MEXICANS. BADLY. Because the little lily white blondies from Malibu and the working class white people from Imperial Beach and etc are either on drugs, don't want those bad jobs or won't be caught dead picking fruits in the hot sun. Period. No CAN DO.

The little blond girls won't be cleaning hotel rooms for peanuts near Disneyland in Anaheim. Aint gonna happen. Aint gonna happen. So then what happens to these 'vital' workers? They work these jobs for years and years, their kids go to school in the public schools and they attend churches, and recreation centers, they buy groceries at the local Safeway, Vons, etc they participate in donation drives, they do x, and y and z. They become a HUGE economy. The employers and owners want to stabilize their markets. Of labor and of selling the Mexicans and Central Americans products. The car dealers want to sell Manuel Gonzalez a Ford F150 truck to help him drag his equipment around and go to and from work sites if he works construction jobs and remodeling jobs. Home Depot wants to sell them home improvement and DIY projects, the local Hamburger King wants to sell the Mexicans and Central Americans burgers, etc. and somehow the big conservative governor and new president of the USA has to come up with a solution.

Did you hear that Hindsite? A SOLUTION to these issues. And it aint kicking out the invading aliens from south of the is LEGALIZING them. So as to keep exploiting them and selling them shit, selling them trucks, renting them cheapo homes, apartments, selling them cell phones and CNN and ESPN cable TV packages in Spanish. Latino DishTV. Lol. I hope you are getting the issue.

Trump is going to talk total and complete SHIT about kicking out millions and building walls. You know what is going to happen? What the rich and powerful exploiters want to happen to those people. Not what Trump spouts as a stupid campaign promise to the ones who think all Mexicans and Central Americans are drug dealers, rapists and criminals.

You keep living in your idea of what is going on. It is not the truth. Lol. :D
Tainari88 wrote:Hindsite, you are a very hopeless case. You are. Look Hindsite, let us be very honest about farm work in California as an example. The entire Napa Valley depends on Latino labor basically. No doubt about it. Most of the agribusiness people in California depend on farm workers who are almost all exclusively Mexican and Central American. Reagan was a very Republican and conservative USA president and before that he was the governor of the state of California. In 1986 he passed the Amnesty bill for undocumented workers especially for his base of the California Republican Party. Why? If he hated 'law breakers' and 'illegals' and so on? He was not a man who loved illegality. Lol. He boasted he was a president of law and order and legal immigration only. So why the Amnesty thing in 1986, he legalized a whole lot of Mexicans and Central Americans all at once in California...what could have been that B Actor "Dutch" President's motive? It was MONEY and PROFITS from the grape growers, the strawberry growers, almond growers, orange growers, etc. California Hindsite produces about 40% of all the food consumed in the USA. If you can't have people working the fields, the factories and the service industries and hospitality industries, hotel industries, janitorial etc landscaping industries in California? You lose BIG BUCKS. The economy crashes. And who calls the shots in California for a Republican governor? The employers and owners of all those huge farms and agribusinesses Hindsite. They need the MEXICANS. BADLY. Because the little lily white blondies from Malibu and the working class white people from Imperial Beach and etc are either on drugs, don't want those bad jobs or won't be caught dead picking fruits in the hot sun. Period. No CAN DO.

The little blond girls won't be cleaning hotel rooms for peanuts near Disneyland in Anaheim. Aint gonna happen. Aint gonna happen. So then what happens to these 'vital' workers? They work these jobs for years and years, their kids go to school in the public schools and they attend churches, and recreation centers, they buy groceries at the local Safeway, Vons, etc they participate in donation drives, they do x, and y and z. They become a HUGE economy. The employers and owners want to stabilize their markets. Of labor and of selling the Mexicans and Central Americans products. The car dealers want to sell Manuel Gonzalez a Ford F150 truck to help him drag his equipment around and go to and from work sites if he works construction jobs and remodeling jobs. Home Depot wants to sell them home improvement and DIY projects, the local Hamburger King wants to sell the Mexicans and Central Americans burgers, etc. and somehow the big conservative governor and new president of the USA has to come up with a solution.

Did you hear that Hindsite? A SOLUTION to these issues. And it aint kicking out the invading aliens from south of the is LEGALIZING them. So as to keep exploiting them and selling them shit, selling them trucks, renting them cheapo homes, apartments, selling them cell phones and CNN and ESPN cable TV packages in Spanish. Latino DishTV. Lol. I hope you are getting the issue.

Trump is going to talk total and complete SHIT about kicking out millions and building walls. You know what is going to happen? What the rich and powerful exploiters want to happen to those people. Not what Trump spouts as a stupid campaign promise to the ones who think all Mexicans and Central Americans are drug dealers, rapists and criminals.

You keep living in your idea of what is going on. It is not the truth. Lol. :D

Oh come on. What are you a Commie or something with all this elitist intellectual stuff. Keep it simple babe. Built a wall and all our troubles will vanish. Not only that but those Mexican rabble will be forced by their gringo masters to pay for it. Sho enuf.


(simple things for simple minds wins elections every time ...... :lol: )
Come on @jimjam didn't you see my post on Vicente Fox's (ex prez of Mexico's analysis of the wall issue with Trump) it is.

Can I give you a kiss on both jimjammy man. ;)

Here is another little advice column for Donald from Vicente Fox:

Tainari88 wrote:Come on @jimjam didn't you see my post on Vicente Fox's (ex prez of Mexico's analysis of the wall issue with Trump) it is.

Guess we'll just have to send the troops in and invade the place. Last time we invaded Mexico in 1845 we whipped their ass and grabbed some nice real estate (including, gasp, California). I guess they didn't learn their lesson.
Tainari88 wrote:Can I give you a kiss on both jimjammy man.

Come on ............. you're making me nervous :)

Hindsite wrote:As I recall, Trump said that was the fault of a contractor that he used.

I have to wonder if Donald has ever ever made a mistake or been at fault. I have to wonder if he has ever taken responsibility for making a mistake. It always seems to be somebody else's fault. I don't think he has ever had the guts to stand up like a man and take responsibility for anything that went off the tracks. What a shit hole wimp he is............................ Halle fucking lujah!!!!
jimjam wrote:I have to wonder if Donald has ever ever made a mistake or been at fault. I have to wonder if he has ever taken responsibility for making a mistake. It always seems to be somebody else's fault. I don't think he has ever had the guts to stand up like a man and take responsibility for anything that went off the tracks. What a shit hole wimp he is............................ Halle fucking lujah!!

For a moment there I thought perhaps you were coming to your senses. But now I see that the bribery offer of a couple tiny kisses on the cheek is all it takes to bring out your liberal craziness again. Can't you even see that to take responsibility for anything that went off the tracks that is not one's fault is stupid? Obviously, Donald Trump is not stupid. If you want to bash a shit hole wimp, perhaps you should look to Obama.
Did you read @Tainari88'a post on the importance of migrants to the US economy @Hindsite? Great piece and one of the best posts I have ever read on PoFo.

The Donald isn't going to touch them. He will keep them. He will only tell you that he will deport them. After all, he is the POTUS and if he really wanted to remove illegals, they would gone by now.

Also, be careful for what you wish for. If migrants did indeed get deported, the size of US debt of your nation and that of your citizens means in all likelyhood you'll be living in a tent or by a tent city if it occurred. The US economy is only perhaps a major economic crisis or two from implosion and complete destruction.
Hindsite wrote:It is never okay to break the law. But you can't honestly tell me the liberal Democrats gave a shit about it then. They don't even give a shit about it now, because they still want open borders. Thirty-five years ago, illegals were not being tracked. They were not being tracked under Obama either. Every business was hiring illegals, because the politicians gave a wink and a nod to keep on doing it. California politicians still want to keep on doing it, so don't give me this hypocrisy crap. Didn't you hear Trump tell CNN to give him the names and he would get rid of them. Anderson Cooper said they couldn't do that. Why?

Tracing it back to when and why it started does not help now. That is only a distraction in order to continue to not do anything about the problem of illegal immigrants. It is time you fucking liberals stop the bullshit and take some responsibility and help fix the problem instead of resisting.

California's latest immigration law overtly breaks federal immigration law, which is presumptively superior to state law in this area: ... le/2646392

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra warned businesses on Thursday to keep quiet when talking to federal immigration authorities or face legal ramifications.

Becerra, a Democrat, told California employers that if they assist federal immigration authorities in widespread sweeps they will be in violation of the state’s new law, the Immigrant Worker Protection Act, which aims to protect workers regardless of immigration status.

“It’s important, given these rumors that are out there, to let people know — more specifically today, employers — that if they voluntarily start giving up information about their employees or access to their employees in ways that contradict our new California laws, they subject themselves to actions by my office,” Becerra said during a news conference, according to the Sacramento Bee.

“We will prosecute those who violate the law,” he continued.

Under the new law, which seeks to prevent workers from being detained at their workplaces, businesses could face up to a $10,000 fine if they share information on their employees with federal authorities or grant them access to their workers.

The new “sanctuary” law was signed by Gov. Jerry Brown last year and took effect on Jan. 1.

In response to the controversial law, Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Thomas Homan told Californians to “hold on tight” while vowing to “protect their communities.”
Ter wrote:Why would you propose such a horrible thing?
Is the EU losing members ?
Are you perhaps looking for new idiots to cough up the many millions needed to pay the overpaid, untaxed, arrogant Eurocrats in Brussels ?

The Europeans must be panicking now that that only country in western Europe where anyone works is leaving.

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